Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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INSIDE STUFF Glitter salutes George Montgomery chats with General Bradley and Dinah Shore with Mrs. Bradley at Beverly Hills Club party honoring the General Continental attention: Ingrid Bergman and David Niven are good listeners to table talk at the same party The bachelor and the beauties: Jimmy Stewart sits in on fair femme chatter of Paulette Goddard and Peggy Cummins ( Continued from page 16) mations are taken for granted, the shock delivered by Rita Hayworth was a honey. Rita has clipped all that beautiful long auburn hair that was so much a part of her personality, at the request (one hears) of her husband Orson Welles. With her hair snipped into a very short boyish cut and bleached a light golden, Rita doesn’t begin to look like herself, which is a shame and a pity. Orson chartered Errol Flynn’s yacht Zaca, which is still in Mexican waters, and transported to the boat the entire company of “Lady from Shanghai” which he directs, produces and co-stars in with Rita. Nora Flynn flew home before the Welles unit took over but Errol will stay with the boat and later continue his travels, probably to Tahiti. But Nora says he’ll be home in February when the second Flynn child is due. William — and Women: The situation that has Hollywood intrigued concerns two girls who were awaiting Bill Eythe’s return from England. Each girl, songstress Margaret Whiting and actress Buff Cobb, was positive Bill was coming home to her. Margaret, whose engagement to Bill was announced recently, says Bill sent his proposal all the way across the Atlantic and she accepted. But Buff, meantime, went to New York to meet Bill upon his arrival from England and to proceed with the romance that was interrupted when the actor went abroad to make “Meet Me at Dawn.” Developments should prove interesting, to say the least. Travelers: Ray Milland and his beautiful Mel telephoned goodbyes before taking off for England and a command performance for the King and Queen for sweet charity’s sake. They will visit Ray’s old home in Wales and travel on to Scotland and the Continent. Joan Bennett was accompanied by her husband, producer Walter Wanger. Mrs. O’Brien went along with Pat who will probably try to tell the whole royal family about that new son pre sented to him by his beloved Eloise. Little Dorothy Malone, who played the girl in love with John Garfield in “Humoresque,” travels with the group and feels so obscure among the stars. But the Millands have promised to look after Dorothy during the event. Break-up: Upon Tyrone Power’s return from his South American flight he and Annabella announced they were divorcing ... an announcement that had been imminent ever since 1941 when Ty and Annabella agreed that since they wanted different things from life it was hopeless for them to try to build a future together. However, with the coming of war, they put aside personal difficulties and Ty went overseas. As in so many cases the period apart seemed to emphasize rather than reduce their differences. Tyrone likes a simple life peopled with friends from the studios. Annabella, a woman of the world, prefers big parties and gaiety and friends from social circles. ( Continued on page 20) 18