Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1959)

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Louise Darcy is thumbs down, That’s the opinion of the cats in my town. Monsters are the thing, you see; A monster lover you have to he. Transylvania is our home. That is why I write this poem; To defend the movies, Of Vampires, Mummys, Mad Doctors & Ghouls That hibernate in slimy pools. In ending my poem, I think I’ve won the fight, So monsters of the world, Unite! Carol Quigley N. Arlington, N. J. NEW PALMOLIVE GIVES New Life to Your Complexion Safely... Gently ! Thanks For Kim I would like to take this opportunity to comment on the article written about Kim Novak. It was, without doubt, one of the best I have read. For once, I do believe Kim was given an opportunity to tell us all, things that set us straight on our thoughts about her. Orchids for such a fine job. Charlotte J. Wagner Los Angeles, Calif. Attention Red Buttons Fans: I have recently started a branch of the Official International Red Buttons Service Fan Club, and I’m trying to recruit new members. I would appreciate it greatly if you would mention this in your magazine. Those who want to join could write to me: Frances Paston 1661 51st Street Brooklyn 4, N.Y. Arguments Settled While U Wait . . . Recently my friend and I had a disagreement about Jayne’s baby. My friend says Jayne lost the baby, I said she had a healthy, 9-pound baby boy. If so, what did Jayne and Mickey name the baby? Jayne Mansfield is my idol ! ! Mrs. Ethan Miller Hudson, Ohio A few days ago we received a note from Jayne and Mickey. “We are so happy to tell you that our little Miklos came into the world December 21 weighing almost ten pounds and, our thanks to the Lord, perfectly sound and healthy. In gratitude we are helping other children less fortunate, at the Children's Asthma Research Institute and Hospital, and we hope that after reading this, you will all join us.” Signed, Jayne & Mickey. — Ed. I was reading the latest edition of Photoplay and noticed that you had made an error when you were naming the birthday of one of the most popular stars, Elvis Presley. He wasn’t born in the month of October, but January. Mrs. E.H. Hoover, Jr. Antioch, Tenn. Sorry, you goofed! On page 72 in the February issue of Photoplay, it clearly states Elvis' birth as January (Capricorn) . — Ed. . . . Could you settle an office battle! One group at work says that Trevor Howard is the son of Leslie Howard. We say that Ronald Howard is Leslie’s son and that Trevor and Leslie are in no way related. The first group has never even heard of Ronald. We would also like to know the age of Trevor Howard and also Leslie Howard (had he been alive today) because I personally think that their ages are too dose for them to be father and son. A. I. Lipton Montreal, Quebec ( continued ) Palmolive's rich lather contains No drying detergents! No greasy cold creams! No irritating deodorants! You can give your complexion New Life — leave it softer, fresher — with New Palmolive care. New Palmolive's mildness lets you cleanse far more thoroughly than you’d dare to do with harsher soaps. No drying detergents! No greasy cold creams! No irritating deodorants! fvW ytoi cA ItMppFl