Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1959)

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ONE OF THE MOST EXCITING WOMEN IN THE WORLD: LONDON ENID BOULTING, glamorous, chic . . . and on-the-go every minute. The mother of 3 lively boys, she is also a talented dress designer, a serious painter and a noted hostess for her famous film-producer husband. ... "I often have frantic days but my face never shows it.” She uses Pond’s Cold Cream to deep-cleanse — to moisturize and ease away tension lines . . . "My skin stays beautifully soft and smooth.” She’s busy yet she’s beautiful . . . she uses Pond’s • Pond’s Cold Cream beautifies as it cleanses, moisturizes below the surface • Replaces the inner moisture modern living drains away • Goes on moisturizing long after you tissue it off — keeps your skin dewy-soft all day rITR POND'S COLD CREAM YOU NEED NEVER BE TOO BUSY TO BE BEAUTIFUL Use Pond’s to deep-cleanse at night — to moisturize under make-up all day.