Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1959)

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Invitations • Gifts for the bridal party Table decorations • Trousseau items Unusual, exciting personalized items. ELAINE CREATIONS Box 824 Dept. E-195 Chicago 42, III. ^rcte Callouses Pain, Tenderness, Burning Are Quickly Relieved You’ll quickly forget you have painful callouses, burning or tenderness on the bottom of your feet, when you apply Dr. Scholl’s Zino-pads. Thin, soft, wonderfully soothing, cushioning, protective. Separate Medications included for quickly removing callouses. Try them! D Scholls Zino-pads I’D LIKE TO BE DIFFERENT Continued from page 57 She stood before the silvery looking glass, staring at herself in her yellow slipover sweater and pleated plaid skirt, turning to the right, then to the left. Her heart thumped loudly. The heartbeats seemed to say you’re getting fat, getting fat. She had gained some weight, she admitted reluctantly to herself. She’d known this already from the way her clothes fit around her waist. She stooped over and unzipped her boots, pushed them off and then went to her mother’s room where she lighted the dressing-table lamp and weighed herself. There it was, the awful truth, the black and white of her fear. She had gained ten pounds. “You,” she said, staring unflinchingly at the arm’s length image before her, “you’re going to change. You’re going to be different.” And did she ever change!” Doris Day laughed. We were walking through Farmer’s Market, sniffing at the sausages and cheeses, admiring the bright reds and yellows of the fruits, and then suddenly there we were talking about diets. “That girl was Molly Bee,” Doris continued “Have you seen her lately? She has the cutest figure.” (You can see for yourself, in the pictures of Molly Bee on page 68.) “Molly told me that day changed her whole outlook on life. Why? She began looking after herself. “Believe me,” she said, “it wasn’t easy. The hardest thing in the world is to make yourself realize you’re ready for a change. It’s so much easier going along at the same rutlike pace you’ve gotten used to. But when something happens that turns your world upside-down — like that senior’s remark with her — you begin thinking, ‘Oh-oh, something’s wrong!’ “Isn’t it terrible that most of the time something upsetting like that has to happen before you begin to look at yourself from a new point of view? But looking at yourself is only the beginning. Then you have to start making the change.” The day after Molly made her big decision to be different she was, she remembers, a total flop in her sudden changeover program. Molly’s mother used to bring home paper bags of little cookies or white boxes of chocolate eclairs or cinnamon buns, and every night Molly would dig in and satisfy that terrible sweet-tooth craving. Later in the evening when she was doing her homework and listening to dance music on the white desk radio in her rose-painted bedroom, she’d nibble on the cookies and drink a couple glasses of soda pop. The evening after she made her decision to change, Molly decided she wouldn’t eat any sweets or have any soda. She didn’t even want to look at them. But when her mother arrived after six o’clock with her bag of bake shop cookies, Molly couldn’t take her mind off them. Finally, she ended up eating more that night than before because the thought of giving them up made her hunger for them all the more. She drank the soda pop, too. “Maybe it was just as well,” Doris says, “that she did . . . because she felt terrible. When she went to bed she tossed and turned and couldn’t sleep. She felt she had broken an important promise to her self and she just felt awful, so guilty.” The next morning Molly went to school and during her Home Economics class, along^ with her classmates, baked a batch of butter cookies under the young Home Ec teacher’s supervision. “I probably looked so miserable the teacher figured something was the matter,” Molly remembers. “I kept stating at the cookies on my plate, afraid someone would notice I wasn’t eating them. The girl next to me finally said, ‘What’s the matter? Aren’t you hungry? Thev taste so good.’ ” And she bit into another one. Molly just shrugged her shoulders. When the teacher came over and said, “Molly, don’t you want to try the cookies?” she told her no. She said she’d take the cookies home, that she didn’t feel very hungry right then. The teacher seemed to sense that something was wrong and she looked so sympathetic Molly went back to see her after school. She explained how she had gained weight, that she wanted to go on a diet. She couldn’t have been nicer She gave her such encouragement She agreed that overweight wasn’t healthy for anyone, and then she sat down and worked out a food plan with her that Molly’s never forgotten — with lots of salads and fresh vegetables and broiled foods. That was only the beginning, Doris says. The Home Ec teacher warned Molly against some of the diet pitfalls and stumbling blocks she would run into. “The first thing she had to learn was not to be afraid to say no. This is the hardest thing of all,” Doris says. “Of course, she wasn’t on a starvation diet, but she had to cut down on starches and sweets and all those in-between snacks at school Well, after school, a girlfriend would sometimes offer her a candy bar, and she’d say she was dieting. And the friend would say, ‘Oh, come on, just this once! One little fudge bar won’t hurt you.’ After she gave in a couple of times, Molly decided all the worry afterward just wasn’t worth it. She decided she’d sooner lose the fun of a couple of bites on a candy bar and say no to her girlfriends rather than torture herself for hours later because she goofed on her food plan.” But losing weight, Doris says, is a slow process and doesn’t happen overnight Anyone who intends to stick to a diet must have a storehouse of patience. Doris also adds that if a girl is more than ten to fifteen pounds overweight, she shouldn’t consider a reducing food plan unless it's been approved by her family doctor. In fact, it’s a good idea to check with him first in any case. Gradually. Doris says, as those first results begin to show and the clothes don’t fit so tightly around the waist, then the sweet music of compliments makes itself heard and the spirit really takes wings. The effort is worth it. “When your girlfriend tells you you’re beginning to look thin, that you look so much better, it is like listening to a serenade after all those weeks of saying no to chocolate cakes and lemon meringue pies. “When you cut down on sweets, by the way, this meant cutting down on chocolate of all kinds. Cut out fried foods because of the grease they’re cooked in. It’s so fattening! And your complexion will begin to look better, clearer. When Molly told her Home Ec teacher all about this, she told her that was only the beginning. Molly didn’t know what she meant then, but later on the dawn came! “With dieting you gain new respect for yourself. Suddenly you become proud of yourself because you’ve had the daring to become a new you, to be different from the everyday person you’ve been. Not only do you get slim, but you feel happier, and your personality. I’m convinced, shows