Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1936)

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...MYSTERYor MISERY? consciousness raised to the nth degree. And this unhappy | condition is by no means exclusive with Garbo. It's as common, in various degrees, as a common cold, worse luck. It's Garbo's personal business whether or not she chooses to tell the gossip writers what she eats for breakfast, whether she sleeps on her stomach or how hot she likes her bath water. But it's my business to help all of you who shrivel up into little knots of self-consciousness over meeting new people; those of you whom shyness, embarrassment and the inability to be at ease have cost popularity, jobs, beaux, not to mention what we're all in pursuit of . . . i.e., happiness. Sometimes plenty of psychological kinks are to be found in the healthiest and be;t of us which, to a minor degree, bring about this state of affairs. And I'll have something to say about that, too. But very often, most often, these handicaps to life, love and the pursuit of happiness can be all traced to physical causes. THE most common is lack of vitality, which is due largely to a lack of sufficient good, honest red corpuscles in the blood stream, which in turn means ... anaemia. Yes, much as I hate to hand a sock on the nose to mystery, glamor or what have you, Garbo's languid, mournful beauty and her lonely life, can to a great extent be set down to that very ailment .... an ailment from which many of you suffer in varying degrees, but for which mama has certain definite, simple and helpful remedies. Some of you girls may envy Garbo .... but take a look at these brass tacks for a moment and maybe you'll change your minds. There's all her money .... and what does she do with it? Your guess is as good as mine. But she sees no one except one or two old friends .... and I mean one or two. She lives in a series of rented and not too pretentious houses and changes her address and her telephone number frequently for fear someone might pass her garden gate and give her a friendly smile. She could buy anything hei heart desires .... but apparently her heart doesn't desire anything but good health. What good is fame and glory without the good health and peace of mind to enjoy it. She often becomes so weak and run down that she has to stop work in the middle of her picture until she can gather together enough strength to carry on. It happens that Garbo is one case in a million where the resultant shyness, embarrassment and hide-and-run-away tactics have paid dividends in the form of fame and fortune. For the other nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine cases these handicaps pay dividends only in heartaches, misery, moroseness, shattered nerves and general physical illness. Garbo gets her share of these, too. She gets it coming and going. Unfortunately, she has f please turn to page 112 ] Is the glorious Greta's aloofness due to physical causes? Sylvia's revealing answer points the way to better health for you With George Brent in a scene from "The Painted Veil." Garbo looked lovely, but was she well? Above: Now. after a trip to Sweden, she is in "Camille" with romantic Bob Taylor 57