Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1936)

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La Temple's first role was that of a bathing beauty. Legs S weetrick. in Educational's "Baby Burlesks." Time has not withered her. She still gets all the votes! The lady with the flowing mane is now our dazzling diva (blonde) Grace Moore, in her first picture, "A Lady's Morals," with Gilbert Emery Below. Gable's first was "The Easiest Way" with Anita Page. The press said "Gable offers fine support!" He played the part of a laundryman Left oval: ten years ago, when Janet Gaynor played in "The Johnstown Flood," she became the favorite "small town girl" of thousands of fans — and still is. Do you recognize George O'Brien with her? Above, the bearded gentleman is Bill PowelL 1922 style. His initial effort was "When Knighthood Was in Flower" with Marion Davies. Right Betty Bronson and Mary Brian in "Peter Pan" in 1924. when Mary made her bow. How she's changed!