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Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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Give her a Valentine gift That's enduring — A compact exquisitely Smart and alluring! A gift that is useful Yet glowing with glamour — Elgin Americans always enamour! "Heart’s Desire compact in sterling silver, $24 COMPACTS BY ELGIN, ILLINOIS "Hearts Afire" compact in jeweler’s bronze, $5.95 V Other compacts from $5 to $500 each At better stores everywhere @1947, ELGIN AMERICAN INSIDE Table-hopping Phil Silvers ehats with the Vineente Minnellis at Slapsie Maxie’s People: Leo Durocher joined Cal at the Beverly Brown Derby the other evening and naturally the talk got * around to baseball. Leo tells Cal his Brooklyn Dodgers will play several games in Rio next spring — or are we scooping the sports writers? After seeing “The Best Years of Our Lives,” a group of secretaries in Hollywood voted Dana Andrews the sexiest actor in pictures. Whose nose does that put out of joint? Bob Walker, who seems to Cal more than a little mixed up, wants to go to England to make a picture. His studio had better send along a body guard if Bob keeps up his getting-into-trouble record. Judy Garland is said to make almost daily treks to a psychiatrist which is all to the good, if true, for Judy received a lot of heart aches very young in life. It’s no secret her unhappy marriage to David Rose left its marks and her choice of certain friends was unfortunate. Glad she’s being helped for it’s no use to be so talented and be a lady-in-the-dark, Cal says. Jackie Cooper and his wife June are still holding their breath and thanking their lucky stars. The seaplane in which they’d flown to Lake Tahoe took a sudden nosedive downward while June and Jackie were still collecting their luggage. A few minutes after it landed it sank before anyone could determine the reason. They rushed right back to their baby son “Littlejack” and vowed they’d stay there for many a day. Three Together: He stood before the long rows of books at Martindale’s leisurely looking at the titles, occasionally inspecting the pages. The little boy in his father’s arm rested comfortably, making no fuss, no bother. Finally making a selection, Gregory Peck and his little son went out to his car. Over hv the magazine stand, a lithe young