Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1936)

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88 PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE FOR JULY. 1936 worn a polish like newGLAZO Dick Powell Losl His Voice — And Discovered His Own Soul [ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 35 ] Glazo creates new polish far lovelier, far superior WITH this new-type Glazo formula, even evaporation has been so reduced that you can use the polish down to the last brushful. The new Glazo provides a richness of beauty and sheen that has been beyond the realm of old-type polishes. Be among the first to wear Suntan, Russet, and Poppy Red— stunning new "misty" reds, and the latest additions to Glazo's range of authentic fashion-approved shades. This new Glazo wears extra days ... its brilliant surface unmarred by chipping, peeling or cracking. So easily does it float on, without streaking, that there's never a nail in need of re-doing. For even a day, don't deny your fingertips the luxury of this new perfected Glazo. Still only 20 cents each— at toilet goods counters all over the world. GLAZO 20 CENTS (25 cents in Canada) plenty to think about. I went through a rather cynical stage with the obvious decision that if I ever came out of it whole, everyone would find themselves dealing with an entirely new Dick Powell. I reasoned that if I didn't look out for myself, no one would look out for me. The fair-haired boy who did everything asked of him was to be a figure of the dim past. From now on, Powell was to be No. 1 boy. If I could do it nicely, well and good; if not, then raise a little thunder. Other players raised plenty of it. I was the one who had been the fool. ''But after the operation had proved successful and I got rid of the bugaboo that I was a doomed man, naturally a great deal of this bitterness left me. This was to be expected. I realized the doctors hadn't been fooling me. Now I knew that a growth had been removed and that I was cured! But even so, you don't come out of an emotional upheaval like that the same man that went into it. No, I'm not going to be radical about it; but in the future, I am going to be the sole judge of my own endurance and when I think I've reached the limit, I'm going to stop right there. "As I said before, this recent trouble has placed a new and truer value on my voice. If my voice is the most important thing I have to offer, I'm going to take care of it with the same attitude an artist takes toward his hands or a great violinist toward his Stradivarius. All the financial success in the world isn't worth jeopardizing the greatest happiness my work holds for me: singing! "In cold figures, it has cost me over fifty thousand dollars to learn this lesson! That is counting only lapsed salary checks and does not include the cost of the operation, doctors' fees and consultations. But if it had cost five times as much, I believe it would have been worth it! "/ know where I stand nmul "I'll never be fooled about Dick Powell again! "It may be that I shall be singing within a month, maybe it will take three. In the meantime, I am starting work on the non-singing scenes of Stage Struck. I am willing to work day and night as an actor, but in the future on days when I record songs, I'll record them and do nothing else. But I'm not going to sing a note for either pictures or radio until I know I can sing better than the last time you heard me. The next time you hear my voice, the rumors are going to have to die a living death. Between scenes, I'm going to rest my voice and if the visiting Duchess of Dudsworth happens to come on the set while I'm in a thirty minute silence, I'm not going to care whether she likes to wait or not. The busiest kid in Hollywood is going to take it very easy from here on in!" Up-lo-lhe Minute Hands [ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 71 nails are small, cover the entire nail with lacquer. If they are large, expose the half moons and tips and a narrow strip on each side. A thorough manicure once a week is a necessity. Five minutes a day with a brush, cuticle oil or cream massaged in to prevent hangnails, and a nail whitener, takes care of the weekly depreciation. Smooth jagged nails instantly with an emery board. There's a new smooth kind of emery board with a prystal handle that solves the problem for women who shudder at rasping sounds. Carry one in your purse for emergencies and be sure to whisk off your polish the moment it chips. So much for fingertips. Just what is required of modern hands? That they be both decorative and able in performance. That they be white, pliant and exquisitely groomed. The white dimpled hands of the Victorian gentlewoman fluttered with fashionable helplessness among her embroidery silks. Those of her great great granddaughter guide the steering wheel of a car or pound the keys of a type writer. The latter activity, if sometimes dull, has its compensations. Like piano exercises, it keeps fingers nimble, limber ami young. Larger, perhaps and certainly firmer, these modern hands must be smooth and immaculately clean. A quick careless rinse plays havoc with the skin. Start with a hand brush (a tricky one with a turtle back has a pointed tail for getting under the nails) plenty of good soapy lather, thorough rinsing and drying. If vou live in the hard water area, use a scented water softener, or a few drops of tincture of benzoin till the water clouds, or Y2 teaspoonful of borax to a gallon of water. Then a lotion to smooth and whiten and bring back the natural oils to skin depleted through constant washing. Too thin hands are often nervous hands. Avoid aimless gestures. Teach your hands relaxation and they will grow younger looking, day by day. Massage them with rich creams, from fingertips to wrist. Jeanette MacDonald and Virginia Bruce gave me their pet exercise for keeping their hands supple and graceful. And we have treatments and exercises for fat hands and arms, too. Do you need them? Never forget your elbows. Scaly looking elbows detract from the appearance of an otherwise attractive arm. Lubricate and soften them when you cream your face at night. If they are especially stubborn about shedding their scales, before you give them a hot oil or cream treatment, apply nail cuticle remover (a new one has bland, beneficial oils). Leave it on about two minutes, remove with warm water and rub briskly with a rough towel. Summer make-up. Products, where to buy them, and exercises for your hands and arms. An adaptable coiffure for both daytime and evening. Rules for a perfect manicure, — all in our new large size leaflet "Brimful of Beauty." Yours for a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Carolyn Van Wyck. 122 East 42nd St., New York City.