Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1944)

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Home Permanent Wove Kit Contains— everything you need — shampoo, 40 curlers, and wave set — nothing else to buy. Be smart — be thrifty — treat yourself to a CHARM-lSilIRL Permanent Wave without delay. Do It , , .with Puttin! YOUR HAI! Up in Curler 7U^ 7Va4^^:lr' ond Jf; to^ SccuUtfr 4W ;4ilun^ HEATLESS-MACHINELESS There is a simple, easy way to permanent wave the charm and loveliness of curls and waves into your hair. Mail the coupon, let the amazing new CHARM-KURL Home Permanent Wave Kit save you money by giving you a real honest-to-goodness machineless permanent wave right in your own home. We have certainly made it easy for you to have lovely curled and waved hair by bringing you CHARM-KURL on this wonderful 59c offer. But the in -tHRet^liliH ITIIGES This Simple Easy Way. Yes, it’s true! You can give your hair a wonderful new cool, machineless permanent wave at home, thanks to CHARM-KURL. It is easy as putting your hair up in curlers. All you need do is mail the coupon. Then CHARM-KURL your hair. See for yourself how amazingly lovely your hair looks, curled and waved in the latest adorable fashions. And, most important, CHARM KURL, complete, is yours for only 59c. A next step is up to you. % THOUsnnos use churui-kuri Make Th is Easy Test . . . CHARM-KURL is guaranteed to satisfy you as well as any permanent wave costing as much as $5.00 — or your money back for the asking. CHARM-KURL cleans and sweetens the hair, washes out dirt and loose dandruff scales, leaves the hair luxuriously soft and easy to manage. CHARM-KURL is safe Contains no harmful chemicals or ammonia. There is nothing finer, for bleached, dyed, or gray hair. Mail the coupon. If C. O. D., pay 59c plus postage on arrival. You save by sending remittance with coupon — and we pay postage. Test CHARM-KURL yourself. See how lovely yout hair will be, permanent waved at home the CHARM-KURL way. Remember, if you aren’t positively delighted beyond words, your money will be refunded, on request. With a guarantee like this, you can’t lose. Now, today, mail the coupon and know the joy of glamorous curls and waves within a few short hours. CHARM-KURL is the largest selling Jlome Permanent Wave 'Kit in America. Jhere is no need to pay more than 59c. CHARM-KURL CO., DEPT.122, 2459 UNIVERSITY AVE., ST. PAUL, MINN, t Li MAIL THIS COUPON NOW CHARM'KURL CO.. Dept. 122, 2459 University Ave., St. Paul 4, Minn. I want to take advantage of yoor liberal offer. Rush me one complete CHARM-KUIUj Pern»nent W^e Kit. When it arrives, I will pay 69c plus postage to my postman. If, for any reason, i am not tnorougniy satisfied, you agree to refund purchase price on my request. This does not obligate me in any way. If you want more than one kit check below: □ 2 CHARM-KURL KITS. $1.18. plus postage. □ 3 CHARM-KURL KITS. $1.77. plus postage. (C. O. D. charges the same as for only one KIT) WONDERFUL, TOO, FOR CHILDREN’S HAIR Thousands of delighted mothers cheer CHARM-KURL Permanent Xvave Kit because it is easy to use. so economical and long-lasting. Positively cannot harm children’s fine, soft hair. If you’re a thrifty mother, you’ll order an extra Kit for your daughter. She’ll be overjoyed Name Address. City. Q I want to save postage charges, enclosed is remittonce. (Canadian orders must be accompanied by an International Money Order.) 4