Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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What Should I Do? deliberate habit you have formed for your own enjoyment . Perhaps you should try keeping quiet and letting someone else have the stage. Your whole future life depends on your ability to stop your lying today and to realize what serious trouble you can get into if you continue in this. Submerge your ego enough to stop telling lies and get full enjoyment from the people you meet by allowing their true personalities to come out. Claudette Colbert Dear Miss Colbert: I met Jack when I was in seventh grade and he was a freshman in high school. We have been going steady ever since. I am now twenty-one. We became engaged the night I graduated from high school. However, I have a serious problem. Jack and I disagree on a great many different things. If I make a statement with which he does not agree, he slaps me. One day because I was afraid to dive off the high board, he twisted my wrist until I thought he was going to break it. When we are with friends and I say something he doesn’t like, he pinches me until my arms are black and blue. After one of these incidents I accepted a date with another boy. We stopped into a little lunch stand for a coke and there met Jack with another girl. He came stalking over to our table and hit the boy I was with, knocking him down. Jack was at least twenty pounds heavier and six inches taller than the boy I was with. Jack is now insisting that we get married. My family is very much opposed to this, and so are the neighbors next door, who have always been very close to me. When Jack is pleasant, he couldn’t be sweeter. But when he gets mad he is a holy terror. Do you think marriage to him might bring me unhappiness? Elizabeth B. In your own heart you have already answered the question in your letter. You know, as well as I do that marriage to jack would not only bring you unhappiness, but might cost you your life. Although I don’t know a great deal about psychiatry, I am reasonably certain that Jack is a mental case. Any man so cruel has had no proper training, or — if he has had proper training — he has taken leave of his senses. If you are wise, you will wrap up Jack’s Have you a problem which seems to have no solution? W ould you like the thoughtful advice of C^iaudette CJU? If you would, write to her in care of Photoplay, 8949 Sunset Bivd., Hollywood 46, California, and if Miss Colbert feels that your problem is of general interest, she’ll consider answering it here. Names and addresses will be held confidential for your protection. Skin soft-as-a-kiss with Jergens Face Cream! The only all-purpose cream enriched with skin-smoothing Vitone. Better than lanolin itself! In recent tests, doctors report, 8 out of 10 troubled complexions quickly improved. "Skin noticeably softer, smoother, fresher!” say these doctors. All-Purpose plus Vitone For kiss-tempting skin, a daily All-Purpose Treatment with Jergens Vitoneenriched Face Cream. It softens as it cleanses, as it beautifies. Helps smooth away tiny dry-skin lines! Jergens F ace Cream works like 4 creams in one. Vitone-enriched . . . yet no higher priced than other fine creams. 10^ to $1.25. Plus tax VITONE: special Dry-Skin “Smoother” in JERGENS FACE CREAM c/( e°n. A Soft, ener , A Dry-Skin Cream <Jet 7?— ' m Prove to yourself at our expense what Vitone can do for your skin! Please send me generous trial-size, free, of Jergens Vitone-enriched Face Cream. MAIL TO: Box 57, Dept 402, Cincinnati 14, 0. Name Address City_ State. (Paste on penny postcard, if you wish. Sorry, sample offer good in U.S.A. only.) -i rrm^a