Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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Tired Kidneys Often Bring Sleepless Nights Doctors say your kidneys contain 15 miles of tiny tubes or filters which help to purify the blood and keep you healthy. When they get tired and don t work right in the daytime, many people have to get UP nights. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don t neglect this condition and lose valuable, restful sleep. _ When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it may also cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains loss of pep and energy, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Don’t wait! Ask your druggist for Doan s Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over 50 years. Doan’s give happy relief and will help the 16 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Doan's Pills. WHY SUFFER FROM MISERY Qll £00 OF SIMPLE riLLO • Think of it! A single soothing ointment that speeds relief from those tortures of simple piles. It’s amazing Pazo Ointment — acts instantly to relieve pain of itching— soothes inflamed tissues — lubricates dry, hardened parts— helps prevent cracking and soreness — acts to reduce swelling and check minor bleeding. It’s wonderful! Your doctor can tell you about amazing Pazo Ointment. Get it at your druggist’s today . . . with the painless, thorough Pazo Pile Pipe ... or in handy tin and suppositories. Made by the makers of famous Grove’s Cold Tablets. ST1TCU-UP VRCSSes i Latest styles . . . Remarkable savings ... Dresses ALREADY CUT OUT and marked for easy stitching up . . . Complete with all trimmings . . . AH sizes, styles, fabrics. NEW STYLE BOOK Write today. empire company, dept 212 Wilson Ave„ Jefferson. DOCTORS WARN CONSTIPATED FOLKS ABOUT LAZY BILE IT is said constipation causes many human discomforts — headaches, lack of energy and mental dullness being but a few. but don’t worry — For years a noted Ohio Doctor, Dr. F. M. Edwards, successfully treated scores of patients for constipation with his famous Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets — now sold by druggists everywhere. Olive Tablets, being -purely vegetable, are •wonderful! They not only gently, yet thoroughly cleanse the bowels but also pep up lazy bile secretion to help digest fatty foods. Test their goodness tonight without fail! 15& 30^. Follow label directions. All drugstores. Christmas Story ( Continued jrom page 29) my uncle’s festive board and how we ate. The special treat was haggis, that honorable symbol of Scotland, along with thistles and bagpipes. I should know how it’s made, considering the tons of it I have consumed, but I don’t, beyond the fact that it’s composed, some way, of meat and oatmeal. I’ve never heard of an American eating it — but it takes on glory in my memory because it was part and parcel of those holidays in the Highlands. After the meal, though we were so stuffed we could hardly move, we children put on the play which I wrote each year to be performed for our elders. I always played the one really fat role. Nor was I so silly as to cast myself as any fairy princess. I played the dashing Prince Charming, except upon odious occasions when some boy cousin got dominant and insisted upon playing that. No one was allowed to touch the presents until the play ended — which gave a kind of electric pace to its final scenes. I particularly liked the usable presents, pen sets, diaries, pen-knives, notebooks, paints. MY London Christmases were equally wonderful, highlighted by a blazing Christmas pudding made by Auntie Alexina. One of the aunts was quite rich and so very generous that she took a whole row at the pantomime just for us children. The Christmas pantomimes are an institution we don’t have in America but for an English child they are simply heaven. I suppose for a New York youngster the Radio City Music Hall holiday show must be just as enchanting. The moment I knew I was to have a London Christmas I would start dreaming about the pantomime and I’d get so excited I would cease eating and sleeping almost entirely. When the great day finally arrived, and I was actually there in the theater, I would throw myself into the whole cast’s emotions so completely that I’d be exhausted for weeks afterwards. When the pantomime was over, we had another thrill. We would go out into the delicate, long English twilight, and as it had usually snowed, we would go for a motor run, shaking sleigh bells at the passers-by and throwing snowballs. I grew up, became an actress, in London and on tour. Suddenly it was December, 1937, and with my mother I arrived at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Mother and I felt we had been dropped into a land of swimming pools, palms and sunshine. It was December fourth when we arrived here and by December twentyfourth we had our first California house, a dear little one. We expected we would have a very quiet Christmas, for no one in England had our address, so we knew we wouldn’t be receiving presents. How delightfully wrong we were. Over from the studio came a tree, all decorated. From our new acquaintances we received gifts, magnificently wrapped. Mr. Louis B. Mayer asked us to his house for dinner. Driving there, I felt I had never seen such a fairy tale place. At any rate, that was a very happy Christmas and I have never forgotten the beauty of that day. I loved it so that I thought every one of my following days in Hollywood would be just as thrilling. As you know, they were quite the opposite, which is how I happened to be back in London for Christmas, 1938. I had sat out eleven months and two weeks of my one-year contract with M-G-M and they had shipped me home for the role of the wife in “Goodbye, Mr. Chips.” My Scottish uncle’s health was bad that year, so my aunt had gone on a Mediter ANY PHOTO ENLARGED Size 8 x 10 Inches on DOUBLE-WEIGHT PAPER Same price for full length or bust form, groups, landscapes, pet animals, etc., or enlargements of any part of group picture. Original returned with your O fnr Cl OC enlargement. ° SEND NO MONEY Just mail photo, negative or snapshot (any size) and receive your enlargement, guaranteed fadeless, on beautiful double-weight portrait quality paper. Pay postman 67c plus postage — or send 69c with order and we pay postage. Take advantage of this amazing offer now. Send your photos today. PROFESSIONAL ART STUDIOS 100 East Ohio Street Dept. 1557-A Chicago (11), III. WHY WEAR , DIAMONDS I When diamonddazzling Zircons from | the mines of far-away mystic Siam I are so effective and inexpensive! Thrilling beauty, stand acid, true backs .full of FIRE! Exquisite mountings. See before you buy. Write for FREE catalog. National Zircon Co., Dept. 6, Wheeling, W.Va. EH lA«/#gHAWdiian Gu\i?Y. . . H0 MUSICAL KNOWUDGt RtOUIRtV ZDCf Instructive Recording. 3 Intro» ductory Lessons $LOO. Pay postman $1.00 plus postage and C. 0. D. charge or send $1.00 direct. Transpose you own popular music. For information wnteD. F. FASSETT GUITAR SYGTEM, Dept. M17 9313 S. Figueroa, Los Angeles 3, Calif. Learn Profitable Profession In 90 days at Home women and Men, 18 tO 50 $50. S7 5 or even more per week. Large full time income from doctors, hospitals, sanatoriums. clubs or private practice. Others make good money in spare time. You can win independence and prepare for future security by training at home and qual ify injr for Diploma. Anatomy Charts and 32-Dage illustrated Book FREE— Now! Dpt. THE College of Swedish Massage 3t.759A.100 E.OhioSt., Chicago 11 WAT, LAST* SOMETHING NEW and SENSATIONAL in EVERYDAY CARDS Make Money Easily ^^raeous Satin and Velou. Show6 rich new Satin and Velour Greeting Cards Astounding value. 15 for $1. Get easy orders FAST! Pays up to 1005c. cash Profit 14 other assortments retail 60c to 31. t 1 Samples on approval. „ \ Puro Co. .2801 Locust, Dept.715-A, St. Louis 3,Mo. LARGE QUILT PIECES^ Cut From New Bolts Dress Goods Equal to about 22 yards gorgeous, fine quality 30-inch width goods. 4 lbs. Useful for quilts, pillows, patchwork aprons, rugs, child play clothes, etc. Lovely, colorful palm size cotton pieces — some larger. 18-Piece Sewing Kit and 20 Quilt Patterns with order. SEND N O MONEY! Pay postman only $1.98 and postage. Money Back Guarantee. You’ll be delighted! Great American Sales Co., 2226 Silverton Way, Dept. A-64, Chicago 16, 11L nifURE RING $1 ityottt8ITE PICTURE RING— made from any Hnnd ^fnted 25 cente extra. Photo returned with Money* back guaranteed Send photo and nng size I Picture Ring Co., Dept. G-31 Cincinnati, O. iGENUINEl ,'Po<-w-ket Art Corners f The Rea I Thing for mounting Snapshots. Car.dsStomps. I etc No paste needed. Pocket Oummed Inside for holding prints tight or loose. Neat. Quick and Artistic too. Sold at photo supply and album _ counters or send 10c today for pkg of 100 iTotk and Free Samples to See and Try them. Engel Art Corners Mfg. Co., I&C7 Dept. 10N. 4711 N. Clark Chicaao-AO-W ^ tv EARN ) MONEY SHOWING FREES' . . I WHt^neTam) I'll send yoa this big package of C7 / actual sample fabrics and style presentation — ABSOLUTELY FREE. You’ll see gor — /HUM!**. geous> newest style dresses— lovely S. lingerie— hosiery, men sshirtsand ^ iocks-aU at LOW PRICES. Take orders from friends and make money in spare time. GET FREE SAMPLES! SendnomoneyforthiBbig-Dront lineofsamplefabrics.It’Byoure free. Rush name, address now. THE I 100