Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1936)

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of lace, encrusted with soutache braid. A jewelled pin lends sparkle. (4) Lace is important this year; therefore Anne has chosen it in black for a dinner dress. Chenille dots are embroidered on the cobweb surface and a black velvet ribbon starts at the neck and continues down the front and round the hem. Square cut jewelled buttons add brilliance. (5) This Persian metal tapestry tunic may be worn three ways: with a short black crepe skirt* over a dinner dress; or used as a jacket for evening wear. Typically youthful in cut. Anne loves it for its fashion rightness THIS TAG IDENTIFIES AN ORIGINAL PHOTOPLAY HOLLYWOOD FASHION. LOOK FOR IT WHERE TO BUY THEM The smart advance PHOTOPLAY Hollywood Fashions shown on these pages are available to you at any of the department stores and shops listed on Page 93