Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1956)

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Sidney votes her one of the sexiest! Janet’s coming event made her and Tony (above with Ben Cooper) radiantly happy guests at Photoplay dinner Gold Medal guests Shirley MacLaine and husband are also happily anticipating THAT’S HOLLYWOOD FOR YOU BY SIDNEY SKOLSKY p Although I know it’s true, I still don’t believe the Grace Kelly-Prince Rainier romance. Guess I’ve seen too many movies, and Monaco sounds like a mythical kingdom. . . . Sheree North says she feels better because she doesn’t have to be so blond. ... I haven’t any objection to the girl-next-door type of actress. The girl-next-door could be Zsa Zsa Gabor or Ann Blyth — either one is good, depending on what the fellow-next-door is like. . . . Wonder why I never see or hear about the attractive Jane Wyman with a romance. . . . I was pleased about Edward G. Robinson’s success on Broadway in Paddy Chayefsky’s play “Middle of the Night.” Remember a few years ago when they said working in the movies hurt an actor? . . . Benny Goodman now looks like Steve Allen to me. ... I don’t think the colored sidewalk and few caricatures in front of Grauman’s Chinese Theatre is going to restore Hollywood Boulevard’s glamour. The Boulevard has to get some smart shops and other reasons for the movie stars to frequent the street. . . . Ernest Borgnine is a pleasant fellow, even when he’s playing a meanie. . . . Jerry Lewis will make a good movie director. ... With all her energy and enthusiasm, mother-to-be Shirley MacLaine should be a perfect mother. ... I’d like to see Robert Mitchum go through an entire picture with his eyes completely open. . . During an interview, Deborah Kerr said: “Why is it that actresses who wear the least clothes in public take the most luggage with them when they go on a personal-appearance tour?” Dani Crayne is a budding ringer for Lana Turner, except in the sweater department. . . . I’ve got the impression Shirley Jones is still amazed by it all. . . . Glad that Aldo Ray and Jeff Donnell are back together, and I hope it lasts. . . . There should be a “Request Movie Theatre” in town which actually shows the movies patrons suggest, and not the pictures the studios want to re-issue. . . . Typical statement by Jack Lemmon, master of Gold Medal Awards ceremonies: “Make-up men don’t take long to get me ready for a scene. They dab on some pancake, then give up.” I regard Eddie Fisher as a movie star, although I’m aware he hasn’t made a movie yet. . . . Don’t overlook Janet Leigh when you’re mentioning sex bundles. Don’t know how you can. . . . I’m puzzled by Ava Gardner’s long absence. Come home, Ava, I’d like to see you. . . . Also, I think Marlon Brando is going to be away too long. . . . I’m for more pictures being filmed in the Hollywood studios. . . . I’m of the opinion that more movie producers should see pictures in theatres instead of projection rooms. They’d learn about audiences, which is important, too. . . . Liberace sincerely means well. . . . Somehow it seems that Piper Laurie is developing sex appeal. . . . Elizabeth Taylor has been known to throw a mink coat over a nightgown. And does she chew gum! . . . Those hawkers on Sunset Boulevard shout: “Buy a map. Guide to the homes of your favorite movie and television stars.” But they tell me people are mainly interested in movie stars; more glamorous than TV stars. I don’t know why, but it’s a good thing for the movies. . . . John Wayne is an actor who doesn’t claim to be an actor. “I try to be myself on the screen,” Wayne says. “I don’t act; I re-act.” . . . Leslie Caron puzzles me — and sometimes interests me. . . . Rod Steiger can be the movie hero type. . . . I’m still waiting for Greta Garbo to make another movie, but will take all bets she doesn’t. . . . Wife Evie has gotten Van Johnson to stop eating crackers in bed. Jane Russell is outspoken but not fresh. . . . I’m ready for the next Katharine Hepburn picture. And also another from Shirley Booth. . . . Remember when Rubirosa and Gloria Vanderbilt were going to be in pictures? . . . Love isn’t better on the super-colossal movie screen. ... I would like to read about a movie which did just great business and didn’t break any records. . . . Kim Novak keeps improving in every picture — which goes to show you what hard work, determination, and a good script can do for you. . . . Joan Collins always appears to do okay in the romance department. . . . Charlotte Greenwood said it: “Temperament is temper that is too old to spank.” I recall Bill Holden a few years back : producers said he’d be big if he had sex appeal. Bill must have bought it somewhere. . . . Cyd Charisse still can do more than M-G-M has given her to do. . . . I really don’t care which actor can draw a gun the fastest. . . . Rock Hudson is proving to be a better husband than bachelor. . . . Doris Day has a TV set at the foot of her bed. ... I don’t know who sounds and acts more like Bogart — Humphrey or Lauren Bacall, but I like them both. . . . My favorite character, Mike Curtiz, talking about a certain actress, said : “Her manner is so annoying that you can’t even like her when she’s agreeing with you.” And that’s Hollywood for you. 18