Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1936)

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The Tempestuous Life TODAY one of the most colorful personalities in Hollywood is Luise Rainer. It's Luise they talk about as they lie on the sand at Santa Monica, as they lunch in the studio commissaries, ami as they gossip between rait at Santa Anita. Not that anyone sees much of her. She spends most of her time alone in her little house in a canyon which runs down to the >ea. And on those rare occasions when she lunches at the Vendome she scurries in like a frightened rabbit, wearing dark blue pajamas and with her black hair tousled because she won't wear a hat. I -aw Luise Rainer the first time at a luncheon party I i inces Marion gave for that eminent symphony conductor, Bernardino Molinari. Luncheon was served in Frances' lovelj garden with the small tattles placed around a sunken pool on which floated cool while water lilies. In anticipation of this 24 setting everyone had dressed appropriately. Everyone but Luise. She arrived wearing dark blue pajamas and no hat. She came only because she and Frances, who has a genius for tucking the odd and the hurt and the painfully shy under her wing, are good friends. "I do not go usually to such big parties like this one is today," she told me, mixing her words a little, flavoring them with her accent. " I do not go because if there is someone there who affects me a certain way 1 cannot talk. And when you do not talk people think it isn't because you cannot but because you will not and so they say you are bad." I watched Luise when Mary Pickford sat down beside her on a sofa in the library to tell her how beautiful she counted the work Luise had done in "Escapade." Praise from Mary being something of praise from a master it is coveted in Holly