Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1947)

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Now you can have the glorious natural-looking golden hair that women admire (and men can’t resist). Nestle Lite is the new, revolutionary hair lightener with CONDITIONING OIL BASE— made from a special patented formula by Nestle, originators of permanent waving. Lite is wonderful, too, for lightening dark hairs on arms, legs and face. At drug and dept, stores or mail the coupon below. BE BEAUTIFUL • BE LOVED . BE BLONDE MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY The Nestie-LeMur Co., Meriden, Conn. Q Please send me (tax and postage prepaid) one package of Nestle Lite with complete instructions for quick and easy application. $1.00 enclosed. I I Name. ! Street Address. City .Zone. . .State PH -4 High "SchOQl Course at Home Many Finish in 2 Years I Go as rapidly as your time and abilities permit. Equivalent t. . ■ deat School work— prepares for college eotraoco exams. Standard I H. S. texts supplied. Diploma award^ Credits for H. S. subjects I completed. Single subjects if desired. Ask for Free Bulletin. American School Oept.H-492 Drexel at 58th.Chicago37 116 ~ Personalized' Stationery Printed with YOUR OWN NAME AND ADDRESS. Shipped Complete Post Paid 100 6"x9" Sheets, 50 Envelopes Distinctive — and for such a low ^ price! Your own name and address in a smart, personal style elegantly _ printed on crisp white paper, guaranteed 50% rag stock. Satisfaction or your money back. $2 Assorted -r — Everyday GREETING CARDS 30 ,“SJ1.00 Birthdays, Anniversary. Sympathy, Illness, etc. No C.O.D.'s. Send Cheek — Cash — Money Order BOOK MATCHES PERSONALIZED FOR LONG REMEMBRANCE Sure to be appreciated. Colored match folders — personalized with name or monogram imprinted 50 for $1. For Birthday Gift. 50 match folders imprinted with Happy Birthday and name SI. 25. GORDON, 434 No. Gay St, Ealfimore 2, Md. Wanda, too, had her problems. Scarcely eighteen years old then, she was carrying responsibilities which would have stopped many an older and wiser woman. Almost from babyhood Wanda saw her parents struggle to make ends meet. At fourteen, when she had completed junior high school, she began working, hoping to contribute something to the family income. She chose, as the means, to be an actress. During one of her appearances in little theater productions in Jacksonville, she caught the eye of a Warner Brothers talent scout. The result — a trip to Hollywood for a screen test. The test brought one of those stock contracts, and two small roles in “Confidential Agent” and “The Sentence.” Wanda then scored a sound success in a supporting role in “Welcome Stranger” with Bing Crosby. Her big break, however, was her role in Bob Montgomery’s “Ride a Pink Horse.” This led directly to a featured role in Paramount’s “My Own True Love” with Melvyn Douglas and thence to her first starring role in “Abigail, Dear Heart.” But as it has a way of doing, love ignored everything but its own compulsions, so there stood Audie at Wanda’s door, and Wanda was glad. There soon followed a series of wonderful, dreamed-of dates. Thus the happy weeks rolled by and it was Christmas. Together with her parents, Audie and Wanda were on a deer hunting trip in the High Sierras. As they walked along the mountain trail, hemmed in by towering peaks, Audie suddenly stopped. “Skipper, I must tell you something,” he said. “I’ve had an offer of a good job back in Texas. Obviously I’m a dud here in Hollywood, so I think I had better accept it. That means I’ll be leaving soon.” “Oh, no!” Wanda cried in dismay. “Don’t you want me to go?” Her fervent “NO!” was all that Audie needed to hear. She didn’t want him to leave — ever. Rapturous as they are in the knowledge of their mutual love, both realize they must wait for completion of their dream. They are “in love, with an understanding” and on those terms they have lived the past year. For all its happy overtones, that year was a difficult one and a stern test. But, because this is a story of love and enchantment, it is also a story with a bright future. Wanda, incident to her newly won stardom, is fast solving her financial problems; and Audie, loaned to Paramount for a small role in “The Long Grey Line,” proved such a sensational actor, that the role was increased to feature proportions. Already other studios are bidding for his time. So their future is bright, but not solely because of studios and contracts. These two youngsters who fought disheartening discouragement with spirit and determination have realized their faith in themselves — and in each other. The End oCi^ten when KATE SMITH SPEAKS 15 Minutes with Radio's charming personality Noon E. S. T. Mondoy-Fridoy Mutual Stations ^ead KATE SMITH'S COOKING PAGES In This Month's Radio Mirror Magazine lips • •• Arms««.Legs Now HoppyS I had ugly superfluous hair. . .was unloved... discouraged. Tried many things... even razors. Then I developed a simple, inexpensive method that brought satisfactory results. Its regular use helps thousands retain admiration, love, happiness. My FREE book about Superfluous Hair explains method, proves success. Mailed in plain envelope. Also TRIAL OFFER. Write Mme. Annette Lanzette, P. O. Box 4040, Mdse, Mart, Dept. 673, Chicaeo 111. IS YOUR LIFE CROWNED WITH SUCCESS? 517-8 W.Deming St. Chicago 14, Illinois Let this New Science show you how to ^VIN WITH W'ORDS — financially, socially, culturally. Develop a MASTERFUL VOCABULARY. Influence others, improve your personality, manifest your latent ability You are judged and rated by every sentence you utter Start using the POWER of LEXIPOWER after the first Lesson. Write NOW for FREE details about LEXIPOWEB Dimea-Day LESSON CLUB. LEXIPOWER COMPANY MATERNITY FASH IONS FOR SUMMER Young: Motlier-to-Be dresses, suits, playclothes. beachwear. Also Maternity lingerie and corsets. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG YOUR MATERNITY SHOP Inc., Dept. F-1, 251 W. 40th St.. New York IB f AS ACT NOW— HELP FILL THE NEED [ Now you can prepare for practical experience * as a Trained Practical Nurse in spare time. I Many earn while learning. Agesl8to56. High 7 school not necessary. Easy payments. Write for free information and sample lesson pages. WAYNE SCHOOL OF PRACTICAL NURSING. INC. 2301 N.Wayne Ave., OeskG-27, CHICAGO 14, ILL. LEG SUFFERERS Why continue to suffer without attempting to do something? Write today for Neve Booklet — "THK LlEl’E METHODS KOK HOME USE." It tells about Varicose Ulcers and Open Leg Sores. Liepe Methods used while you walk. More than 40 years of success. Praised and en _ _ dorsed by multitudes. liepe METHODS, 3284 No. Green Bay Ave., Dept. 21-D, Milwaukee. Wisconsin FREE BOOKLET ZIRCONS LOOK SO MUCH LIKE REAL DIAMONDS Your friends won’t know, if you !don’t tell ’em! Inexpensive, too! Write now forfree i catalog of jewelry | —set with this re Imarkable gem. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO. DEPT. l-X WHEELING, W. VA. CcitafoCf FREE! SEND NO MONEY ^r"e?s LTbVf FREE (F.O.B. Factory) Assortmentof FOODS,GROCERIES. SOAPS, etc.— full size I packages. Showthese products to neighbors and friends. Take orders for sensational values, more than 200 quality products used in every h< of others making good money monthly this way. No experience is necessary WRITE FOR FRFR A.SSORTMENT OF PRODUCTS NOW. ZANOL, Dept. 6036-C. Richmond Street. Cincinnati 3. Ohio home. Thousand