Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1930)

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ee The Helen Chase? 99 the lawyer asked #e My wit e alway§ read§ your complexion articles — and won't n§e any soap bnt Camay" Can you imagine how surprised and pleased I was when a lawyer, whom I met at dinner the other night, told me he knew all about Camay and these complexion articles of mine? He told me how pleased his wife had been when she read about a soap which had a really authoritative approval, because her skin was so very sensitive. And — that, ever since the first week she tried Camay, she had been most enthusiastic about its gentleness. As a matter of fact, incidents like this are constantly coming up. I'm always running into people from every part of the country — relatives or old friends come from down home in Kentucky or friends of friends look me up. And letters and letters pour in — all telling me news about Camay. But, really, you can't wonder at such popularity when you realize that the loveliest soap you can possibly use has been approved by 73 of America's most eminent dermatologists. If a fragrant Camay cleansing isn't already your favorite beauty treatment, let me give you my word that there just never before was anything like Camay! IcUw ol^_ What is a dermatologist? The title of dermatologist properly belongs only to registered physicians who have been licensed to practice medicine and who have adopted the science of dermatology ( the care of the skin) as tksir special province. The reputable physician is the only reliable authority for scientific advice upon the care and treatment of the skin. I have personally examined the signed comments from 73 leading dermatologists of America who have approved the composition and cleansing action of Camay Soap. I certify not only to the high standing of these physicians, but also to the accuracy with which their approval has been stated in this advertisement. /fa&U-J&s M. D. y 7 (The 73 leading dermatologists who approved Camay were selected by Dr. Pu cy who, for 10 years, has been the editor of the official journal of the dermatologists of the United States.) Face Your World With Loveliness — is a free booklet with advice about skin care from 73 leading American dermatologists. Write to Helen Chase, Dept. YV-60, 509 Fifth A venue, Xew York City. Camay is l.:c a cake (uuiay is a Procter & Csn:b!e Seep— [called Calay in Canada]