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Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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. * The prayers of the most worthy people often fail. Why? The unworthy often have the greatest health, success, riches and happiness. The best, smartest, and most industrious people often have only pain, poverty and sorrow. Why? Thirty years ago, in Forbidden Tibet, behind the highest mountains in the world, a young Englishman found the answers to these questions. His eyes were opened by the strangest mystic he met during his twenty-one years of travels in the Far East. Sick then, he regained health. Poor then, he acquired wealth and world-wide professional honors. He wants to tell the whole world what he learned, and offers to send a 9, 000word treatise, FREE, to everyone who asks promptly. It is a first step to the Power that Knowledge gives. N o obligation. Write for your FREE copy today. INSTITUTE of MENTALPHYSICS, Dept.286-B 213 South Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles 4, Calif. Sterling silver ladies ring in new lovely pattern, set with brilliant white stone. Given for selling 4 boxes Rosebud Salve at 25c each, remitting the $1.00. Order 4 salve by lc post card. You can sell the salve in a few hours.( Will mailringand 4 salveNOW if you send $1.00 with order.) ROSEBUD PERFUME CO., W00DSB0R0, Box 40 MARYLAND. PATENTS Write for information on what steps an inventor should take to secure a Patent Randolph & Beavers, 718 Columbian Bldg., Washington, D. C. ^mRFMONEY SS^^yBreefingCads Make extra money— fall or 9pare time! Show r friends, neighbors, glorious New Wallace Brown Everyday Greeting Cards ! 16-Card All-Occasion Assortment includes Birthday, Get-Well, Baby-Birth, Sym and others. Also Name-Imprinted Stationery. Write today for samples sent on approval. WALLACE BROWN. INC.. 125 Fifth Avenue, Dept. L-139. NEW YORK !Ov N. Y. BACKACHES “IT MOTHERHOOD Muscles are often strained by motherhood and cause backaches for years. Allcock's Porous Plasters give prompt effective relief . . . They support the muscles, bring heat to painful spot. 25c at druggists. ALLCOCK’S Porous Plasters Keep your complexion free of Blackheads this new way — look ( attractive instantly ! f Try VACUTEX Blackhead-Remover The amazingly effective Vacutex extracts Blackheads automatically — WITHOUT squeezing the skin or injuring tissues. Easy to use with three fingers. It reaches Blackheads anywhere. Try it 10 days and if not delighted, return VACUTEX and your money will be refunded. 1 BALLCO PRODUCTS CO.. Dept. A-3302 I • 19 West 44th St.. New York 18. N. Y. I n Enclosed find SI. Send postpaid. : ID Send C.O.D. I will pay postman SI plua postage; SI refund if not delighted. I Indicates picture rated "outstanding’ when reviewed Indicates jaicture rated ' very good when reviewed * Indicates picture rated "good” when reviewed y ABIE’S IRISH ROSE— Bing Crosby-UA: Dealing with the lighter aspects of racial relations, this is mildly amusing. Joanne Dru plays the colleen with assurance; Richard Norris makes Abie very likable; George E. Stone and Vera Gordon are the peacemakers. (Dec.) y ANGEL ON MY SHOULDER— Rogers-UA: In this experiment in the realm of fantasy and the afterworld, Paul Muni is magnificent as the murdered gangster who wakes up in hades; Claude Rains has a high old time as Beelzebub himself; Anne Baxter is the only one remotely resembling an angel. (Dec.) BACHELOR’S DAUGHTERS, THE— Stone-UA; Four phony “sisters” play at a game of make-believe in an effort to improve their respective fortunes. Gail Russell, Claire Trevor, Ann Dvorak and Jane Wyatt go looking for trouble, adopting as their “parents” Adolphe Menjou and Billie Burke. (Dec.) BLACK ANGEL — Universal: Suspects keep piling up, Peter Lorre among them, in this mediocre mystery involving John Phillips as an innocent bystander, convicted of killing Constance Dowling. (Nov.) BLACK BEAUTY — 20th Century-Fox: A girl’s passionate attachment for her horse and the adventures that befall them both comprise the theme of this one, set in rural England. Mona Freeman and Richard Denning provide the romantic interest, Evelyn Ankers an obstacle. For the small fry. (Dec.) BLONDE FOR A DAY— PRC: If you happen to be a Michael Shayne addict, you may not mind viewing these proceedings revolving around crooked gamblers and blackmailers. Hugh Beaumont plays a whimsical sleuth, Kathryn Adams his Girl Friday. (Nov.) yBRIEF ENCOUNTER — Noel Coward-Cineguild: This British production deals with an emotional crisis in an English matron’s life. Celia Johnson plays the woman, Trevor Howard the man who provides a “brief encounter” with romance, forcing her into making the hardest decision of her life. (Nov.) y CHASE, THE — Nebenzal-UA: How a nice boy like Robert Cummings gets mixed up with a bad bunch is unfolded in this thriller-chiller. Michele Morgan plays a terror-stricken wife, rescued by Bob from gangster Steve Cochran and his bodyguard, Peter Lorre. (Jan.) TAKE A £// headache powder Without adelay BC" FOR QUICK RELIEF FROM HEADACHES, NEURALGIC PAINS AND MUSCULAR ACHES— 10c„„d25c. Show beautiful 14-card $1.00 assort “ ments of Birthday, GetWell. Easter cards; also Baby Congratulations, , Sympathy cards, many other big values. Quick sales . . . easy profits. Write today for amazing SAMPLE OFFER! WETMORE & SUGDEN, INC. Greeting Cards y CHILDREN OF PARADISE— Tricolor FilmsUA: Although too long, this French film with explanatory English titles is a fascinating potpourri, all about Paris’s Boulevard of Crime in 1840. A superb cast is headed by Arletty, Jean-Louis Barrault and Pierre Brassuer. (Jan.) yy CLOAK AND DAGGER — Warners: Starting off with some hold-your-breath scenes, this “now it can be told” film has Gary Cooper as an American chemist in German-occupied Italy. Gary takes time from his OSS activities for a bit of romancing with Lilli Palmer. (Nov.) yyDARK MIRROR, THE — Universal-International: Olivia de Havilland, Lew Ayres and Thomas Mitchell make the old idea of twin sisters — one good, the other bad — seem fairly fresh and believable. Both girls are suspected when a doctor-acquaintance is found fatally stabbed. (Dec.) y^DECEPTI ON — Warners: It’s ye old triangle again, played to the hilt by Bette Davis as a talented musician whose past catches up with her, Paul Henreid as the great romance in her life, and Claude Rains as the threat to their happiness. A high-powered, pulse-quickening drama. (Jan.) DRIFTIN' RIVER — PRC: In this routine Western, it’s law versus crime in a place crawling with tough hombres who fall back on fisticuffs when the bullets run out. Eddie Dean, Shirley Patterson and Roscoe Ates are on the side of the law with Eddie crooning cowboy ballads in between the fighting. (Jan.) EARL CARROL SKETCHBOOK— Republic: William^ Marshall, who writes radio jingles, is beloved 749 Monroe Avenue. Dept. 5-X. Rochester 2, N. Y. PLENTY OF EXTRA CASH AMAZING OPPORTUNITIES for WOMEN How would you like to turn your spare mornings or evenings into cash? Later on, devote FULLTIME to this fascinating, big-pay work. If you’re married— earn good money showing friends, neighbors glorious new Sheba Ann Frocks direct from Hollywood & New York. Be a proud, prosperous Sheba Ann Fashion Counsellor. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED START EARNING MONEY RIGHT AWAY I Getting orders for lovely Sheba Ann Originals is just like chatting with friends. It’s easy— dignified . . . and you come away with ready cash. MAKE MONEY VERY FIRST DAY We show you exactly how to go about earning BIG CASH BONUSES, too. We deliver & collect. _ Have Your Own Money. Start Now! Send coupon NOW. We'll furnish FREE SAMPLE SHEBA ANN FROCKS, Dept. K-18 407 South Austin Street, Dallas 2, Texas 1 i SHEBA ANN FROCKS, Dept. K-18 407 South Austin Street, Dallas 2, Texas Please rush me FREE Sample Outfit and complete details < I can make a big. steady income, get CASH BONUSES tak: ders for advanced style, top-quality, Sheba Ann Frocks. STREET ADDRESS P