Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1959)

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into a showgirl role in “Say One for Me.” But despite Fate and success, Stella has one big regret. Living most of her life in Elvis’ hometown, she never once glimpsed the singer. “Which makes me something of a wash-out in Hollywood,” she moans. Parties of the month: Debbie Reynolds, who’s been hurling herself into movie and record making, keeps busy with her pet charities, too. She buzzed from the Waif to the Thalian ball, a glitter, a glamour, a pocket full of clamor, that delighted Gail Storm with husband Lee Bonnell, Kim Novak, back with Mac Krim before a New York visit, Terry Moore and Cesar Romero. And my oh my, the way people gaped at the Waif affair when Debbie, in a cute hair bow, danced and prattled with handsome Jacques Bergerac on “loan” for the evening from Dorothy Malone. Ronnie Burns gave Debbie a breather by attracting the stares to himself when he waltzed with Princess Sophia, who then guided Ronnie through the presentation to guest of honor Queen Frederika of Greece. ... As chairman of the Thalian Charity Ball a few weeks later, Debbie once again fluttered among the tables of the Dean Martins, Milton Berles, Shirley MacLaine with husband Steve Parker, and Doris Day, a dream in her white satin coat, with husband Marty Melcher. And this time Dorothy Malone herself, wearing dark glasses, arrived with her handsome Monsieur Bergerac. . . . Can it be that Rick Nelson was too shy to fix up his own date? He escorted pretty, blonde Barbara Loren through the courtesy of his agents, Music Corporation of America, who “arranged” it all. Sharing a table with David Nelson and slim, trim Venetia Stevenson, Rick and Barbara seemed to have a ball at the ball. With a skullcap wig, a la Yul Brynner, Donald O’Connor and the three Crosby boys, Dennis, Philip and Gary, supplied the formal entertainment. But it was Debbie who really starred. . . . When I trekked to New York for a snappy few days to attend the wedding of MCA chief Jules Stein’s daughter, Jean, I had to look twice to make myself believe that really was Princess Grace and her husband Prince Rainier at the reception. Grace, in a white angora tarn covering her blonde hair, behaved royally but I couldn’t help remembering when Grace was one of us in Hollywood, working together, attending parties together. TV Jottings: I personally, could do with less of the Everly Brothers and more of Johnny Mathis. All right, so sue me! Or better yet, why not write and tell me your favorites? . . . Put me down as one of those who feels Tommy Sands is muffing his promising singing career with all this yen for a dramatic acting career. Tommy, who had a good chance of catching up with Pat Boone or maybe Eddie Fisher, has let his singing career slide, and to my way of thinking, that should come first. Tell me, am I wrong in this? . . . Lindsay Crosby flips from a “Yancy Derringer” episode to a guest shot on “77 Sunset Strip.” And if Lindsay makes the grade — watch out, TV, here comes another Crosby. . . . Incidentally that pretty girl you've wondered about on the “Yancy Derringer” series, as a frequent guest, is none other than Charley McCarthy’s step-mother, Mrs. Edgar Bergen. Next season Shirley MacLaine' s happy, too, now that Steve Parker s home. Gloomy days over, Janet gets a buss from Tony’s Pal, Dino. Frances Bergen may do a series with husband Edgar. And Charley, of course. Tales of Hollywood: Did you know A1 Hedison, Joanne Woodward and Steve McQueen were all students together at New York s Neighborhood Playhouse? “We all landed in Hollywood about the same time,” A1 moans, “but look what happened. Joanne became an Oscar winner, I became ‘The Fly’ and Steve became ‘The Blob. My bet is that with Al’s humor and good looks, he’ll become a star one of these days soon. His “Son of Robin Hood” role is a stepping stone. A1 dates both Terry Moore and Venetia Stevenson but his heart really belongs to a pretty reader at Warner Bros, studio. A1 doesn’t like to talk about it — yet. . . . England’s popular star Kenneth More, who co-starred with Jayne Mansfield in “Sheriff of Fractured Jaw,” claims he’d rather play opposite the Titanic, as he did in “Night to Remember,” than make another picture with Jayne. "I don’t know why,” retorted Jayne, taking time-out from cooing over baby Miklos. “The Titanic met up with an iceberg and no one can accuse me of being an iceberg.” Set of the Month : Debbie Reynolds was wearing a few stray beads for her chorus girl role in “Say One for Me when I arrived on the set at Bob Wagner’s special invitation. “Come and get a load of me as a song and dance man,” Bob had telephoned and off I trotted to sit on the sidelines with Natalie Wood and enjoy the fun. . . . “Now make like a singer,” director Frank Tashlin ordered Bob. “Here, let me show how a singer stands,” Debbie offered, going into a perfect take-off of who else but Eddie Fisher! . . . During a long take, with Bob taking a singer’s stance, I caught his look of petition directed toward Natalie. “Am I doing this right? Is it okay? his eyes seemed to ask. “And I do the same with him, Natalie confided. “I constantly need his assurance.” Which should give you an idea of just how happy this marriage is. Bob’s sudden drop in weight, fifteen pounds, due to those dance rehearsal routines for the picture, had Mrs. Wagner worried. “We’re having liver, mashed potatoes with butter and dessert for dinner,” she warned Bob, “and you eat.” . . . On my way out, a faint tapping sound coming from one of the rehearsal rooms caught my attention. Cautiously opening the door, I peeked in and there, all by himself, was Bing Crosby, practicing a little dance step for his role in the “Say One” movie. As a priest caught up in the Broadway whirl, it seems Bing enjoys a bit of fancy feet tapping. Bits and Pieces: David Nelson will spend six months with the Air National Guards, but first, he and Rick hope to make a movie together. . . . Taina Elg and Keith Larson are a constant, serious twosome. . . . The serious hernia operation on their baby daughter Jaimie had Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis depressed and worried. 18