Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1936)

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PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE FOR JULY, 1936 83 I NEVER MMNTTO SEE MOTHER SOUL to LONG AS I UVE HER PIMPLY SKIN MADE ANN FEEL LIKE A TOTAL LOSS HERES WONDERFUL NEWS,, ANM~.AUNTT MARY WANTS YOU TO SPEND TWO WEEK'S WCTH THEM "THE SEASHORE AT 3 CH MOTHER -D-DONlV MAKE ME GQ P-PLEASE 1 JUST CCOULDN'T— NOT WITH MY FACE ALL BROKEN OUT LIKE THIS IT MAKES ME LOOK AWFUL WHy DARLING — THOSE PIMPLES DO SEEM TO BE GETTING WORSE. I THINK WE'D BETTER ASK THE DOCTOR WHAT TO DO FOR THEM ISNT THIS DRESS JUST TOO DUCKY?AND A NO PIMPLY FACE ON ME TO SPOIL IT-THANKS I to fleisohmanm's yeast, oh, i'm so happy r NOW I KNOW I'll have a good time at / AUNT MARYS.' by clearing skin irritants out of the blood Copyright, 1936, Standard Brands Incorporated Don't let Adolescent Pimples spoil YOUR vacation plans A BROKEN-OUT skin is no help to any girl or boy who longs to be popular and have good times. But unfortunately, many young people are victims of this trouble. After the start of adolescence — from about 13 to 25, or even longer — important glands develop and final growth takes place. This causes disturbances throughout the entire body. The skin gets oversensitive. Harmful waste poisons in the blood irritate this sensitive skin. Pimples break out. Thousands have found Fleischmann's Yeast a great help in getting rid of adolescent pimples. It clears these skin irritants out of the blood. Then, the pimples go! Eat 3 cakes of Fleischmann's Yeast regularly— one cake about }4 hour before meals — plain, or in a little water — until your skin is entirely clear. Start today.