Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1959)

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Coins and Callouses Lift Right Out! Super-Fast Nerve-Deep Relief No waiting for action when you use Dr. Scholl’s Zino-pads. You get fast nerve-deep relief . . . remove corns, callouses one of the quickest ways known to medical science. At Drug, Dept., Shoe, 510c! Stores. POEMS wanted ■ Mmm IWI For musical setting . . . send Poems today. Any subject. Immediate consideration. Phonograph records made. CROWN MUSIC CO., 49 W. 32 St., Studio 560, New York 1 PROBLEM Thousands of women find speedy relief from the physical distress of irregular, scanty, or painful menses due to functional disorders by taking HUMPHREYS ‘Tl”-a safe, gentle, nonhormonal, truly homeopathic remedy. At all drugstores. No prescription needed. "Yes, now you con destroy unwanted hair ■PERMANENTLY, right in theprivacy I of your home! Mahler is JNOTa depilatory!, following | directions, you too,| can use the Mahler safely, and efficiently. Send 10c today for? important new booklet "New Radiant Beauty” ■ MAHLER’S, INC Dept. 609D, PROVIDENCE IS, R.I.I Everything for the Wedding & Receptionl Invitations • Gifts for the bridal party Table decorations * Trousseau items Unusual, exciting personalized items. ELAINE CREATIONS Box 824 Dept. E1 96 Chicago 42, III. GrayHair Brush It Away-Look Years Younger It’s easy with Brownatone. Thousands praise its natural appearing color. Instantly tints dull, faded or gray hair to lustrous shades of 11 ide, brown or black. Safe for and your permanent. Lasting— not wash out. 75£ plus taxfree sample bottle. Mailed natural color of your hair, i 213, Covington, Kentucky. P/ay Right Away ! ANY INSTRUMENT Now it’s EASY to learn ANY INSTRUMENT— even if you don’t know a single note now. No boring exercises. You play delightful pieces RIGHT AWAY — from very first lesson! Properly— by note. Simple as A-B-C. You make amazing progress— at home, in spare time, without teacher. Only few cents per lesson. 1,000.000 STUDENTS, including Lawrence Welk. RHAK Shows how easy it is to learn music this modem way. Write for it. No obligation. No salesman will call upon you. U. S. School of Music. Studio A204, Port Washington, N. Y. (61st successful year). TAB HUNTER Continued, from page 71 stopped at the toy counter. “Here’s a cute autograph hound,” he said, picking one up and waving it at me. I had told him I didn’t like the one I had. This was the saddest-eyed basset hound I’d ever seen. “Did you know,” Tab laughed, “when basset hounds eat, they have to have their ears clothes-pinned together so they don’t drip into their food? Do you like him? He’s yours.” Before I knew it he handed it to the sales lady who promptly asked Tab to sign one for her daughter. I really felt “on the inside” being with Tab then. When we left the store (me clutching my basset hound under one arm), it was freezing out. “Let’s have some tea at the Plaza,” Tab suggested. We arrived breathless and panting from running all the way up Fifth Avenue. Tab introduced me to his favorite way of drinking tea — with honey! (It’s good.) We talked about his horses and of how we both loved Cape Cod in the summer and all of a sudden Tab said, “Say, how about having dinner with me?” I was speechless and flattered, too, because I had overheard him talking about another date for dinner and the opera with some movie people. “Yes, I’d love to,” I managed to say. “If you’ll give me half an hour to change my dress at my cousin’s house, and I’ll call my folks.” Luckily, I’d brought in a dressy dress which Photoplay had made for me and my little fake-fur jacket, and my Dad said he’d be glad to drive in from Chatham, New Jersey (where we live) to pick me up whatever time I said. Tab arrived at 6:30 o’clock and we went to the Hotel Pierre for dinner. That’s when the biggest surprise of all happened. We’d finished our lamb chops (Tab had ordered two for him and one for me) and our salad, when he pulled out a small box. “It’s not 14 Karat, but I thought you might keep it to remember me by.” I opened the box and inside was a lovely gold bracelet with a heart-shaped charm which said on one side: “To Lucky From Tab” and on the other, “Photoplay Contest, January, 1959.” Tab slipped it on my wrist and, for the first time all day, I didn’t know what to say. “Would you like to dance?” Tab said, noting my confusion. But then since there wasn’t another soul on the dance floor, we agreed we’d feel too self-conscious. Over coffee, I looked at my watch and realized that the day and evening had PHOTOPLAY FASHIONS Simplicity Printed Patterns shown on page 72 may be obtained through local dealers. To order by mail, send money, size and pattern number to Simplicity Pattern Co., Inc., Dept. PH, 200 Madison Avenue, New York 16, N. Y. 2913, Tyrolean dress. Junior sizes 11-15, Misses sizes 12-18, 500. 2636, Car coat. Misses sizes 10-20, 500. 2657, Juniper and blouse. Junior sizes 11-15, Misses sizes 12-18, 500. 2929, Full skirted party dress. Junior misses 11-15, Teen sizes 10-16, 500. The second prize in Photoplay’s Tab Hunter contest has been awarded to: Miss Joan Nave of Duluth, Minnesota, who wins a Necchi Mirella portable sewing machine like the one shown above. flown by and that my parents were due any minute in the lobby to pick me up. “Would you like to meet my family?” I asked, feeling like we were old friends. “Look, Mom,” I said, before I remembered introductions. “Look at what Tab gave me.” Mom thought it was very pretty and both she and Dad agreed that Tab was so natural and unaffected, they could hardly believe he was a movie star. Then we said goodnight and I started to get into the car right outside the lobby. I told Tab that I’d wear his bracelet forever. “Just remember, Tiny,” Tab grinned, “when I call you this summer in Cape Cod, that I’m the guy who gave it to you.” —LUCKY KOCH SEE TAB IN COLUMBIA’S “THEY CAME TO cordura” and paramount’s “that KIND OF WOMAN.” HEAR HIM ON HIS WARNER BROS. RECORD OF “APPLE BLOSSOM TIME.” fin THIS BEAUTIFUL COVER PICTURE AND THE DELIGHTFUL STORY ABOUT THREE GENERATIONS OF LINKLETTERS "PCcC6 Edward Byrnes-Teen-Age Rage Kathryn Murray-Dancing Grandma Johnny Desmond’s Life Story all in the April TV RADIO MIRROR at all newsstands