Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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your laxative taste in your mouth? The sickening, "druggy” taste of some laxatives is enough to turn your stomach. But it’s even worse when that taste lingers in your mouth, as an unpleasant reminder of the dose you’ve taken. There’s nothing like that, when you use Ex-Lax! You just eat a delicious little tablet which tastes like fine chocolate ... and that’s all there is to it! Ex-Lax is a pleasure to take— not a punishment! And Ex-Lax works pleasantly, too. It’s dependable and effective, but effective in a gentle way. Not too strong, not too mild . . . Ex-Lax is the "Happy Medium” laxative! For more than 40 years, Ex-Lax has been America’s favorite laxative—the choice of grown-ups and children alike. Today, Ex-Lax is used by more people than any other laxative . . . over 40 million boxes sold last year! As a precaution, use only as directed. 10c and 25c The “Happy Medium” Laxative 'kWken you have a cold — and if you need a laxative — don’t dose yourself with harsh purgatives. Take Ex-Lax / P 12.2. DON’T DYE . . . until you try Mary T. Goldman’s Gray Hair Coloring Preparation. This famous “Color Control” method gives hair the lovely, appealing color you desire, quickly — or so gradually even close friends won't guess your secret. So simple! Safe! Sure! Comb this clear liquid through your gray, bleached Or faded hair. Watch “Color Control” action give your hair the youthfullooking shade you want. Pronounced harmless by medical authorities (no skin test needed). Won’t harm wave or GRAY HAIR hair texture. SO year favorite of millions. Now give yourself lustrous hair beauty — in the privacy of your home! Buy a bottle today! Sold on moneyback guarantee by drug and department stores. Or if you prefer, order direct from Mary T. Goldman Co., St. Paul 2, Minnesota. Send $1.92 (includes tax) for regular size, mailed postpaid in plain wrapper. State color desired: Black, Dark Brown, Medium Brown, Light Brown, Blonde, Auburn. MARY T. 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ILLINOIS widened with Keenan consumed between his love for the stage and his love for motors, with the wanderlust to go places. Balanced against this was Van and his devotion to movies, his contentment with Hollywood. And there was the house Van had bought recently. His very first home. “Yes, it’s a beautiful place,” Evie said. “It was the Cedric Gibbons house, you know. But there again the rumors that I had picked out the house for Van are false. He saw the house, liked it and bought it. I think he made a wise choice. After all, why shouldn’t he have a home? He’s worked hard and certainly deserves it.” As to herself and Van, Evie met the questions fairly and squarely. “We both love to dance. Keenan doesn’t. So Keenan has always asked Van to take me dancing while he was off with his motors or cars or meetings. I like hearing lines or listening to scripts and Van is so interested in his work, I think he is happy to have someone share his enthusiasm. I love having guests for dinner and because Van was our friend and without a home, we’d have him over often. Sometimes Peter Lawford would come along, too. I like getting dressed up and going out for dinner, but Keenan, busy with something else, would ask Van to take me. So we grew used to each other, to being together, dancing, laughing, talking, listening to music and after I decided to divorce Keenan, we saw no reason for not going right on being the same friends, sharing the same pleasures. “Four years ago when Keenan was in New York and before Van was well known, Keenan asked Van to look after me while he was away. We danced and dined out then, and no one even commented. They knew we were friends — all of us.” “How about Van and Keenan?” we asked. “Are they still friends?” “Certainly. They always will be.” THEY met in New York when Judy Abbott, Van’s girl friend at the moment, dragged her freckle-faced, red-headed beau off to the Grand Central Station to bid goodbye to Keenan Wynn and several other actors who were off for Boston and the opening of 'George Abbott’s play “White Haired Boy.” The big kid awkwardly hung about on the outskirts of the group who were already established actors on Broadway. Van, just a chorus boy, felt shy and more than a little awed at the assurance of these young thespians he was meeting for the first time. Evie, who was there to say goodbye to Keenan, was a dramatic actress playing with Katharine Cornell at the time. And that was the last he saw of them until one day, several years later, he met Keenan in a “trench” while making “Somewhere I’ll Find You.” “Hey, didn’t I used to see you in New York? My name — ” “Yeah, you’re Keenan Wynn,” Van said, grasping his hand. “I’m Van Johnson.” “Come out to the house,” Keenan said a few days later and Van accepted. Realizing Keenan was also trying to find a solid starting place in pictures, despite his M-G-M contract. Van expected a tiny apartment or typical California bungalow at least. He wasn’t prepared for the beautiful and tastily furnished home that Evie had made. “This is wonderful,” Van said, looking around. Keenan replied proudly, “Evie figures having a nice home is the most important thing an actor can have.” And from then on it became Van’s second home. In that time, four years to be exact, Van has dated several girls. Sonja Henie was his biggest crush. Once, through a misunderstanding, Van didn’t see Evie and