Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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more VITAMIN B( than 3 servings of Oatmeal AIL YOUR Vitamins IN FOOD here's the newer way... for better results ! As you know, authorities agree that most people should get extra vitamins as a safeguard to good health. And authorities also agree, beyond question, that the best wav to get vitamins would be in your everyday food. But that’s hard to do — You know exactly what you’re getting. It’s a supplementary food that makes up deficiencies in ordinary foods. Because everyday foods vary considerably from day to day in vitamin and mineral values. And, besides, they lose a lot of their vitamins in shipping, storing and cooking. That’s why so many people are supplementing their meals with Ovaltine. Ovciltine is standardized. Its content is scientifically controlled. It never varies. Each spoonful supplies the same geneious amounts of vitamins and minerals. So you don’t have to worry about variations or losses. You know that a serving of Ovaltine in a glass of average milk always gives you the same substantial quantities of Vitamins A, Bi, C, D, G and Niacin — and Calcium, Phosphorus and Iron. And you can be sure that 2 glasses of Ovaltine daily and just normal meals will give you all the vitamins and minerals any normal person can use. And when you drink Ovaltine you get these vitamins and minerals the preferred way — in food. You’ll find, too, that Ovaltine has a very on you. So for better results, why don’t you start drinking Ovaltine at meals, just as you would tea or coffee? Or, if you prefer, between meals or at bedtime. Then, if you’re a normal person, you’ll know, as far as you are concerned, you’ve solved the vitamin problem. FAR MORE THAN VITAMINS . . . Ovaltine also contains virtually every other precious food element needed for buoyant health and vitality, including the elements that vitamins must have to function properly. That's why Ovaltine is so widely recognized as the ideal supplementary food-drink. fa more IRON than 3 servings of Spinach N A than >f Peas more N I AC I N than 6 slices of Enriched Bread more CALC I lit than 21/ Ameri