Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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142 Photoplay Magazine for June, 1930 e P.(Lori"«rd Co. OLD GOLD cigarettes in a new Cuvridlan velour box! Have you seen them . . . these delightfully smart new packages of fifty "O. G.s" . . . covered with velvety velour paper, in the soft color of old gold? You'll find them most enticing boxes to pass to your guests ... to use as bridge prizes ... or just to keep on your own dressing table. And they cost no more than the regular "fifties" tin. If your dealer can not supply you, send 35{( to Old Gold, 119 West 40th Street, New York City, N. Y. NOT COUGH IN CARLOAD' MUX. Now you can have the VOICE you want 100% Improvement Guaranteed Send today for free Voice Book telling about amazing New SILENT Method of Voice Training. Incrcaee your range, your tone qualities. Banish hnskinese and hoarseness. Learn to aicg witn creator *a»e. 100 o/o i approvement ouarantetd— or money back. Write today for free booklet — one of tbo greatest booklets oD voice training ever written. PERFECT VOICE INSTITUTE. Dopt. A-125 1922 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago ftfff Hake money taking pictures. Pfaoto frarjha Id hi it demand. Commerical holography also pays biff money. Learn quickly at borne in apare time. No experience oeceeaary. Write today for new free book. Opportunities tn Modern Photography. American Scnoolof Photography, Dept. 125-a 3601 Michigan Ave., Chicago. \GWo>BD£D HAIR. Unnecessary NOWTHAT B.PAUL'S , .HENNA SO QUICKLY ( RETURNS NATU , RAL COLOR* i » HI1 Try this wonderful hair coloring, see what an amazing, beautifying_ transformation it will bring about in 'your appearance. Easily imparts the desired color to your hair in ONE BRIEF APPLICATION. Composed Henra Herbs and several other ingredients. Leaves the hair soft and glossy unaffected by shampooing, previous dyes, tonics or oils. 14 shades. Black to Blonde. Price $1.10 P. P. B. PAUL'S WHITE PASTE {Formerly Called) White Henna" for lightening blonde hair grown X dark. Price $2.25 P. P. Free Advice and Booklet. » M0N. B. PAUL, Dept. 5-X, 21 W. 39th St., N.Y ■ es She Thrills to Tibbett Buffalo, N. Y. I am an old lady, and am proud to say I have heard and seen Lawrence Tibbett every day during our theater's showing of "The Rogue Song," generally staying for a second performance just to hear his heavenly voice. Grandma Miller. We're Still Giving It Thought Montreal, Canada. I have spent a small fortune trying to get Greta Garbo's photograph from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, but I'm still waiting for one. If you would sell them to the fans I am sure you would do a knockout trade! Cicely Goode. Well, Isn't It True? Seattle, Wash. Why did you spoil the cover of the March Photoplay with that line, "The Most Imitated Magazine in the World"? Who cares about that? Who wants to pay for your advertising? Be yourself! A. R. MAK1CV IN PAINTING UllL I MINIATURES East home method of coloring photographs and miniatures. No drawing talent needed. Large demand forspeclalists. Complete artist's outfit. Free Booklet. Diept. 460, National Art School,. 1008 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. Every advertisement In PHOTOPLAY MAUAZINE is fnnranteed. A few months ago we told you that Hollywood considers Loretta Young the prettiest of its younger sisters. And this is one of her prettiest Summer frocks, in green-printed crepe de chine. She is wearing the Deauville type of sandal, which is so popular in Hollywood