Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1961)

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The Young Brides These modern young brides! How amazingly Ingenious they are in the cooking department. For instance, Carol Lynley tells me she's a frozen Chinese food fan, and after a long day at the studio she'll thaw out a frozen dinner of chow mein or whatever, adding her own bits of creative art — bean shoots or blanched almonds— and husband Mike Selsman is delighted. Bobby Darin solved a lot of Sandra Dee's impromptu, informal dinner problems by presenting his bride with an electric gadget that dips frankfurters into a batter and toasts them a golden brown. Bobby could live off them. . . . Doug McClure, the blond member of the "Checkmate" trio, has a problem. His plans to wed Barbara Luna, when his divorce is final in May, may have to be postponed if those feature movie plans go through. Several of his friends are urging Doug to stay single for a while, but he's old enough to make up his own mind. Marilyn and Joe It was inevitable that Marilyn Monroe would date ex-husband Joe DiMaggio after her separation from Arthur Miller. Joe is the only man Marilyn couldn't involve in her world of self and her movie problems, and she respects him for it. During their marriage, Joe, a national hero on his own, kept free from Marilyn's movie entanglements and as a result, she divorced him. Not so the very talented Arthur Miller who became hopelessly entangled in Marilyn's affairs even to the point of writing her recent film "The Misfits," which brought him only grief and disillusionment. When Marilyn entered a New York psychiatric clinic, Joe stood by her. And when she got a pass, she went out with Joe. ( Please turn the page ) Doris Day, looking as cute as ever, adds her footprints and handprints to the famous walk in front ofGrauman’ sT heater . Our Sara spent a very pleasant evening with Sylvia Sydney, Don Loper, Col. Northrop, and was the star of the table! Bobby and Sandra are so in love and so close that Bobby broke out in a rash one day when Sandra didn't feel too well!