Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1959)

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TAFFY PULL Continued from page 36 said that one reason he was sorry to see the Nagels go was because he kept thinking of what our phone bills will be like. We all laughed at this, but we still felt blue until our mother, whom everybody calls “Sis,” thought of an idea to cheer us up. She suggested we have two Christmas celebrations this year, one early enough so that we could do the same things with the Nagels that we’ve always done. It was a wonderful idea, because it doesn’t matter what date the calendar says, it’s never too early to be with people you love, and go carolling and have fun. Why, somehow it seems even more special having the Christmas spirit three weeks early. Mommy suggested that we have a little party, too, and to add to the fun we all decided not to even let the Nagel sisters in on our plans. We couldn’t wait to see their faces when they heard us serenading them from their front porch. Then mother came up with a pile of striped mufflers and wool stocking caps so it would look like Christmas when we went over to the Nagels to surprise them. And were they ever surprised! Diane, Kathy, Peggy and I went down the street to the Nagels’ old house just after sundown and DeeDee and I held the carol book open so that everyone could see, even though we knew the words by heart anyway. We sang “Oh Come All Ye Faithful” and after about four lines of it Little Bit, or Mary Elena, the Nagel sister who’s closest to my age, peeped out of their front door. “See,” she said, “I told you it wasn’t just a loud record!” And then Mary Sharron, Mary Maureen and Mary Kathleen were crowding behind her. You should have seen their faces. When we finished the first carol, we all sang together, “Good King Wenceslas” — and they had to admit that even that is easier to say than Calabasas. After that, they invited us into their house. I could hardly keep my face straight as I told them, “Nope, we have to get home.” “Why don’t you come with us?” DeeDee said, trying to keep her voice very casual. They asked their mother, and Peck Nagel, who was in on the surprise with us, said okay. She said she and Mr. Nagel might stroll over a little later. While we’d been gone, Mom had dug out some of our old Christmas decorations and hung them around the house. When the Nagels saw them, they were surprised again. “Aren’t you a little early . . .” Sharri started to say. And then she and her sisters all looked as though they were going to say “Oh!” but they didn’t make a sound. That was when they realized what we’d been planning and their eyes all got a little misty. Mom stepped in before anybody could get too weepy. “Well, girls,” she said, “I’m glad you’re all here And now, if you’ll adjourn to the kitchen, I have loads of dishes you can help me with.” We all pretended to groan, but the Nagels didn’t seem to mind at all. They politely said they’d be glad to help with the dishes and we all marched off to the kitchen. That was the best surprise of all. There was the sink, shining and not a dish in it. And next to the sink was a pile of bright Christmas aprons that Mom had laid out On the cupboard closet was the recipe for taffy she’d tacked there. We all got very busy right away, setting out all the different ingredients. Then the doorbell rang and that was Mr. and Mrs. Nagel. Mom left, but first she said, “Now please, Janet dear, do be a little more careful this time.” Mom just can’t seem to forget the time I tried making taffy with grandpa and grandma and I ended up spilling most of the pan down my nightgown and the rest of it all over everybodv else. Well, all I can say is this time it wasn’t me who spilled the noodle soup into the taffy pot. It was Kathy. —JANET LENNON I’m Kathy, and I have to admit Janet’s right. I did spill the noodle soup into the taffy, but it could have happened to anybody. Little Bit was perched on top of the kitchen cupboard, reading off the ingredients we’d need and the directions. I stepped on a chair to reach one of the top shelves in the grocery closet, but I was also busy gabbing with Kathv Nagel about the very special party she was going to the next night. I was trying to describe my pink party dress, the one that goes with a petticoat that has a million ruffles. I was going to lend it to her, since all of her clothes were already packed for moving. And then . . . plop! I knocked a package of noodle soup mix off the shelf and it landed right smack in the taffy pot. Janet was stirring the mixture with a wooden spoon and she used that to fish out the molasses-soaked package. Every WHO ARE YOUR FAVORITES? 0 wont to read stories about (list movie , TV or recording stars): ACTOR ACTRESS (D (5) (2> (6) (3> (7) <4) (8) The features I like best in this issue of PHOTOPLAY are: (!) 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