Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1944)

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I u n Keep «is HEAD IN we CIOUDS Blue [Jiiodi/a Score a winged victory... aim straight for his heart! Tonight, wear saucy, unforgettable BLUE WALTZ PERFUME and your pilot’s solo doys will be over. IOC at all 10c stores A FRAGRANT FACIAL CLEANSER-* GIVES your face youthful loveliness. Tingle? retreshingly as it removes dirt, yrime. An excellent powder base. Buy ambrosia Liquid Beauty Aids at Drug:. Dept. & lOc Stores HINZE AMBROSIA. NEW YORK CITY . 7 MB R O S I A The Dennison Handy Helper says: The Hours Lost By Absentees Mean Fewer Shipments Overseas NOTE HOW THESE STAY ON THE JOB SHIPPING TAGS At Stationery Departtnents Everywtiere Step Right Out Of Foot Misery Now, when your feet cry out for relief, sprinkle them with Dr. Scholl’s Foot Powder. Also dust it into your shoes and stockings. Presto ! Y our f eet feel grand — soothed, refreshed, rested. You’ll marvel how the foot powder formulated by this famous foot authority relieves your hot, perspiring, tender or odorous feet ... how comfortable it makes new or tight shoes feel. Helps prevent Athlete’s Foot by keeping feet dry. Be foot-happy from now on by using Dr. Scholl’s Foot Powder I daily. At your Drug, Shoe, Department Store or Toilet Goods | Counter. Costs but a trifle. THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT A SOLDIER— Columbia: The same old story about a heel who’s transformed by Army experience. This time it’s Tom Neal who’s just too cocky for his own good and his rivalry wit’n war-veteran Bruce Bennett for the attentions of Evelyn Keyes keeps the story going. (March.) THREE RUSSIAN GIRLS— V. A.; Anna Sten comes back to the screen in a drama showing the bravery of nurses at the Russian front. Miss Sten gives a fine performance as the head volunteer nurse. Kent Smith plays the American flier recuperating from wounds and Mimi Forsythe and Kathy Frye are outstanding. (March.) TIMBER QUEEN — Paramount: When Richard Arlen returns from the wars, he finds the widow of his pal has been gypped out of her timber land. So he takes to the tall timber and gets himself all mixed up with villains and fights and log jarns. With Mary Beth Hughes and June Havoc. (April.) \/\/'UNINVITED, THE— Paramount : Here’s a thriller to chill the blood, with Ray Milland and Ruth Hussey as the brother and sister who buy a spiritinfested house. Newcomer Gail Russell shows promise as the object of the evil spirit’s wrath and Donald Crisp is her grandfather. Suspense and chills. ( March.) \/\/'UP IN HEMS— Goldwyn-RKO: When dynamo Danny Kaye goes into action, the screen fairly sparkles with life, but without him the story is the old one of the hypochondriac drafted into the Army who loses his girl, Constance Dowling, to his pal, Dana Andrews. Dinah Shore, as the girl who loves him, sings, but it’s Danny’s picture. (April.) \/VOICE IN THE IP/ND— Ripley and MonterU.A. : This film has some interesting, fresh touches, but the outstanding thing about it is the superb acting of Francis Lederer as the Czech concert pianist v/ho is separated from his wife, Sigrid Gurie, in their escape from the Nazis. It s a different, unusual picture. (April.) VOODOO MAN, THE— Monogram: Poor Bela Lugosi is a mad doctor again, who attempts to bring hack his young wife, Ellen Hall, a zombie, to real life by capturing young girls and, by voodoo, transferring their will and spirits to the zombie wife. Wanda McKay and Louise Currie are his pretty victims. (May.) WEEKEND PASS — Lfniversal: Noah Beery, Jr., shipyard worker, is given a weekend pass and dreams of a soft bed and a hot tub. Instead along comes Martha O’Driscoll running away from a grandfather who insists she become a WAVE when she wants to be a WAC. Poor Beery is dragged into the fracas time after time, never quite getting back to his bed and his bath. (May.) WEST SIDE KID. THE — Republic: Henry Hull is too unhappy with his willful daughter, Dale Evans, and his indifferent wife, Nana Bryant, to want to live. So he hires killer-gangster Donald Barry to complete the job, but instead Barry tries to bring harmony in the household. (March.) WHAT A MAN! — Monogram: Johnny Downs is a good little hoy, rapidly headed nowhere until he finds hiding within his home a girl who he thinks is a gangster’s moll, Wanda McKay. Wanda completely renovates him, helns him become office manager, a man on his own, and eventually her husband. ( March.) \yWHAT A WOMAN! — Columbia; Rosalind Russell is a super-powered woman agent in search of the perfect male type to play the lead in the movie version of a best-seller. She finally signs up the book’s author. Willard Parker, and then comes the hilarious process of making him a good actor. (March.) \yWOMAN OF THE TOWN. THE — : Albert Dekker plays the noted newspaperman “Bat” Masterson. who rose from sheriff of old Dodge City to an important figure in the newspaper world. It’s a good story well told. (March.) YOU CAN’T RATION LOFE— Paramount : Coeds .start a system of rationing males by placing point values on the hard-to-get beaux. Bill Edwards is way up in points, but singer Johnnie Johnston is very low until Betty Rhodes develops him into a wow. Marie Wilson and Johnnie “Scat” Davis try for a few laughs and get them. (May.) Loretta Young tells you how to ‘Put Ruffles On Your Life’ in the July Photoplay Can’t Keep Grandma In Her Chair She’s as Lively as a YoungsterNow her Backache is better Many sufferers relieve nagging backache quickly, once they discover that the real cause of their trouble may be tired kidneys. The kidneys are Nature’s chief way of taking the excess acids and waste out of the blood. They help most people pass about 3 pints a day. When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it may cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don’t wait! Ask your druggist for Doan’s PiUs, used successfully by millions for over iO years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Doan's Pills. Scratchinq ft May Cause Infection Relieve itching caused by eczema, athlete’s foot, pimples— other itching troubles. Use cooling, medicated D. D. D. Prescription. Greasele^, stainless-CMms itemng fast . 35c trial bottle proves it — or money back. Ask your druggist for 0. D. D. Prescription. PAIN ^ CAN MAKE YOU LOOK OLDER! T^hen you are suffering from Head' ' ache. Simple Nenralgia, Muscular Paint , or Functional Monthly Pains, you not only feel uncomfortable — you look uncomfortable. Why don’t you try Dr. MILES ANTI-PAIN PILLS for prompt relief ? Regular package 25c. Economy package $1.00. Read directions and use only as directed. Miles Laboratories, Inc., Elkhart, Indiana. ^SfiAWAY GRAY HAIR ...AND LOOK IO YEARS YOUNGER • Now, at home, you can quickly and easily tint telltale streaks of gray to natural-appearing shades — from lightest blonde to darkest black. Brownatone and a small brush does it — or your money hack. Used for 30 years by thousands of women (men, too) — Brownatone is guaranteed harmless. No skin test needed, active coloring agent is purely vegetable. Cannot affect waving of hair. Lasting — does not wash out. Just brush or comb it In. One application imparts desired color. Simply retouch as new gray appears. Easy to prove by tinting a test lock of your hair. 60c and $1.65 (5 times as much) at drug or toilet counters on a money-back guarantee. Get BROWNATONE today. H a e you heard ► Ho ! ly wood’s secret 1 for lips that whisper L LOVE ME ! Now revealed for the first time, the intimate seaets of filmland’s meet famous make-up anists. Now you can use the same type "Movie Lpa" Make Up Brush that bestows glamorous stars with tips that excite and entice ... with thrilling new Brush n Blend Cream Lpstidc... the nearest thing to everlasting lip beauty A single application ofteo Us« all day long. CREAM LIPSTICK and MAKE-UP BRUSH At Mott S* and 10* Storoi 116