Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1946)

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p NO DULL DRAB HAIR Whan You Use This Amazing 4 Purpose Rinse In one, simple, quick operation, LOVALON will do all of these 4 important things to give YOUR hair glamour and beauty: 1. Gives I ustrous highlights. 2. Rinses away shampoo film. 3. Tints the hair as it rinses. 4. Helps keep hair neatly in place. LOVALON does not permanently dye or bleach. Ills a pure, odorless hair rinse. In 12 different shades. Try LOVALON. At sf ores which soli toilet goods 25£ for 5 rinses 10*5 for 2 rinses STAMMER? This new 128-page book, “Stammering, Its Cause and Correction.” describes the BogueUnit Method for scientific correction of stammering and stuttering-successful for 45 years Benj. N. Bogue, Dept. 1180. Circle Tower, Indianapolis 4, Ind. 'HEN your baby suffers from teething pains, just rub a few drops of Dr. Hand’s Teething Lotion on the sore, tender, little gums and the pain will be relieved promptly. Dr. Hand’s Teething Lotion is the prescription of a famous baby specialist and has been used by mothers for over fifty years. One bottle is usually enough for one baby for the entire teething period. Buy it from your druggist today DR. HAND’S TEETHING LOTION Just rub it on the gums DANNY BOY — PRC: Danny Boy is a dog who returns from war with battle fatigue only to encounter a meanie civilian and an even meaner rancher, so when he escapes he naturally attacks his persecutors. Robert “Buzzy” Henry is the dog’s owner, and Ralph Lewis a Marine veteran. An overdose of sentimentality creeps in every now and then, but it’s a fair picture of its kind. (Jan.) y DOLLY SISTERS , THE — 20th Century-Fox: Reputed to be a biographical film of the famous Dolly Sisters who sang and danced their way to international fame, it is instead the same old Technicolor musical you’ve been seeing for years. Betty Grable and June Haver are the sisters, and John Payne is the man whom Betty loves, renounces and picks up again. With S. Z. Sakall and Frank Latimore. (Dec.) W /'DON'T FENCE ME IN — Republic: Dale Evans goes west for her magazine to discover whether a certain desperado really died as reported, and almost steals the picture from Roy Rogers who gets involved in her search. Gabby Hayes, Robert Livingston, Marc Lawrence and Lucile Gleason add to the old-time Western stuff. (Jan.) y ENCHANTED FOREST, THE— PRC: A charming, truly different movie, with Harry Davenport as a sort of forest hermit who rescues a baby and raises the lad amidst his forest friends until the mother, Brenda Joyce, returns to the woods. The little animals of the forest capture the honors from the human actors, lending it all a Walt Disney flavor that is charming. It’s in cinacolor which is new and exciting. (Dec.) yy FALLEN ANGEL — 20th Century-Fox: Dana Andrews is a rolling stone who falls in love with money-minded waitress Linda Darnell, so in order to get cash he marries the local rich girl, Alice Faye. Then comes Linda’s murder and Dana finds himself in a trap. The picture’s an intriguing one, with provocative situations. (Jan.) Don’t mistake eczema for the stubborn, ugly embarrassing scaly skin disease Psoriasis Apply non-staining De'rmoil. Thousands do for scaly spots on body or scalp. Grateful users, often afte_ , years of suffering, repox-t the scales have gone, the red patches gradually disappeared ; they enjoyed the thrill of a clear skin again. Dermoil is used by many doctors and is backed by a positive agreement to give definite benefit in 2 weeks or money Is refunded without question. Send lOc (stamps or coin) for generous trial bottle to make our famous “One Spot Test”. Test it yourself. Results may surprise you. Write today for your test bottle. Caution: Use only as directed. Print name plainly. Don’t delay. Sold by Liggett and Walgreen Drug LEARN MILLINERY AT HOME Design and make exclusive hats under personal direction of one of America's noted designers. Complete materials, blocks, etc., furnished. Every step illustrated. You make exclusive salable hats right from the start. We teach you how to start a profitable business in spare time. Low cost and easy terms. Expert milliners are In demand. Free National Placement Dept. Send for free catalog. LOUIE MILLER SCHOOL OF MILLINERY 225 N. Wabash Ave.. Dent. 192 Chicago I. III. I/' FIGHTING G UA RDSMAN, THE— Columbia : Old world whoop-la, packed with fights, brawls and romantic shenanigans. Willard Parker is the nobleman who aids the peasants in taking arms against Louis XVI, and he and his friends steal the royal taxes to divide it among the poor. Anita Louise is the girl Willard loves, Lloyd Corrigan the king, and the cast includes John Loder and Janis Carter. (Dec.) y FIRST YANK INTO TOKYO— RKO: Tom Neal is an American major who speaks and looks Japanese, so he steals into a Tokyo concentration camp in order to find an American engineer who knows the secret of the atomic bomb. As well as the engineer Marc Cramer, he finds his fiancee, Barbara Hale. It’s got some pretty hectic moments of suspense. (Dec.) GAY SENORIT A, THE — Columbia: Jim Bannon attempts to reconvert an old Mexican quarter into a huge warehouse for his uncle, until he falls for Jinx Falkenburg, who is the daughter of one of the old families. (Nov.) GEORGE WHITE’S SCANDALS OF 1945— RKO: Another backstage saga y Joan Davis teamed with Jack Haley for comedy, Martha Holliday with Philip Teri^ for romance, Gene Krupa and Ethel Smith for music but the story could be improved. (Nov.) \SyHOLD THAT BLONDE — Paramount: Eddie Bracken is a kleptomaniac who attempts to follow his psychiatrist’s advice and find himself a girl. So he not only finds Veronica Lake, but also swipes her compact in which is hidden the combination of a safe holding a priceless necklace. From then on the farce gets faster and sillier, but you’ll find yourself laughing all over the place. (Dec.) HOLLYWOOD AND VINE — PRC: James Ellison, a New York playwright, is introduced to a would-be actress, Wanda McKay, through her dog, and she, unaware of his importance, helps him find a job as soda jerker. (Nov.) yy. HOUSE ON 92nd STREET— 2 0th Century-Fox: The FBI’s factual account of German agents seeking the secrets of our atomic bomb, how nearly they succeeded and how our men out-guessed them. With the exception of Lloyd Nolan, all FBI members are played by themselves. Bill Eythe plays the young American of German extraction whose patriotism is tested and not found wanting. Signe Hasso and Gene Lockhart play very clever spies. (Nov.) yiN HOLLYWOOD — M-G-M: Real corn, but a little better than average Abbott-Costello fare, with the boys playing studio barbers who decide to turn agents and get rich. Their only client, Bob Stanton, almost gives up before finally becoming a star playing opposite the girl he adores, Frances Rafferty. (Nov.) Po(-w-Xet /Krt (Corners r The Real Thing tot mounting Snapshots. Cards. Stamps, eic. No paste needed. Pocket Gummed Inside for holding prints tight or loose. Neat. Quick and Artistic too. Sold at photo supply and album ® counters or send 10c today for pkg. of 100 and Free Samples to See and Try them. Engel Art Corners Mfg. Co., Dept. 60P. 4711 n. Clark Chicago-40-lll. WILL YOU WEAR THIS SUIT and Make up to $12 ina Day! You can get this fine, tailored-to-xneasure suit for yourself, without paying: one penny cash, by taking a few orders from friends. My plan also helps you make up to $12 in a day without experience or house-tohouse canvassing. Big opportunity— f ullor spare time. Send for Samples— FREE! write today for free CLOTH SAMPLES and “sure-fire” money-making plans. For quick action write fully giving age, etc. Send no money. H. J. Collin, PROGRESS TAILORING CO.. 500 So.Throop St.. Dept. B-335, Chicago, III. DON’T CUT CUTICLES Manicare is a smart cosmetic which beautifies nails while it softens cuticle. MANICARE is a cuticle remover, cuticle oil and stain remover, ail in one. yfltwnictt/ie 350 a jar Drug and Dept. Stores S0PLI FABRICS actual sample fabrics and styles ABSOLUTELY FREE. You’ll see gorgeous, newest style dresses — lovely lingerie — hosiery “ men’s shirts and socks — all at LOW PRICES. Take orders from frie ids and make money in spare ti me | Get FREE Samples! Send no I money for this big-profit line of sample fabrics n id styles. It’s yours, ABSOLUTELY FREE. Rush name and address now. THE MELVILLE CO.. Dept. 4076. CINCINNATI 3, OHIO PHOTOS ENLARGED 8 HOUR SERVICE \/ISLE OF THE DEAD — RKO: Superstitions, horror and drama are expertly woven together for a pretty solid little scare-’em-to-death. When Boris Karloff, a Greek general, takes war correspondent Marc Cramer to the island of the dead the horror begins. Ellen Drew is a victim of the evil eye, and Karloff does a splendid job. (Dec.) 4x6 . . . 20c I All Enlargements Made By 5x7 . . . 25c * Photo Experts on Double 8x10 . . 50c 1 Weight Professional Paper. 11x14 . . 1.00 ’ Satisfaction Guaranteed. NEGATIVE MADE FROM PHOTO • 30« JEEP HERDERS — Planet: When a returned GI finds his father about to be driven off his Western range, he calls on his soldier buddies for help and they arrive and take over like a motored division. June Carlson, Johnny Day, Pat Michaels and Steve Clark are the principals involved. (Jan.) WE PAY POSTAGE > SEND MONEY WITH ORDER • NO C. 0. 0. CUSTOM-PIX DEPT. A . BOX 8018, PHILA. 1, PA. 130