Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1936)

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PHOTOPLAY MAGAZINE FOR JULY, 1936 97 Boos and Bouquets [ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 ] BE FAIR TO ARLENE Why isn't Arlene Judge given better parts? She has personality, beauty, poise, and ability to act. What more could you ask of an actress? Give her a chance and she'll come through with flying colors. E. N. Morris, East Bank, W. Va. FRED IS TERRIFIC Rumor has it that Ginger Rogers will devote herself to straight acting. I, for one, am sorry that she has decided to stop dancing, but not if it gives her a rest from the terrific mauling (there is no other word for it) of that prancerover-chairs, tables, balconies and what-not, Fred Astaire. After an hour of Mr. Astaire on the screen, I, a spectator, am thoroughly tired; what Miss Rogers is, I can imagine. Nellie Kitchler, Mexico City, Mexico WELCOME TO WESTERNS It is with a feeling of profound relief and unmitigated joy that I, with other fans who enjoy action pictures, welcome some honestto-goodness Westerns back to the screen. We have missed them, during this era of gangland's supremacy and elaborate musicals. There is a definite place for good Westerns, such as the Hop-along Cassidy series, and the presentation of such pictures marked by real talent and able directing will prove satisfactory to both audience and producers. Ellen Guthrie, Sacramento, Calif. SPEAKING FRANKLY Hats off to Gladys Swarthout! Frankly speaking, I think she makes Grace Moore, Jeanette MacDonald and the rest of the song birds sound like first graders. Aside from her singing, she is a wonderful actress as witnessed in "Give Us This Night." I am anxiously awaiting her next picture. Louise Mathieu, New York, N. Y. LAUGHTER FROM LLOYD The other night I saw "The Milky Way" in which Harold Lloyd brought laugh after laugh with his delicate humor. When the picture ended a great burst of applause shook the house. There is really an enjoyable picture, clean and comical. Mrs. A. M. Myers, Richmond, Va. CHEERS FOR MR. AHERNE Let's forget Clark Gable for awhile and start throwing bouquets to Brian Aheme. Aside from being handsome, humorous, clever and dramatic he is as real as life itself. In his last picture he was as handsome in his working clothes as in a tuxedo, so in his case, it isn't "clothes that make the man." Give your cheers to Gable if you want to, but give me Brian Aherne! Anne De Avilla, Yreka, Calif. A NEW ENJOYMENT Shorts are to a feature what sauce is to a turkey, they flavor and spice the main bill of fare. There is a field in the making of shorts that has been regretfully overlooked. This is the dramatization of short stories of great authors, not of the comedy variety, in one or two reels. It would be a change and a new enjoy RECENT STARTLING DISCOVERY! Tkafjfe/ GERM-FREE Woodbury's Beauty Creams help protect against blemishes caused by germ-infections . . . make your skin finer, fresher, lovelier Blemishes! Ugly little spots that appear just when you least expect and want them! And all too often they are caused by germs that invade some tiny crack or scratch in your skin. That's why it's so important to use beauty creams that are germ-free. Both Woodbury's Cold and Facial Creams contain a scientific ingredient which keeps them free from germ-growth to the last pinch in the jar. Blemish-germs cannot live in these creams. Try Woodbury's Cold Cream, and see how it freshens the tissues, frees the pores of dust and dirt, makes your whole face glow with new life! As a smooth, invisible base for powder and rouge, use Woodbury's Facial Cream. 50c, 25c, 10c in jars; 25c, 10c in tubes. X"MAKIiS THE SHIT where blemishes most frequency appear. But they may occur wherever scrms invade the skin. Help guard your skin against infection with germ-fir, beauty creams. MAIL NOW . . . FOR COMPLEXION KIT! Brings you generous tubes <>f 2 W intv Oram*; 6 shades of Facial Powder; also guest-sizc cake "f Woodbury '^ Facial Soap, containing "Filtered Sunshini ment. Enclose 10c\ for packing and postage. Mail to: John H. Woodburv. Inc.. 7067 Alfred St., Cincinnati, Ohio. (In Canada) John II. Woodbury, Ltd., Perth, Ont. A'ame State dly C 1936, John H. Woodbury, Inc. • AVOID IMITATIONS. ..Look for the head and signaturc, J^riU H rV<W^w<^. £** . on all Woodbury products.