Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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r Dennison, Dept.P-145, Framingham, Mass, FREE Please send me a whole day's supply of Dennison Diaper Liners. Name Street i City State f0se*r HEY, MOM! Don’t be a Diaper Drudge! Dennison Diaper Liners reduce unpleasantness in changing and washing my diapers. Just fold a Liner inside diaper next to my skin. When soiled, flush away. No hard scrubbing. Sanitary. Helps prevent diaper rash. Costs only a few cents a day. deluxe: 180 for $1; CRADLE TIME & DOWNEESOFT: 180 for 69*. DIAPER LINERS Wherever Baby Goods Are Sold MONEY-BACK, POSTAGE-BACK GUARANTEE QUILT PIECEM FREE! 500 Yds. Thread! Beautiful new prints. Large colorful pieces. 3 lbs. (18 to 22 yds.) only SI. 49 plus postage. Sent C.O.D. FREE! EXTRA! Five hundred yds. good white #50 thread FREE and 16 lovely quilt patterns all sent free. If i not perfectly satisfied, just retuml quilt pieces (keeping free sewing thread and free quilt patterns for your Rouble) and we will refund your $1.49 plus all postage spent BOTH ways! You be the judge. You can’t lose. Could anything be more fair? Compare our offer and liberal guarantee with others. Send No Money! Just mail a card Today. Act Now! _ REMNANT SHOP. Box 483-B, SESSER, ILLINOIS WE WILL PAY YOI J 25 [Great demand for our Birthday and all Occa ( Ision Cards. Sell for $1 — your profit 50c; it 1 costs nothing to try— write for samples today. 1 FOB SEUING FIFTY J1 ASSORTMENTS Merit Card Co., Dept. D, 70 William St., Newark 2, N.J.| for Nervous HEADACHE I HAD A NERVOUS HEADACHE IT ALMOST DROVE ME MAD BUT NOW i TAKE MY MILES NERVINE BEFORE THEY GET SO BAD » . . Miles Nervine is wonderful! Try it when you feel a nervous headache coming on. It may save you hours of needless distress. Try it also when you are cranky, restless and can’t sleep. It helps relieve nervous tension, helps you calm down — permits refreshing sleep. CAUTION — Take only as directed. Miles Nervine Liquid 25c and $1.00; Effervescent tablets 35c and 75c at any drug store. Miles Laboratories, Inc., Elkhart, Indiana. MILES NERVINE Casts of Current Pictures AFFAIRS OF GERALDINE — Republic: Geraldine Cooper, Jane Withers; Willy Briggs, James Lydon; Amos Hartwell, Raymond Walburn; Casper Millhouse, Donald Meek; J. Edmund Roberts, Charles Quigley; Henry Cooper, Grant Withers; Wayne Cooper, William Haade; Charlie March, Michael Branden; Danny, Johnny Sands; Percy McBride, David Holt; Liza Jane, Tanis Chandler; Judge Fricke, Harry V. Cheshire; Belle Walker, Josephine Whittell; Mrs. Hutchinson, Donia Bussey; Mrs. Eddington, Edith M. Griffith; Lawyer Darnell, George Carleton. BEDELIA— Eagle Lion: Bedelia, Margaret Lockwood; Charlie Carrington, Ian Hunter; Ben Chaney, Barry K. Barnes; Ellen, Anne Crawford; Mary, Beatrice Varley; Hannah, Louise Hampton; Nurse Harris, Jill Esmond; Dr. McAfee, Julien Mitchell; Mrs. McAfee, Vi Stevens; Mr. Bennett, Kynaston Reeves; Mrs. Bennett, Olga Lindo; Alec Johnstone, John Salew; Sylvia Johnstone, Barbara Blair; Miss Jenkins, Daphne Arthur; Captain McKelvey Claude Bailey; McKelvey* s Housekeeper, Ellen Pollock; M. Martin, Henry de Bray; M. Perrin, Marcel Poncin; Abbe, Martin Harvey; Abbe's Housekeeper, Sonia Sergyl; Vicar, Aubrey Mallalieu; Police Inspector, Oscar Nation; Insurance Manager, Paul Boniface; Chemist , David Keir; Jeweller's Saleswoman, Jill Bardi; Shop Assistant , Elizabeth Maude; Errand Boy, Malcolm Thomas; Waiter, Claude Frederic; Chambermaid, Yvonne Andre; Manageress, Alice Gachet; Clerk, John Allen; Railway Clerk, Charles Paton; Jeweller* s Customers, John Serret and Michele de Lys; Old Frenchman, Paul Hardtmuth, Willie, George Pelling; Jim, Dermot Walsh; Specialty Dancers , . A1 Gold and Lola Cordell. BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES THE — Goldwyn: Milly Stephenson, Myrna Loy; A l Stephenson, Fredric March; Fred Derry, Dana Andrews; Peggy Stephenson, Teresa Wright; Marie Derry, Virginia Mayo; Wilma Cameron, Cathy O’Donnell; Butch Engle, Hoagy Carmichael; Homer Parrish, Harold Russell; Hortense Derry, Gladys George; Pat Derry, Roman Bohnen; Mr. Milton, Ray Collins; Cliff, Steve Cochran; Mrs. Parrish, Minna Gombell; Mr. Parrish, Walter Baldwin; Mrs. Cameron, Dorothy Adams; Mr. Cameron, Don Beddoe; Woody, Victor Cutler; Bullard, Erskine Sanford; Luella Parrish, Marlene Aames; Rob Stephenson, Michael Hall; Prew, Charles Halton; Thorpe, Howland Chamberlin. BRINGING m UP FATHER— Monogram: Jiggs, Joe Yule; Maggie, Renie Riano; George McManus, Himself; Dinty Moore, Tim Ryan; ^Jora , June Harrison; Danny, Wallace Chadwell; Mtirpliy, Tom Kennedy; Mrs. Kermishaw, Laura Treadwell; Junior Kermishaw, William Frambes; Norton, Jack Norton; Dugan, Pat Goldin; F. Newton Kermishaw, Ferris Taylor; Hod Carrier, Tom Dugan; Casey, Joe Devlin. LADY IN THE LAKE — M-G-M: Phillip Marlowe, Robert Montgomery; Adrienne Fromsett, Audrey Totter; L{. DeGarmot, Lloyd Nolan; Capt. Kane, Tom Tully; Derace Kingsby, Leon Ames; Mildred Havelend, Jayne Meadows; Chris Lavery, Dick Simmons; Eugene Grayson, Morris Ankrum; Receptionist, Lila Leeds; Artist, William Roberts; Mrs. Grayson, Kathleen Lockhart; Chrystal Kingsby, Ellay Mort. MAGNIFICENT DOLL — Universal: Dolly Payne, Ginger Rogers; Aaron Burr, David Niven; James Madison, Burgess Meredith; John Todd, Horace McNally; Mrs. Payne, Peggy Wood; Amy, Frances Williams; Mr. Payne, Robert H. Bar rat; Thomas Jefferson, Grandon Rhodes; Count D’Arignon, Henri Letondal: Senator Ainsworth, Joe Forte; Darcy; Erville Alderson; Jedson, George Barrows; Barber Jenks, Francis McDonald; Mr. Gallentine, Emmet Vogan. MAN FROM MOROCCO, THE — English Films: Karel, Anton Walbrook; Manuela, Margaretta Scott; Sarah Duboste, Mary Morris; Ricardi, Reginald Tate; Jock, Peter Sinclair; Doctor Ouboste, David Horne; Colonel Bagley, Hartley Power; Bourdille, Charles Victor; Erna { False Duboste ), Sybilla Binder; Franz {Austrian) , Josef Almas; Pete {Canadian), John McLaren; Galzani, Dennis Arundell; August, Paul Demel; Carlos, David Baxter; French Mayor, Paul Bonifas; Mrs. Morgan, Margaret Emden; Guard Mobile {Pierre), Jan Van Loewen; Lieutenant Gerard, Paul Sheridan; Nurse, Gwen Bateman; Treville, Henry Morrell; Colonel Appleby, Stuart Lindsell; French General, Andre Randall; German General, Carl Jaffe; Italian Barber, Roger Snowden; Russian, Orest Orloff; Spaniard, Ereth Marshall; Jeremiah, Orlando Martins. NEVER SAY GOODBYE— Warners: Phil Gayley, Errol Flynn; Ellen Gayley, Eleanor Parker; Flip , Patti Brady; Mrs. Hamilton, Lucile Watson; Luigi, S. Z. Sakall; Corp. Fenwick Lonkowski, Forrest Tucker; Rex, Donald Woods; Nancy, Peggy Knudsen; Jack Gordon, Tom D’Andrea; Cozy, Hattie McDaniel; Withers, Charles Coleman. PLAINSMAN AND THE LADY — Republic: Sam Cotten, William Elliott; Ann Arnesen, Vera Ralston; Cathy Arnesen, Gail Patrick; Peter Marquette, Joseph Schildkraut; Dringo, Andy Clyde; Feisty, Donald B^ry; Judge Winters, Raymond Walburn; Michael Arnesen, Reinhold Schunzel; Senator Gwin, Russell Hicks; Mr. Russell, William B. Davidson; Al, Paul Hurst; Manuel Lopez, Charles Judels; Simmons, Byron Foulger; Sival, Jack Lambert; Pete, Hal Taliaferro; Matt, Stuart Hamblen; Wassac, Noble Johnson; WHY WEAR DIAMONDS When diamond-dazzling Zircons from the mines of far-away mystic Siam are so effective and inex • pensive? Thrilling beauty, stand acid, true backs, full of FIRE! Exquisite mountings. See before you buy .Write for FREE catalog. National Zircon Co., Dept. 6 Wheeling, W.Va. Cc.tafoei FREE! BIG CASH EARNINGS, TOO! , ,11' uuuuo. 1/u.cuq ui lieu new luUfleo, superbly tailored in latest styles, at low prices produce orders on sight. Money-back guarantee. FREE SAMPLES ! Write today giving name, address, age, etc. for big complete outfit of actual samples and de W.Z. GIBSON, I Lovely solid sterling] I silver cushion shape | set ring in your own Birthstone Color J given for selling 4 1 I boxes Rosebud Salve I I at 25c each remitting ( | the $1.00 to us. Send No Money. Order 4 Rosebud Salve by one cent postcard, (W ill mail ring and 4 sal ve now, if you send $1 .00 with order.) ROSEBUD PERFUME CO, Box 70, W00DSB0R0. MARYLAND. wourt3°Allergic Skin? In cosmetics, too, physicians know best. Ask your doctor about AR-EX \ Cosmetics. At leadin£Sgu\ jtipcxl] drug stores. Write for , r FREE BOOKLET: “New Fasts on Skin Care.”fOB,^,^*53Ml AR-EX COSMETICS. INC. 1036-BH W. Van Suren SL, Chicago 7. Ill Dej£=£roHAIR Temporary relief not enough — you want freedom Only by KILLING THE HAIR ROOT can you be sure your unwanted hair has gone FOREVER. The Mahler Method— used successfully all over the world for over fifty years —positively enables you to do this in the privacy of your home. It brings relief and social happiness long denied you . . . Send 6c in stamps TODAY for illustrated booklet, “New Charm for Madame." MAHLER’S, Inc., Dept. 587B, E. Providence, R. I. GET QUICK, amazing relief by placing Dent's Tooth Gum — or Drops — in cavity of aching tOQtfi. Follow direction*. Cavity toothache frequently etrikea when you can't see dentist. Be prepared. Ask your druggist for package. Keep handy for childred'too. M DENTS TOOTH DROPS WOMEN] Soft* , f tuntn\ With Form Tailored UN«W*J J.H-RdiWJU Women go wild about “Form-Tailored” Lingerie — new, glamorous styling, new kind of fitting, high quality workmanship. Low prices bring quick orders. Also fine hosiery, girdles and underwear for the whole family. If you want money, full or spare time, write today for complete, beautiful, illustrated Style Equipment — sent ABSOLUTELY FREE. WORLD'S STAR-MALLOCH Dept. A-39, Grand Rapids, Mich. Women and Men _wedish Massage graduates mane sau. $75 or even more per week. Large full time income from doctors, hospitals, sanatoriums. clubs or private practice. Others make “““ good money in spare time. You can win independence and prepare for .future security by training at home and qualifying for Diploma. Anatomy Charts and 32-page illustrated me ‘Book FREE— Now! ^THE College of Swedish Massage Dpt.759-B, 100 E. Ohio St., Chicago 11 FALSE TEETH KLUTCH holds them tighter KLUTCH forms a comfort cushion; holds dental plates so much firmer and snugger that one can eat and talk with greater comfort and security; in many cases almost as well as with natural teeth. Klutch lessens the constant fear of a dropping, rocking, chafing plate. 25c and 50o at druggists. ... If your druggist hasn't it donpt watte money on tubttitutes, but send US 10c and Wd Will mail you a generous trial box. ©I. P. INC. KLUTCH CO.. Box 4786-B ELMIRA, N. V,