Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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Ge#*?* and I can’t afford one,” she told people at parties. “Natch, I’ll have to rent one for the trip!” “Natch,” everyone murmured uneasily. Renting mink coats is common practice in Hollywood. But if you waited to hear it talked about, you’d wait forever. “It only cost me $50 a week rental,” was Yvonne’s next report. “And what a beauty!” The end of the story is that after she’d worn the rented luxury for three weeks in Mexico she couldn’t bear to let it go. She bought it. “Even though I can’t afford it and it means cutting down on other things plenty,” says she. “But now, at last, I’ve got a home, a horse and a mink coat.” She could have added that she has a very glittering screen future which may make mink coats and mortgages less of a problem. “Song of Scheherazade” in which she’s starred with Jean Pierre Aumont will be released any minute now — and there’s “Slave Girl,” now in the making — and both of them are in gorgeous Technicolor. THEN there’s her wardrobe, which is the most unusual one in town. Everywhere she goes she picks up ideas for it. A present from A. C. Blumenthal in Mexico City provided the basis for one stunning outfit. He gave her a black patent leather belt with the silver soles of bare feet marching along it, and one huge silver foot making the clasp. It has matching black gloves, with the silver feet used as cufflinks on them. With these eye-stopping accessories she wears plain black, in a dress designed by her and made by her dressmaker Dorothy Thompson. But everything inspires an outfit. The New York musical “Carousel” gave her another idea, inspired by a chorus girl’s costume: A laced-bodice dress in bright green, worn with a hat decked in cherries. Everywhere she goes she buys materials in all colors but black — each material giving her an idea. One reason for her enthusiasms is that she has energy for them. Where most people drop dead of exhaustion, Yvonne is just getting started. On a recent flying trip to New York, this was an average day: She bought two coats, four dresses, a pair of earrings, two handbags, fifteen albums of records, twelve highball glasses; she lunched at Toot Shor’s, dined at “21,” and saw the play “Oh Mistress Mine”! Home again to her hotel suite? She turned on her rented record machine and contentedly played all the records she had just bought, including the original “Salome” dance record. Argentine rhythms and African and Chinese music — whose wailing chants fascinate her. “The truth is that I’m trying to live two lifetimes in one, I guess,” Yvonne sums it all up. “I read all the time, three books at once. Right now I’m reading ‘Lie Down in Darkness’ and ‘Lion in the Streets.’ ” She laughs. “And another book — ‘How Never to Get Tired!’ ” That’s one book Yvonne doesn’t need to read. She might very well have written it herself with all that boundless energy. And every erg of it goes into whatever she does — be it swabbing decks in paint-splashed blue jeans, riding horseback in jodhpurs or premiere-ing in the mink coat she couldn’t really afford! Happy New Year GOLD MEDAL AWARDS GO TO ? ? ? The answers — Next Month! Let us hal p feed your bat FREE SAMPLES— Please send me i Address: Gerber Products Co., Dept. Fl-7, Fremont, Mich, samples of Gerber’s Cereal Food, L In Canada: Dept. Fl-7, 49 Wellington Street East, Toronto 1, Out. Gerber’s Strained Oatmeal and |s * Gerber’s Barley Cereal. My W baby is now months old. f Name Address City and State erber’s Baby Foods CEREALS © 1946. G. P. G. Now, another Gerber’s Cereal! Gerber’s Cereal Food (blue box), Gerber’s Strained Oatmeal (red box), and the new Gerber’s Barley Cereal (yellow box) are pre-cooked, ready-to-serve right in baby’s dish by adding milk or formula (hot or cold). Serve Gerber’s Cereal Food and Gerber’s Strained Oatmeal or Gerber’s Barley Cereal at alternate meals. You’ll find variety helps baby’s appetite. Remember, it is always wise to check your baby’s feeding program with your doctor. accepted by millions or mothers who have ted their happy, healthy babies on Gerber’s Cereals. Gerber’s Cereal Food, Gerber’s Strained Oatmeal and Gerber’s Barley Cereal are specially made to suit baby, both as starting cereals and continuing through babyhood. For instance, they are made to mix creamy smooth — a consistency close to baby’s milk diet. Next, these cereals are rich in added iron ... to replenish the loss of prenatal iron which begins to run low some months after birth. Here is another advantage! All have generous amounts of added B complex vitamins (from natural sources — not synthetic) as a further aid to baby’s well-being. Your baby will do well on Gerber’s Cereals, too. Look for "America’s Best-Known Baby” on every package!