Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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WOMEN, we hear it said, dress for other women — not for the men in their lives. This probably is true. But it’s definitely not wise. Fairly early in the game I learned that if I wanted a date to be successful I’d better make sure* my appearance pleased the man with whom I had the date. And my manners too. What’s more, I’ve found that men can analyze a girl with surprising accuracy — provided, of course, they’re not blinded by moonlight and roses and stuff. And don’t think they don’t analyze us! So, if men are going to be important in our scheme of things let’s hear what they have to say. Let’s consider the likes and dislikes of three Hollywood men I know who represent different types and different ages too — namely, Clark Gable, Jimmy Stewart and Guy Madison. Clark, I’ll have you know, is an angel who wears tweeds instead of wings and a devilish grin or scowl rati, .r than any seraphic mien. He hates affectation. All of which is fair enough! He’s so completely unaffected himself. There’s not a grip who hangs from the rafters of a set who doesn’t yell “Hi!” the very instant he comes into view. Ask Clark what makes a woman attractive and you’ll get his answer in one quick, incisive word. “Naturalness!” He might add, “Naturalness in appearance as well as maimer.” For it’s the healthy outdoor looks he likes, including simple sport clothes. Many times he’s been heard to tell girls, “You’d look wonderful in pigtails.” Clark also likes hair worn loose and flowing — if it’s as shampooed and brushed as it should be. Hair piled high on top of the head until it presents a facade as elaborate and imposing as Notre Dame he dislikes intensely. And says so. He also ( Continued on page 105) A girl mast be “hep” to rate dates -with Jimmy Stewart 63