Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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BORDERLINE ANEMIA' is a threat to your pep and popularity! Thousands who are tired and pale may find renewed energy— restore healthy good looks— with Ironized Yeast Tablets on into a fallen tree!” she exclaimed. When she regained consciousness she was in a hospital with a spinal injury and an arm and leg broken. She was in a cast for months and after that was not able to walk perfectly for five tedious years. This was a time of deep frustration and young loneliness — of being isolated from the activities and pleasures of other children of her age. Her doctor was of the opinion that she might never walk again. Yet she yearned to dance, to run, to skate, to swim. This ordeal would have broken the spirit of any less courageous girl. Seeing this before me it was possible to understand the tremendous pathos behind the sunny radiance of her present personality. Also the hidden ruggedness under the sparkling feminine charm. Conquering pain, fatigue, discouragement and all manner of physical obstacles she responded to her physician’s encouragement to try to swim. She succeeded. He advised her to try to dance. She did — and succeeded to a remarkable degree. Where did she get the courage to put up such a successful fight? Her upper Mars, a mount at the outer edge of the hand is exceptionally well developed. It denoted that June is possessed of a courage and perseverance that does not give up. She does not yield to defeat. It is this quality that gives both patience and fortitude to endure pain and discouragement. Where the headline (the second horizontal line running through the palm) tends to be practical in her right or personality hand, it is imaginative and idealistic in the left hand — -a splendid combination for her acting career. From her heart line — the first horizontal line — we get a warning. She will never be robust. She must always guard her health, never be overworked. Her career will depend on her conserving her strength for it in a quiet, healthy life. t \0 you tire too easily? Is your color fading — your face unbecomingly pale? Do your enthusiasm and stamina and charm seem to be waning? Very often these effects stem from a blood condition, and you may be the victim of a Borderline Anemia— due to a ferro-nutritional blood deficiency. Your red blood cells may be faded and shrunken, weakened to a point where they cannot transmit full energy to your body. Results of medical surveys show that up to 68% of the women examined— many men and children—have this Borderline Anemia. How Ironized Yeast Tablets Build Up Your Blood and Vigor So, if your color is fading— your energy failing — due to this blood deficiency, take Ironized Yeast Tablets. They are formulated to help build up faded red blood cells— thus to help restore vigor and good looks. Continuing tiredness and pallor may come from other condi tions—so consult yoyr doctor regularly. But in a Borderline Anemia, take Ironized Yeast Tablets to help build up your blood. Take them to start your energy shifting back into “high”— to help restore the natural color to your cheeks! Take them so you can enjoy life again! * Resulting from ferro-nutritional blood deficiency BORDERLINE ANEMIA why it can make you TIRED • PALE • LISTLESS Energy-Building Blood. This is a microscopic view of blood rich in energy elements. Here are big plentiful red cells that release energy to every muscle, limb, tissue. Borderline Anemia. Many have blood like this; never know it. Cells are puny, faded. Blood like this can’t release the energy you need to feel and look your best. JUNE has the gift of agelessness which is typical of women of enthusiasm, vitality and charm. She will be just as fascinating at fifty as she is today. Her zeal for life will keep her young. I predict that she will hold and consolidate the position she has won, for besides her artistic gifts she has the stability which many stars lack — the quality which will keep her a ranking actress for many years. Back in Hollywood, June is busy on her new picture — “Cabbages and Kings.” It is the modern “Alice in Wonderland” and so is June. Even more akin to her personal story, however, is the old classic of “The Ugly Duckling,” that endearing fable of the triumph over a bad start. Her smooth fingers reveal that she is emotional and impulsive, but her long Saturn (second) finger keeps her emotions well under control. Her Apollo (third) finger with its spatulate finger tip and its mount explains her radiant charm. In June it manifests as an inner joy, a spiritual vitality that like a sunlit fountain bubbles over into ardent enthusiasm. This charm casts a spell on people. It is a great factor in her success. And because it rises from a wellspring deep in her soul, it is a quality she will never lose. She was irresistible and delightful, even more appealing in human contact than she is on the screen. I was touched when I was saying goodbye to her and she asked me quite seriously, “Do you think I am a good girl?” Before I could reply, her husband, Dick Powell, said with kindling eyes, “She is wonderful. She is the finest girl in Hollywood!” I held her hand again. “You are indeed,” I said. “The proof is here.” Born to suffer and succeed, she deserves her happiness. Ironized Yeast TABLETS 112 The End