Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1958)

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JUNE, 1958 P 2 Color jour Hair OmcL Oi^jCuniOWiiS Jtfy . . (yyt / ncoiLt (tULumnoc Glorifies your natural hair shade with glamorous color-highlights and silken sheen. Removes dulling soap film. Quickly rinses in — shampoos out! In 12 exciting shades. 29 NESTLE GOLORTINT Intensifies your natural hair shade OR adds thrilling NEW color. Blends-in gray. More than a rinse but not a permanent dye. Lasts through 3 shampoos! 10 beautiful shades. 29* VOL. 53, NO. 6 FAVORITE OF AMERICA'S MOVIEGOERS FOR OVER FORTY YEARS PHOTOPLAY EXCLUSIVES 33 Goodbye, My Love (Elizabeth Taylor, Mike Todd) 57 Why We Won’t Talk About Our Marriage (Natalie Wood, Bob Wagner) By Marcia Borie ARTICLES AND SPECIAL FEATURES 37 I’m for Real, I Thimk By Do dy Goodman 39 Danger Signals in Love (Anita Ekberg and Anthony Steel) By Betty Etter 40 Exposed (Dean Stockwell) By George Christy 42 Hollywood’s Funniest Feud Is On! (Pat Boone and Jerry Lewis) By James Hoffman 45 Girl-Boy Miracle By Dolores Hart 46 Moving Day (Doris Day) 49 The Day A Marriage Died (Judy Garland, Sid Luft) By Jae Lyle 52 Diane Varsi’s Secret Tragedy (Part 2) By Maxine Arnold 54 Rock Around the Clock with Dick Clark By Alex Joyce 60 The Invisible Wall (Johnny Mathis) By Diane Scott 62 Will You Marry Me? (Pat Hardy-Richard Egan) By Patricia Hardy 70 What You Doin’, Daddy? (Eddie and Carrie Fisher) 100 They’re In the News PHOTOPLAY'S BIG CONTEST! 74 Win a Date to a World Premiere with John Gavin YOUNG IDEAS 4 Becoming Attractions 66 There’s Something About Her (Jane 6 On the Record By Tommy Reynolds Powell, Janet Leigh, Polly Bergen, Deb 24 26 Dream Dress (Margaret O'Brien) Readers Inc. bie Reynolds, Dorothy Malone, Novak, The McGuire sisters) Kim 65 Flirting Made Easy (Molly Bee, Barbara Wilson, Judy Meredith, Ty Hungerfordl 82 By Harriet Segman Where to Buy Photoplay Fashions By Sue Kreisman 86 Sparkle News from Hollywood NEWS AND REVIEWS 10 Hollywood for You By Sidney Skolsky 17 Sara Hamilton's Inside Stuff 13 Let’s Go to the Movies By Janet Graves 22 Brief Reviews 16 Casts of Current Pictures STARS IN FULL COLOR 33 Elizabeth Taylor 61 Johnny Mathis 33 The late Mike Todd 64 Molly Bee 38 Anita Ekberg 64 Barbara Wilson 38 Anthony Steel 64 Judy Meredith 41 Dean Stockwell 64 Ty Hungerford 44 Dolores Hart COVER: Color portrait of Elizabeth Taylor by Curt Gunther. Elizabeth stars in M-G-M’s “Raintree County” and “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.” EVELYN PAIN, Editor NORMAN SIEGEL, jean Hamer. Managing Editor JANET CRAVES, Contributing Editor caryl P. COTTLIEB, Associate Editor SUE kreisman. Fashion Editor Helen li mice. Assistant West Coast t KENNETH CUNNINGHAM, An Director : Coast Editor agnes allen. Assistant Art Director joan Guerin, Assistant Editor Harriet segman. Beauty Editor Yiocer marshutz. Staff Photographer maxine Arnold, West Coast Contributor Your July issue will be on sale at your newsstand on June 5th PHOTOPLAY IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY by Macfadden Publications, Inc.. New York, N. Y. EXECUTIVE ADVERTISING AND EDITORIAL OFFICES at 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. Editorial branch office. 32 1 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. Irving S . Manheimer, President: Lee Andrews, Vice-President; Meyer Dworkin, Secretary and Treasurer. Advertising' offices also in Chicago and San Francisco. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $2.50 one year, $4.00 two years, $5.50 three years in U. S., its possessions and Canada. $5.00 pel* year all other countries CHANGE OF ADDRESS: 6 weeks notice essential. When possible, please furnish stencil-impression, address from a recent issue. Address change can be made only if we have your old as well as your new address. Write to Photoplay Macfadden Publications, Inc., 20.? East 42nd Street, New York 17, N.Y. MANUSCRIPTS, DRAWINGS AND PHOTOGRAPHS will be carefully considered but publisher cannot he responsible for loss or damage. It is advisable *to keep a duplicate copy for your r^ords. Only material accompanied by stamped, self-addressed envelopes or with sufficient return postage will be returned. FOREIGN editions handled through Macfadden Publications International Corp. , 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N Y Irving S. Manheimer, Pesident: Douglas Lockhart, Vice President. RE-ENTERED as Second Class Matter May 10, 1946. at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Authorized as Second Class mafl PO. Dept., Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Copyright 1958 by Macfadden Publications, Inc. All rights ,£^*rved under International Copyright Convention. All rights reserved under Pan American Copyright Convention. Todos derechos reservados segun la Convencion Panamericana de Propiedad Literaria y Artistica Title ■ trademark rostered in U. s. Patent Office/ Printed in U.S.A. by Art Color Printing Company Member of TRUE STORY WOMEN’S GROUP.