Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1963)

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Bride-To-Be... Probably Glenn Ford, former Boy Scout troop leader, would have been safer trying to make fire by rubbing two sticks of dynamite together than igniting Linda Christian, who proved to be a ferocious tiger the actor had by the tail. There are two sides to every story, even in Hollywood. This is Linda’s side. And that Latin's scorn would be enough to make a Sunday School teacher out of Richard Burton. When Linda reported to work on the set of “The Lloyd Bridges Show” one morning in March, she was in her glory. “Naturally I was happy,” she recalled. “I was in love. I was to be married. My future was bright. My love was bright.” Across town in Beverly Hills that same morning the telephone rang at Glenn Ford’s palatial bachelor mansion. Sleepily Glenn heard a wireservice reporter ask him if it was true. He was just checking. “Are you going to marry Linda Christian?” was the question. Glenn hesitated for a second before answering and then screamed into the phone: “This is ridiculous. Absolutely untrue!” Simultaneously with Glenn’s denial the first edition of the Los Angeles “Herald-Examiner” hit the streets. There in bold type was the headline: “Linda Christian And Glenn Ford To Wed." Underneath was a smaller head which read: “Betrothal Comes As Surprise.” To put it mildly. With Glenn’s denial of the engagement story, naturally the reporters felt theL newspaper had been stuck with a phony. To verify if the announcement was a fake, they checked with Linda. The actress at first showed signs of puzzlement. “What did he say?” Linda said after being called to the phone on the sound stage. “Naturally the story is true. We are going to get married.” When Glenn's denial dawned on Linda a few seconds later, an explosion that could be duplicated only at Cape Canaveral transpired. "That dirty ,” Linda blasted into the telephone receiver with such force the reporter at the other end nearly toppled from his chair. “He’s lying. He’s lying. I have witnesses to prove that he’s a liar.” Linda did, too. The strongest witness was columnist Harrison Carroll. It was Carroll who broke the story. Around 10 P.M. the veteran Hollywood reporter received a call at his office that nearly flabbergasted him. Usually Hollywood news results from prying into the linen bags, but this night Carroll only had to answer the telephone and a big and fascinating scoop was seemingly right in his lap. “This is Linda Christian,” Carroll heard. “Glenn and I wanted you to be the first to know that we’re engaged.” Then, (Please turn the page) 47