Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1938)

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^ll-OluiMmal TISHU/KNIT /heon *2dl.H&J ^ 'TRIM-LIN-ED, MODERN-CLASSIC SW€A7€R T-HAT CONfORMS TO T+H€ flGUR€ B€AUTIfULLY«€LIGIBL£ fOR W€ARWIT« VIRTUALLY ANYTW I NG, A NYW-H€R£, ANYTIME o AVAILABLE WITH LONG OR SHORT SL€EV£S« ON Vl€W AT, SMART fAS-H ION SHOPS €V£RYW+HER€<> fAS+HION -FOLD-ER ON REQUEST o-"£? For Name of Nearest Shop, Please Write to . 0LYMPICI4IW.36 8T.1Y.C. ELOQUENT EYES . . . Kurlash makes eyes speak volumes . . . frames them in new, starry beauty! In 30 seconds, this wonderful implement gives you naturally curly lashes . . . longer, darker looking . . . expressing your personality. Try it — $1 at all leading stores. Learn what shades of eye make-up are becoming to you — how to apply them! Send your name, address and coloring to Jane Heath, Dept.A-10; receive — free — a personal color-chart and full instructions in eye make-up! THE KURLASH COMPANY, Inc. Rochester, New York Canada: Toronto, 3 COPYRIGHT 193 ASH CO.. INC. Are Ill-fitting Shoes Undermining Your Health? Corns, bunions, callouses are the uncomfortable outward signs of badly-fitting shoes. But the real danger of improper footwear is more far reaching and serious. Permanent ill health, diminished physical and mental power, loss of beauty, premature old age, pessimism and general failure in life are often traceable to this source. If you are wondering just Avhat is wrong with you, get Bernarr Macfadden's searching study, Foot Troubles. This book will not only be a revelation to you but it will also go a long way toward helping you back to the normal good health that is your birthright. Use the coupon below and order your copy TODAY. Macfadden Book Company, Inc., Dept. PIO 205 East 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. Entirely at your risk, and with the understanding that I may return the book for full refund at the end of 5 days, please send me a copy of Bernarr Macfadden's Foot Troubles. Upon receipt, I will pay the postman $2, plus postal charges. (We pay postage on all cash orders) NAME .... ADDRESS CITY STATE Canadian and Foreign Orders, Cash in Advance Off he set for Hollywood and fame. But despite two profitable occupations, writing and acting, he is restless. Only a short time ago one heard of him in Spain. When his friends begged him to stay home — "Why go to Spain, Errol. You'll be killed" — he replied. "So what? Maybe I'll be killed. Maybe I'll be run over by a car when I leave the studio. That's a chance you take. When my number is up — it's just up! That's the way I figure it!" Another Irishman with a spectacular background is George Brent. Before he was out of his teens he had seen and practiced more varied kinds of life than most grown men. He has herded sheep in Ireland, sailed aboard a freighter, worked in the gold fields of South Africa (a recent role in "Gold Is Where You Find It" was just duck soup for Brent) . After finding time to get an education at the University of Dublin, he became a dispatch runner for Michael Collins, the famed young chief of the rebel Sinn Fein. The Irish Rebellion, settled finally, perhaps, the other day by De Valera and Chamberlain, was coming to a climax. No hot-blooded youth could resist that, and it was a proud day for George when the dread Black and Tan set a price on his head. During this period he "covered up" in the daytime by attending rehearsals of the Abbey Theater Players. But, because he was usually up all night on the business of the Rebellion, he practically always fell asleep during rehearsals. Naturally this aroused suspicion and, finally, the British sent a squad of soldiers to arrest Brent. The soldiers were given orders to get to the Players and "arrest the man who is sleeping there." By a quirk of fortune worthy of Hollywood itself, another member of the cast happened to be asleep that day — while Brent was awake enough to escape attention. So, as soon as Brent saw the soldiers arresting the sleeping actor, he realized that the Tommies were really after him — and made a prompt escape. By the time the soldiers had discovered their mistake, Brent was safely in hiding. Osa Johnson, widow of my late and old friend Martin, now also makes her headquarters in Hollywood. The life of fascinating adventure that she lived with Martin is too well-known to need retelling here. I FIND I've mentioned only a few of Hollywood's adventurers. You never can tell in what role you will find them. At Warners there is a property man named Clarence Eurist. In the background of his life are an international swimming championship, a Nicaraguan campaign, a Navy Cross for bravery under fire. Frederick Cavens, head of the largest fencing school in Hollywood, was once instructor at the Belgian Royal Military Academy, and later fencing champion of all Europe. One of Hollywood's principal men of mystery is Abdsolem Ben Mohammed Kombarick. He was first brought to Hollywood by Herbert Brenon. He now commutes between Hollywood and North Africa almost regularly. When he's asked personal questions about his career, he replies with few words and a sardonic smile. This has given rise to the rumor that he has been mixed up with all sorts of strange things, including gun running to foreign countries, and that he is closely involved in the Spanish Civil War. Maybe he is — nothing about these Hollywood adventurers would surprise me! Father's Office Wife (Continued from page 25) "Is Miss Thayer a good secretary?" I asked very en passant. "Excellent," he said. Barb remarked that she didn't care for her type. "Well she's not exactly the Joan Crawford type," said pops. "But I might speak to her and see what she can do about it." Barb and I kicked each other under the table simultaneously which made the kick quite hard. They went on talking about briefs and someone needing a change of venue or something and I remarked: "Even the cleverest man is putty in the hands of an unscrupulous woman." Father heaved a tremendous sigh and the Judge asked me what I meant by that remark. All I said was "Oh nothing." I let them talk about their business affairs for a few minutes, then I said: "How much salary does Miss Thayer get?" "Thirty-five," said pops. He seemed annoyed at something. "Isn't that rather high for a mere stenographer?" remarked Barb. "Not a legal one. Miss Thayer is first class. Besides, I have my reasons." That was all we wanted to hear. Pops realized he had made a break and was furious and if the Judge hadn't been there would have said something nasty, but he was trying to make an impression on acc't of he's going to try an important case before him. Barb and I ordered two desserts each and then excused ourselves saying we had to go to the Acquarium. LAST NIGHT I had a conference with Henry. He being my Grade A Grand Pash I felt it my duty not to conceal anything from him. I also wanted to get the masculine point of view. Of course, Henry is only 17 and has never had an office wife. He has never even had an office. At first he thought I ought to mind my own business, but I soon convinced him that he didn't think so at all. Then he said that men were polygamous and a little affair now and then didn't do anyone any harm. "I'm glad to know how you feel about it before it's too late," I said, keeping my voice steady. He realized he had spoken out of turn and tried to convince me that he had meant the average man. I thought awhile. "Sez you," I said witheringly. I HE SITUATION is growing sinister. I feel as if we were all sitting on the edge of a tornado. Pops went to Washington on a case and stayed over night. I phoned the office and asked for Miss Thayer and she was home sick. My heart is breaking for my unsuspecting mother, but I admit it's exciting to have a triangle in one's family. Barb says in a way she envies me. My album is all filled up. E. G. R. wrote on the last page, so the next signature will have to start the new book. Haven't decided yet who it'll be. If mops would only have sense enough to make pops jealous the way 92 PHOTOPLAY