Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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UUAGHER £3t "Setter, Sauer. "PICK-UP" Patented Combt clean Brush for Better , Easier "PICK-UP" E.R. WAGNER MFG. CO. ▼ Dept. MW., Milwaukee 9, WIs. Earn ro^ 23 Weekly! __ Ladies, here’s your chance to earn up to $23 weekly! And besides, take your pick of dozens of gorgeous Spring dresses — without a penny of cost. That’s what we offer you for representing us in your spare time. Show our popular frocks to your friends, then send us their orders. Collect handsome cash commissions in advance. No canvassing or experience necessary. Get free details of this unusual offer and Portfolio of new styles. Everything fur nished FREE. Rush name, address and dress size on postcard. Fashion Frocks, Dept, 43039, Cincinnati 25, Ohio. GRAY HAIR? Correct it with PATRICIAN TINTBEST. Leaves hair soft, lustrous and natural looking. Easy to use, no experience required. Unaffected by washing OR permanent waving. 18 shades. Harmless if used as directed. Send $1.00 and lock of hair. Patrician Laboratories, Ltd. Dept. P, 849 E. 226th St., New York ■^5 FAT LAST! SOMETHING NEW and SENSATIONAL in EVERYDAY CARDS Make Money Easily 1 Gorgeous Satin and Velour Designs r.rpriinDS Show rich new Satin and Velour Greeting: Uiecuioj Cards. Astounding: value, 15 for $1 . Get easy orders FASTI Pays up to 100% cash -r* profit. 14 other assortments retail 60c to __ $1. SAMPLES on Approval. Write today. PURO CO., 2801 Locust, Pept.715C. St. Louis 3, Mo. CONFIDENTIAL LOAN SERVICE 00 Borrow $50 to $300 tpEH9 Need money? No matter where you live you can borrow BY MAIL $60.00 to $300.00 this easy quick confidential way* IT IS EASY TO BORROW BY MAIL! Completely confidential and private CONVENIENT M O N TH LY PAYMENTS NO ENDORSERS NEEDED Employed men and women of good character can solve their money problems quickly and in privacy with loans MADE BY MAIL* No endorsers or cosigners. We do not contact employers, friends or relatives .Convenient monthly payments. Send us your name and address and we will mail application blank and complete details FREE in plain envelope. There is noobligation. STATE FINANCE CO. 303 Marine Bldg. • Dept. H-119 • New Orleans 12, La. LEARN • MILLINERY AT HOME Design and make exclusive hats under personal direction of one of America’s noted designers. Complete materials, blocks, etc., furnished. Every step illustrated. You make exclusive salable hats right from the start. Begin profitable business in spare time. Low cost, easy terms LOUIE MILLER SCHOOL OF MILLINERY 225 North Wabash Avenue, Dept. 193, Chicago I, 111. Please send me your FREE illustrated catalog. Print — Name Addre.HR _ the Power household. Rumors that Annabella was about to divorce Tyrone had been floating about and the town was eagerly looking around for some one person to bear out the rumors. They didn’t look further than “The Razor’s Edge” set where Tyrone and Gene Tierney were working together. Unfortunately, Gene and her husband, Oleg Casssini, had about reached the end of their marriage, too, and with the announcement of her divorce plans, the heat was on. One columnist blew her top with the printed items that the studio had known all along about the romance. Others said the whole thing was a publicity gag. Still others proclaimed an immediate marriage for Gene and Tyrone was in the offing for there was a beautiful girl and a handsome man working side by side, both terminating their marriages. Tyrone’s eyes twinkled when we spoke of it. “Well, it’s too bad to spoil their fun, but it’s not true,” he said. And time, of course, has proven he’s right. At this point the doorbell rang and in breezed Lana. Seeing them together, you couldn’t help but be struck by the handsomeness of this pair — Tyrone, tall, slender, electric; Lana, petite, rounded, creating her own magnetic field. What doesn’t immediately meet the eye is a certain kindredness of spirit. Tyrone possesses a keen sense of the spiritual and Lana, as so very, very few people realize, possesses a deep spiritual hunger. For hours she will talk of her favorite author Kahlil Gibran, the man of God who wrote “The Prophet.” There is in Tyrone so much of Larry, the Somerset Maugham hero of “The Razor’s Edge,” and after he’d left to have dinner with his mother, Lana and I discussed this searching for something enduring, something to hold to securely that seems to be a part of Tyrone these days. In fact, it is that very quality of searching and knowing he’ll find that has won Lana’s admiration if not her very heart. They’ve known one another for several years but it was only after he returned from South America that they became friends. Their appearance at the Preminger party which caused such a furore, still did not bring forth a statement from either one. Nor have their subsequent actions provided any further food for romantic gossipers. Lana is making “Green Dolphin Street” in Hollywood and Tyrone will be in Mexico for several months shooting “The Captain from Castile.” The thousands of miles between them form a wall of space that not even the most avid rumor mongers could surmount. So far as Tyrone is concerned, one thing seems reasonably sure. It’s based on what he once said to me: “I want a home and children.” And something tells me that when he has reached the end of his searching, he will have his wish — a home and children and happiness. The End April Photoplay has a beautiful one for you on the cover. You’ll see dreamy Jeanne Crain in beautiful color on the outside and read the love story of her marriage on the inside NEXT MONTH One glance at the gently rounded end of Fibs and you know insertion’s bound to be easy with this tampon. And your first experience proves it’s so ! Next month, switch to FIBS. AND FIBS are quilted! Only Fibs are quilted to control expansion . . . keep them from fluffing up to an uncomfortable size which might cause pressure, irritation, difficult removal. And quilting helps prevent cotton particles from clinging to delicate internal tissues ... a FIBS safety feature women always appreciate. For comfort, for safety in internal protection — switch to FIBS tampons. P