Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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p r Never Before Such Wonderful Acclaim! “An important book by any Standard: one of the most important novels to come out in years." — New York Times. “A beautifully told love story . . . one of the finest, most sensitive novels of the season." — A. C. Spectorsky. Chicago Sun. “Lillian Smith has laid open a southern town with a razorsharp pen and done to it what ‘Kings Row’ did to the midwestern village ... it will be read and widely . . . and once begun certain to be finished. — Columbus Citizen. “ ‘Strange Fruit’ is powerful, heart wrenching, challenging . . a story of what people know, but* do not want to know. It must be read everywhere." — Akron l&Sjk Beacon-Journal. and thousands more will buy it in the days ahead . . . NOW.. . for a limited time only ITS YOUR^^ / when you ioin The Fiction Book Club "A passionate nouel about two decent people impossibly in I ove. Make no mistake about it, to read 'Strange Fruit’ is an emotional experience,” says Lewis Gannett, famed critic of the N. V. Herald-Tribune . Those few words from Lewis Gannett’s long and enthusiastic review tell very simply why more than 700,000 men and women have already bought "Strange Fruit”— all at the original price... why millions have read it... and why you won’t want to miss it, especially when you can read and own this famous $2.75 best seller absolutely FREE— as an introductory gift to new members of The Fiction Book Club. Just mail the coupon below NOW! You’ll never forget this tender story of the love of Tracy Dean and N onnie Anderson! "Strange Fruit” tells the innermost secrets of its amazingly "real” characters... deals with the things people are afraid to talk about, the things hidden away in bureau drawers and locked in troubled hearts. Yes, "Strange Fruit” will open your eyes and —your heart— as it reveals the passions, hypocrisies, loves and hates of the men and women of a small Southern town... as it shows you what happens to this town’s white and colored children when they emerge from childhood into a world where color is a pitiless barrier between human beings. “Everyone should read this book. Everyone who does will read it again and tell everyone else to read it. It i3 an absorbing novel of high literary merit, terrific and tender." — Boston Globe. “It Is an honest book . . . and it is beautiful. It will be widely and intensely discussed, and it will be remembered.” — Los Angeles Times. “ ‘Strange Fruit’ is one of the season’s most engrossing novels . . . shows us hope in the struggle against bigotry." — Philadelphia Record. “One of the best books I have ever read . . . thoroughly sympathetic and understanding." — Cleveland Plain Dealer. ^ Send No Money! 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