Photoplay (Jul - Dec 1938)

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Photoplay's Own Beauty Shop (Continued from page 8) in a state of peaceful blankness — you've taken a great step forward in your effort to gain weight. You'll find that movie stars who are trying to gain weight follow this axiom as much as they possibly can. Jane Wyman, as well as Olivia, is generally flat on her back resting between scenes. "Resting is very fine, indeed," said Ann, "but you can't do that all the time. You have to take some exercise, too, to build you up. Of course, you don't have to go in for something strenuous like tennis or handball or you'll waste away to a shadow; but something nice and easy like croquet, for example, does wonders for you. It keeps you supple and graceful and I'm crazy about it." HERE are two splendid weight -gaining exercises: Lie on your back with your legs straight, your feet together and your arms straight down to your sides. Bend both knees up to your chest, then stretch your legs in the air with the soles of your feet facing the ceiling. Keep your knees straight and let your heels sink slowly to the floor. The difficult part is keeping your knees straight. Do this only about twice at first, as slowly as you can. Another good exercise is this: stand with your feet apart and your hands clasped together above your left shoulder. Then you fling the arms forward and downward toward the right toe, bending your trunk, but keeping your knees straight. Straighten your body and return the arms to your left shoulder. Be sure and keep your hands clasped all the way through this. After you have done this three times, starting from your left shoulder, repeat the exercise three times from your right shoulder. BETTE finished her malted milk and I asked her how many glasses of it she drank a day. "At least three. One in the middle of the morning, then again in midafternoon and before I go to bed at night. But I never drink it while I'm keyed-up. I take it between scenes or while I'm resting so that I'm relaxed and then I sip it slowly." Try following the routines that these girls have set forth and in a very short time you'll probably have gained muchneeded weight, feel healthy and wel have a better disposition, and will have helped your looks tremendously. Who could ask for more? A fattening, healthful diet will help along the good xvork, and I have one that is practically guaranteed to put pounds on you and increase your state of well-being. You'll need it to supplement the routines given in this article; so if you'll write to Carolyn Van Wyck, Photoplay Magazine, 7751 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, and enclose a stamped, self -addressed envelope, I'll be more than glad to send it on to you. Close Ups and Long Shots (Continued from page 11) nOW to Make Friends Dept. ... my favorite twelve -yearold was visiting me when Tyrone Power happened to telephone one day ... at the mention of his being on the wire she started dancing up and down with excitement ... I asked. "Ty. would you mind saying, 'Hello, Nancy' to a little girl who is having jitters at the mere thought of hearing your voice?" . . . not only did this star say "Hello" but he went into a real conversation ... a Power fan was born therewith, of course . . . which isn't so very important, I'll admit . . . but what I like about this little anecdote is its revealing that a young man who has an entire world of women swooning at the very thought of him is still so unspoiled that he will take the time to make an unseen, unknown youngster happy . . . Gable is one of those guys who instinctively does the right and kindly thing and with no gestures about it either ... I saw this happen once ... he came swinging out of the Metro studio gate in one of those terrific big high-powered cars of his when he got stopped by a red light and noticed a boy of about ten standing on the corner, his whole dazzled soul visible in his eyes . . . the great man swung open the car door . . . "Want a lift, kid?" he asked, very casually . . . the boy was in that car faster than you can say Marcia Mae Jones . . . the impossible had happened ... he was sitting beside the great god Gable in his chariot . . . boylike, he was too proud and shy to admit any of this or to even acknowledge that he recognized his host . . . Gable didn't bring up the subject of names either . . . just took the kid home after a very he-man conversation full of baseball, deep-sea fishing and the like en route. . . . On the other hand, scenes like this happen ... it was during the filming of one of the biggest of next winter's pictures ... I won't identify either the picture or the players involved because the yarn revolves around the actor who I think is the worst ham in all Hollywood. . . . The stars of the picture are two of the biggest personalities in the business today and the ham is playing a second lead in the production ... on this particular day three visitors from the Far East were brought on the set . . . the stars were both charming . . . they asked the visitors how they liked California and about the 'war in China . . . that is, they did the popularity-winning thing of talking to the visitors about subjects which made them, rather than stars, the big shots . . . everything was in the groove until the ham came along and was introduced . . . one of the visitors, being a charming person himself, said, "Oh, yes, so you're Mr. Blank" . . . the ham pulled himself up to his tallest possible height which isn't so very tall after all . . . "So even way out there in your little country you've heard of me, eh?" he said. . . . UUR Own Question Dept. (to which we know the answer, so help us, but see if you do) . . . can you guess which star it is with whom David Selznick has a pact that she can kick him at high noon in Bullock's-Wilshire, the department store, if any but an unknown girl plays Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone with the Wind"? . . . Now I'll ask you a question . . . what on earth do you suppose made Carole Lombard give out that silly statement about loving to pay her taxes . . . what's that girl trying to do . . . prove she isn't human? MARVELOUS FOR COMPLEXIONS, TOO! You'll want to use this pure, creamywhite soap for both face and bath. Cashmere Bouquet's lather is so gentle and caressing. Yet it removes dirt and cosmetics so thoroughly, leaving your skin softer, smoother . . . more radiant and alluring NOW ONLY at drug, department, ten-cent stores — ■^■^jp^ Ol arug, aeponmem, itrn-teni j.uicj to keep ^a^za^^ UyaMy —bathe with perfumed CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP NOVEMBER, I 938 75