Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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140 Photoplay Magazine for June, 1930 And She Can't Explain ! Larry for her partner, but she must keep off her feet! Nature plays cruel pranks on girls who haven't learned. A marvel at tennis. Everywhere at once, alert and dangerous. Deftly returning each play. Stopping the fastest volley with amazing skill. What a pity she has not learned to stop periodic pains as easily! In just a few moments, with Midol. Any woman who now submits meekly to monthly martyrdom will find in these little tablets a boon on those dreaded days. For Midol renders them entirely painless. One or two tablets, taken in time, will spare you even a twinge of muscular pain. Or, if your suffering has already started, it will subside in from five to seven minutes. No matter how great your usual discomfort. Whether you are fourteen, or forty. Midol ends the pain! Safely, and in a hurry. Midol is not a narcotic. So it may be used, with perfect safety, as often as there is the slightest need. Specialists produced Midol for one merciful purpose. To stop all the agony that is needlessly inflicted at regular intervals. Midol does not halt or even hinder the natural process. But it does banish the unnatural pain! More than one million modern women have turned to these tiny tablets for relief of such suffering. And Midol has given them extra days of freedom every month. Its discovery has removed their last excuse for ever giving-in to periodic pains. Midol offers relief in a most convenient form, too. The trim case in which the tablets come will tuck away easily in your purse or pocket. Ready for any emergency. Ready to relieve any sudden pain — headaches, neuralgia, etc. All druggists have Midol for fifty cents. Get a box today, and be prepared. Or, you may try it without cost. The coupon brings free proof that Midol can save you suffering. m / erdona The makers of Midol offer a free trial case (in a plain wrapper) to prove that all such pain is needless. Simply mail this coupon to MIDOL, 170 Varick St., New York. Name. St. P.O. Brickbats& Bouquets [ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 ] Search Us! Media, Pa. The Garbo-Dressler controversy is a very bitter one to me. I won't admit that Marie stole one foot of film from the divine idol, although she gives a superb rendition. But even in the scenes where Marie appears, Garbo never lets you take your eyes from her a second. God, how can such a woman be! Richard E. Passmore. Raucous? Tut, Tut! Louisville, Ky. Garbo's voice at the climax of "Anna Christie" is raucous and unmusical, and her enunciation much too rapid for good recording. Just why so many are Garbo-mad I cannot understand. She is no doubt a fine emotional actress. But Pauline Frederick is far greater, and so is Ruth Chatterton. Evelyn Anderson. Every advertisement in PHOTOFLAY MAGAZINE Is guaranteed. Golden-brown is the color which dominates this street costume chosen by Marguerite Churchill this Spring. It is of chiffon tweed, and features both a pleated skirt and pleated cape. The neckline is outlined with white egg-shell crepe