Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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INTIMATE FACTS you should know about THIS HIGHER TYPE WHMl4te ?cene Easier— Daintier— More Convenient Greaseless Suppository Gives Continuous Medication For Hours. Easy To Carry If Away From Home! Too many wives still live in much ignorance about this higher type intimate feminine cleanliness. If only they’d learn about Zonitors — one of the most effective methods ever discovered and so widely used among highly intelligent and exacting women. Zonitors are so much easier, daintier and more convenient — so powerful yet absolutely safe to delicate tissues. Positively Non-Irritating; Non-Smarting Zonitors are greaseless, stainless, snow-white vaginal suppositories. When inserted, they instantly begin to release their powerful germicidal properties and continue to do so for hours — assuring you hours of continuous medication. Yet they are safe to the most delicate tissues. Positively non-burning, non-irritating, non-poisonous. Leave No Tell-Tale Odor Zonitors actually destroy offending odor. Help guard against infection. They kill every germ they touch. You know it’s not always possible to contact all the germs in the tract, but you can be sure Zonitors immediately kill every reachable germ and keep them from multiplying. Buy at any drugstore. FREE. Mall this coupon today for free booklet sent in plain wrapper. Reveals frank intimate facts. Zonitors, Dept. ZPP-27, 370 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. Nome Address _ -fjt* ...... are distinctly her favorite people. For this reason “Geronimo” is her favorite picture. She begs Louis B. Mayer, head of her studio, to get it and run it for her periodically and when recently she discovered the Hitching Post Theater on Hollywood Boulevard would run any “request” picture, she promptly sent in a letter begging for “Geronimo.” She has only recently learned to read. She goes to school on the M-G-M lot, when she’s working, and she has a private tutor otherwise, but nobody taught her to read. She just suddenly started and now she’s going great guns. Next to reading she likes geography and history best, but she admits she is not so hot in arithmetic. As for spelling, there she’s terrible. Maggie says, “I always like to spell by phonetics and sometimes a word is not spelled phonetically.” Don’t think that this use of large words is show-off-y in her. There is no show-off in her at all. She is just as earnest as she appears on screen, only right now she is going through the normal small-girl, bigword phase. HER most intimate friend is Nancy Stuart, just her age, who lives four houses down the street from her and who goes to the same church. Nancy is so faithful in her attendance on Margaret that the whole neighborhood calls her “The Sentinel” for the manner in which she paces the sidewalk waiting for her idol to come home and play. Such is life, however, that Margaret doesn’t return this devotion in full measure. Maggie gets moods when she shuts herself into the house, away from reality. Dressed in her mother’s clothes, she becomes Lady Hamilton, strutting toward her deathless love. Mrs. O’Brien adores chiffon scarves and has them in every color. Imagine her consternation when she came upon Margaret draped in about a half dozen of them, gouged together with bobby pins, dancing about — fortunately — in the O’Brien sheltered garden — playing Salome. “Margaret! You must put on something underneath,” said Mrs. O’Brien. The artist in Margaret instinctively knew better. “Oh, Mother, did Salome?” Margaret asked, mournfully. Still, she went right in and put on her pants, because she is an obedient little girl. It is, in fact, only once in a blue moon that anybody has to speak to her twice, and if she threatens to get really out of line, the mere suggestion that she must pay for this by being kept away from the studio, scares her right back into perfection. For she loves everything about the studio — pictures, players, dressing up. The other day, on the set of “The Unfinished Dance,” she twisted her foot and was told by Henry Roster to stay home for two days and recover from it. This broke her heart. She figured it as a great, dark plot of Roster’s against her. Ordered to stay in bed, she did so till noon and then, defying whatever might be the consequences, she surreptitiously hobbled downstairs and phoned Joe Pasternak, her producer. “Oh, Mr. Pasternak,” she sobbed, “they’re trying to take my picture away from me. Why can’t I come in and do my sittingdown scenes?” It was duly so arranged. This isn’t entirely because Mr. Pasternak has a heart firm as warm butter when it comes to kids. It is also based on Margaret’s being very big-time stuff at that box-office wicket. But make no mistake — it isn’t the box office that concerns Maggie. She loves her work because it’s part of her life — that life that walks down the radiant paths of her dream world. .... ^ JiSxr* 1teu> EASY WAY IftaheA HUTTON HOLES ^ SIDE-WAY FINISH STITCH New! /mproved / NOW ONLY $(QO A/OTH/MG l/KE /r/ FOUR LONG STITCHES Dam TO PAD BUTTON HOLE Stockings, Mend Tears, Attach Zippers and Sew On Buttons, too! Once dreaded by every woman, now button hole making becomes as easy as basting a hem with this sensational new invention! You’ll get twice as neat results in half the time, too! Fits any sewing machine . . . attaches in a moment. Simple to operate. Comes complete with hoop for darning stockings, a button hole guide — and easy directions in picture. Test at our risk now and realize a new thrill in sewing. NEEDLE THREADER. As a gift for prompt action, you will receive with your order the marvelous time-saving, eye-saving needle threader. Don’t wait but send your name today. SEND NO MONEY ORDER NOW. Just send your name and when you receive your new improved button hole attachment and gift needle threader, deposit only $1.00 plus C.O.D. charges thru postman. Do this on the guarantee that if you aren’t delighted in every way, you may return purchase for full refund. ^ ord“' P3^ Postage. Special . . . d lor $3.50 NOW . . . Mail your name and address to LONDON SPECIALTIES, Dept. 5-B7. 8505 S. Phillips, Chicago 17.IIL MAKE Spare Time PROFITS Sell EVERYDAY GREETING CARDS Easy to earn extra CASH. Show lovely Everyday Greeting Cards for Birthdays, "Get-Well”, fitc^ Assortment of 14 sells for only $1. Take orders, make up to 100% cash profit. 12 other Assortments, Stationery, Gift Wrappings, retail 60c up. START NOW — write today! PHILLIPS CARD COMPANY 709 HUNT STREET NEWTON, MASS. BRUSH AWAY MffiVliHlJ AND LOOK IO YEARS YOUNGER • Now, at nome, you can quickly tint telltale gray to natural-appearing shades — from lightest blonde to darkest black. Brownatone and a small brush does it — or your money back. Approved by thousands — Brownatone is guaranteed harmless when used as directed. No skin test needed. The principal coloring agent is a purely vegetable derivative with iron and copper salts added for fast action. Cannot affect waving of hair. Lasting —does not wash out. Just brush or comb it in. One application imparts desired color. Simply retouch, as new gray appears. Easy to prove on a test lock of your haiq. 60o and $1.65 at druggists. Get BROWNATONE now, or FREE TEST BOTTLE The Kenton Pharmacal Co. 282 Brownatone Bldg., Covington, Kentucky Without obligation, please send me, free and post-paid, Test Bottle of BROWNATONE and interesting * illustrated booklet. Check shade wanted: l □ Blonde to Medium Brown Q Dark Brown to Black 111 Name Address City ..State ......