Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1960)

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DORIS DAY: “Boys want their girls to be natural. Do you remember what Rock Hudson said to me in ‘Pillow Talk’? ‘You give me a real warm feeling, like a potbellied stove on a frosty morning.’ That’s what a fellow likes — warmth. So here are some tips that’ll help you get through to him, when he calls and asks: “WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO OUT TO DINNER?' Boys like a girl who wears a small hat or veil and gloves ; lets them open doors; waits for the headwaiter to show her to a table, then follows ahead of her date (but lets her date lead if there’s no waiter) ; knows the waiter will hold her chair and help with her coat (and knows only men check their coats) ; keeps her gloves and handbag on her lap or an empty chair; knows the difference between “dinner” (fixed price for all courses) and “a la carte” (each course is separate, so it costs more) ; doesn’t order the most expensive dish but takes her price cue from their suggestions; tells her date her order so he can tell the GETTING THROUGH TO HIM waiter; is adventurous enough to try foreign foods; never fixes her hair or makeup at the table. “HOW ABOUT MEETING SOME OF MY FRIENDS?” Boys like a girl who isn’t jealous of his friends; won t moan if the subject gets on cars; doesn’t try to falsely impress; avoids quarreling, or acting possessive or too affectionate; never gossips or makes fun of others; won’t repeat things he’s told her; can aame six popular records and what subjects top a boy’s best-seller list; doesn’t brag about her other dates. “WOULD YOU COME AND MEET MY PARENTS?” Boys like a girl who knows they don’t ask every girl to meet their parents, so they must like her a lot; remembers to bring candy if she’s invited for dinner (and offers to help with the dishes) ; doesn’t gush, talk too much or smoke; is respectful of their opinions; stands when she is introduced to them; is interested when mother shows her prize antique chair ; won’t embarrass them by holding hands; doesn’t giggle, or tell tales out of school; or dress “too fancy.” “WHAT ARE YOU DOING CHRISTMAS DAY?” A boy likes you if he wants to share that day with you, so show you like him by inviting him to your house. To give or not to give a gift is the big question. The answer is have an inexpensive one ready under the tree in case he brings you something. Boys like subscriptions to sports and news magazines ; bulky Shetland mufflers ; records; bright-colored socks that you’ve knitted yourself; something for his car; cuff-links; anything he’s ever mentioned to you. “CAN YOU GO TO THE CHRISTMAS FORMAL?” Boys like a girl who sounds friendly on the phone and makes him feel glad he called; is smart enough to tell him the color of her dress so his flowers will please (if not a bracelet corsage, always wears his flowers either on the left shoulder with stems pointing down, or pinned to waist) ; wears a simple dress that doesn’t have all “those fussy frills and bows”; doesn’t put on grown-up airs or worry all the time about her hair; smells pretty but “doesn’t reek”; doesn’t ask him to store her make-up in his pocket; will sit out a fast dance if he can’t do it; doesn’t tell her girlfriends everything; shows she appreciates all the money he’s spent.