Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1957)

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' Mo'cf believe /a qs ewer embd rr^ssecf by Pifrip/es/'' New! Clearasil Medication STARVES’ PIMPLES SKIN-COLORED . . . hides pimples while It works. At last ! Science discovers a new-type medication especially for pimples, that really works. In skin specialists’ tests on 202 patients, 9 out of every 10 cases were completely cleared up or definitely improved while using clearasil. CLEARASIL WORKS FAST TO MAKE PIMPLES DISAPPEAR 1 . PENETRATES PIMPLES . . . keratolytic action softens and dissolves affected skin tissue . . . permits medication to penetrate down into any infected area. 2. ISOLATES PIMPLES . . . antiseptic action of this new type medication stops growth of bacteria that can cause and spread pimples. 3. ‘STARVES’ PIMPLES . . . CLEARasil’s famous dry-up action 'starves’ pimples because it helps to remove the oils that pimples 'feed’ on. SKIN CREAMS CAN ‘FEED’ PIMPLES CLEARASIL ‘STARVES’ THEM Oil in pores helps pimples grow and thrive. So oily skin creams can actually 'feed’ pimples. Only an oil-absorbing medication . . . clearasil, helps dry up this oil, 'starves’ pimples. ‘FLOATS OUT’ BLACKHEADS clearasil’s penetrating medical action softens and loosens blackheads from underneath, so they 'float out’ with normal washing. So why suffer the misery of pimples or blackheads! clearasil is guaranteed to work for you, as in doctors’ tests, or money back. Only 69< at all drug counters (economy size 98^). Clear Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping Largest-Selling Pimple Medication in America (including Canada) Address your letters to Readers Inc., Photoplay, 205 E. 42nd Street, New York 17, New York. We regret that we are unable to return or reply to any letters not published in this column. If you want to start a fan club or write to favorite stars, address them at their studios. For list of studio addresses, see page 66. — Ed. READERS I AC... SOAP BOX: My husband and I just returned from a wonderful vacation in Hollywood. We were fortunate to meet many of the stars in person, but I d like to tell you about one in particular. We were walking down Vine Street and saw Peter Hanson going into a studio. I stopped him and asked if I could take a picture. He was so very nice, and talked to us like be had known us all of our lives. He’s our favorite actor now, and I’m looking forward to seeing him in "The Ten Commandments.” Will you please publish this picture which I took of him, with my letter, so I can thank him for his courtesy? Thelma Goodwin Chicago, Illinois I think you have a wonderful magazine, and after reading about Jimmy Dean, I couldn't resist writing this letter. I, too, think Jimmy Dean was a wonderful actor and I know many other people agree with me. But 1 think it is utterly ridiculous to keep on writing stories about him and selling metal charms of him. For heaven’s sake, let the poor boy rest in peace. Many other great stars have died also, but their names have not been carried on and on like Jimmy Dean’s has. After all, he has been dead over a year now7, and nothing is going to bring him hack. Marlene Swaim St. Louis, Missouri The above letter reflects the thinking of thousands of Jimmy Deans fans and of your editors. We heartily agree that the many promising young stars coming along should be given this space and attention, and we also feel that, were Jimmy alive to cast his vote, he would feel the same way. Therefore, Photoplay says its final farewell to Jimmy Dean with the publication of this letter. — Ed. I wonder if American teenagers get as fanatical in their adoration of favorite stars as do British fans? I know a 15-year-old Cheltenham typist who reckons that five years of being a Doris Day fan has cost her enough pocket money to pay for a trip to America! When Doris Day was in London, this girl obtained three weeks’ leave from her job just to follow' her around, and moved into a friend’s London flat. She has 10,000 Doris Day pictures, and has about forty records of the Day singing voice. She saw “Calamity Jane” and “April in Paris” thirty times each. She lost one office job because she took time off to see a Doris Day film. Then, there’s the young Irishman who is a fan of Marlene Dietrich. He took a week off from his job in Dublin, and spent all his savings to go to London to see her. He has more than 1,000 newspaper clippings about her, 700 photographs, and has seen all her available movies more than twenty times. To be near Johnnie Ray, two girls gave up dancing and going out for six months to save forty pounds. They took a double room for a week at the singer’s hotel in Manchester during their holiday; booked eight pounds worth of tickets to see every show at the theatre where he appeared; and bought him a six-pound box of chocolates specially wrapped to spell out the singer’s name! Barbara Atkin Stockport, Cheshire, England I have just seen the wonderful movie, “A Kiss Before Dying,” and I thought it was tops. If movie-goers could give Oscars. I would give mine to Bob Wagner. I think he’s a great actor ! I hope his part in this picture will mean more good roles for him. Sue Carol Cook Versailles, Kentucky I address this poem to the older people who don’t like Elvis Presley: Elvis Presley has made a hit With every girl, I’ll admit. He’s handsome, nice, and friendly, too, The girls all like him, why don’t you? Remember when you used to swoon When Frank Sinatra began to croon? I’ll bet your mothers and grandmothers, too, Were disgusted with the lot of you. But now you're older, and you can’t see What we like about Elvis Presley. We like him ’cause he sings so well He makes our hearts just swell and swell; And what we teenagers want to know Is why you all dislike him so. Joan Hobbs Boyne City, Michigan When the movie “Raintree County” was being filmed in Danville, my husband and I drove over one day to watch a scene being filmed. The cast and crew7 were wonderful and so patient with all the “bother” caused by the many fans who were watching. We saw Rod Taylor, Eva Marie Saint, Monty Clift, Lee Marvin and many others. I just want to say that they were friendly human beings. They posed for pictures, talked to fans, and in general were just the opposite of the rumors that they were “stuck up.” Nelvina Agee Richmond, Kentucky Continued on page 14