Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1959)

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stioning and I flOUBOOD tf® Kim Novak these I ifs impossible to keep up ^ the place. For SWs breaking beastly divorced) 1 v,ile a famous actor (tec heart-parade. on, » •**TSL I The" *r4*S£ «w* 1 trouble , e to patch up color \ fellow and his , director’s wile sees to!**,— th« „„,d> *• — **4 1 lavender (or even hear Kim Novak says: I was all alone — looking at the newspaper — when I read the item above. And suddenly I felt . . . everybody’s laughing at me Kim Novak walked swiftly into my Hollywood apartment, nearly slamming the front door behind her. She tossed her tailored camel’s hair coat onto a chair, sat down on the couch, slipped her shoes off and then leaned back against the large beige cushions. She didn’t speak for a moment, then slowly her drawn, tense expression faded and her face began to relax. “I’m so tired I could just about die,” she began suddenly. “I haven’t been sleeping well. Last night I woke up crying and . . she hesitated, . . that's the way it's been so many nights ever since those rumors about me started. You know, I so much want people to know the truth about me but I don’t know how to get it through to them.” And then, in a tone strange to her, she said, “I’m up to here with all this! I’m just fed up.” In public, Kim seems to weather distorted headline. gossip item, rumor, and untruth very well indeed. But out of the spot (Continued on page 88 by MAXINE ARNOLD