Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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j ONE OF THE MOST EFFECTIVE METHODS ever discovered for Easier— Daintier— More Convenient Greaseless Suppository Gives Continuous Medication for Hours Leaves No Tell-Tale Odor! You can readily see why this higher type of intimate feminine cleanliness — Zonitors — has become so widely used among highly intelligent and exacting women. And why you, too, should bless the day you learned about this method. Zonitors are so much easier, daintier, and convenient — so powerful yet so ABSOLUTELY SAFE to tissues. Positively Non-Irritating, Non-Smarting Zonitors are greaseless, stainless, snow-white vaginal suppositories. When inserted, they instantly begin to release their powerful germicidal properties and continue to do so for hours — assuring you hours of continuous medication. They are positively non-burning , non-irritating , and non-poisonous. Easy To Carry If Away From Home Zonitors actually destroy offending odor. Help guard against infection. They are so effective they immediately kill every germ they touch. You know it’s not always possible to contact all the germs in the tract. but you can be sure Zonitors kill every reachable germ and keep them from multiplying. Any drugstore. FREE: Mail this coupon today for free booklet sent in plain wrapper. Reveals frank intimate facts. Zonitors, Dept. ZPP-37, 370 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. Name Address City State Ty Talks It Over ( Continued from page 53) turns on the cut-off carpet, put an end to those worries. “Let’s call up your girl friend,” he said with a flash of a smile. Luckily Lana was home. Would she join us? She would, as soon as she could make the trip from Brentwood. While we waited, Ty returned to some of the ground we hadn’t yet covered. “I want Annabella to have our home in Bel-Air,” he said, “and we’ve arranged it that way.” Annabella loved that house with its spacious green lawns stretching away from the patio to the swimming pool beyond. She loved everything about it, for it was to this home, not yet completed, that Tyrone had brought Annabella as a bride after they had made “Suez” together. And now it was hers. “All is well then, between you two?” His eyes went into a twinkle. “This will amuse you. When I got to New York and we’d made our announcement, I invited her to go with me to the premiere of ‘The Razor’s Edge.’ She’d been with me all through the making of the picture and was patient and understanding. Annabella accepted my invitation because we’ll always be friends. We decided to keep the plan to ourselves. Well, you should have heard our New York friends hinting around — about the premiere, asking in a sort of offhand way if Annabella didn’t want tickets for it. She refused politely. So you can imagine their surprise when we attended together!” THAT wasn’t the only surprise in store for A the Power friends. For not only was Annabella by his side; there, also, was Annie, Annabella’s teen-age daughter. Back in the first days of the war in Europe, after Annabella had succeeded at great risk in getting the child out of her native France, it was Tyrone who suggested that he adopt Annie who was then twelve. And the child adored her young and handsome stepfather who, in turn, has been devoted to Annie. As proof of this, just last June a party of friends, flying East for the Louis-Conn fight, urged Tyrone to join them. “I’d love to,” he said, “But you see, it’s Annie’s graduation night and she’d be disappointed if I weren’t there.” That night Tyrone sat in the auditorium of University High and watched his stepdaughter proudly receive her diploma. Annie, in turn, had to be with Tyrone and share the excitement of his first big premiere after he returned from war. Thus together the three of them proved to curious onlookers that they were in the truest sense of the word “friends,” as Ty had said. “You see,” Tyrone went on thoughtfully, “Annabella and I had begun to drift apart before I enlisted in the Marines. We had even discussed a separation then. But war was no time to take any such step. We might have just gone on drifting even after my return from the South Pacific except for the fact I’d had a lot of time to think overseas. I’d come to know how insecure life itself can be and how one should get out of it all the happiness possible. No use dodging issues. The only road to travel is the one that leads to straight-forward decisions. I knew I’d never again accept the easiest line of resistance.” And so they had talked it over, faced the fact that Annabella’s social world was not for the simpler tastes of Tyrone and without bitterness or recriminations had decided that the break should be made. Although Tyrone may have been unaware of it, Hollywood had for some time suspected that all was not serene in A NEW AND NOVEL WAY TO MAKE MONEY INDIVIDUAL 5c and 10< S* GREETING CARDS COST YOU 2 V, t EACH UP\ Extra money quick. Up to 100 '/ profit. Extra bonus. Send at once for FREE catalog of wonderful year ’round money-making line super value greeting card assortments and FREE samples name imprinted stationery. Request special feature S1.00 All Occasion Assortment on approval. Special Offers. NtW ENGLAND ART PUBLISHERS, BOX A, North Ablngtor*, Mat* WHY WEAR DIAMONDS When diamond-dazzling Zircons from the mines of far-away mystic Siam are so effective and inexpensive? Thrilling beauty.stand acid, true backs, full of FIRE! Exquisite mountings. See before you buy .Write for FREE catalog. National Zircon Co., Dept. 6 Wheeling, W.Va. ' C&ta/ocf FREE! STOP Scratch inq Relieve Itch in a Jiffy Sufferers from the torturing itch caused by eczema, pimples, scales, scabies, athlete’s foot, “factory” itch, and other itch troubles, are praising cooling, liquid D.D.D. Prescription. This time-proved medication — devel— -j Dr. D.D.Dennis — positively relieves that cruel, burning itch. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes and comforts even the most intense itching in a jiffy. A 35c trial bottle proves its merits or your money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. Prescription. AMAZING NEW RADIO! S M A LL^AS^ A^ PACK OF Weiehs only a few ounces— ) Beautiful black chrome plastic ¥■ I I raijL. / case. Uses new war bom crystal SlfJ Wi) diode, Hi-Q-slide dial. No tubes, > w a. a 1 batteries or electric “plug-ins". Usually receives local broadcasts without outside aerial wires. GUARANTEED TO PLAY when used according to instructs©*^ tions sent with each radio! You can use it at home, in offices, hotels, cabins, in bed, etc. — lots of fun — real entertainmentl ceun AMI V Cl on (cash, money order, check) and dEIvU UllLl Ol'U" pay postman $2.99 plus delivery fees on arrival or send $3.99 for postpaid delivery. Complete as shown Ready to Play with self contained personal phone. For Gifts — children will love it>grownups too! An exceptional value — order yours and enjoy tne many good radio programs coming! Don’t be without your Pa-Kette Radio another day! (All foreign orders $5.00 U. S. cash) Pa-Kette Electric Co,, Dept. MFW-3, Kearney, Nebraska