Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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AMAZING THING/ AN AMAZING NEW SCIENTIFICALLY COMPOUNDED TREATMENT "fanes CALLED TING... WORKS WHILE IT HELPS H/OE THEM! APPLY T/NO TO PIMPLES , LET IT ORY— AND WHISK OFF EXCESS POWDER r/NG IS BOTH FUNS/ a DAL AND 6EPMICIDAL _ REALLY WORKS WONDERS FOR EXTERNALLY CAUSED P/MPlES/ /N LA 8 TESTS T/NO HAS PROVEN EFFECT/VE /N K/LL/N6 ON 60 SECOND CONTACT SPEC/F/C TYPES OF FUND/ THAT , SOMETIMES CAUSE SK/N BLOTCHES EVEN IP OTH£R PPOOUCTS PAVE P/I /LEO, TPY ,, ... ■ AMA2/N6 TING TODAY / Bl Mffti ALL OPV&6/STS _ _ , W*"m i ONLY SO f Quick FOOT RELIEF Protects Feet and Toes Wherever Shoes Painfully Rub or Pinch. Helps Prevent “Breaking In” Torture For quick relief from corns, sore toes, callouses, bunions, chafed heels, tender spots and instep ridges — use Dr. Scholl’s Kurotex. This downy-soft, soothing, cushioning, protective, flesh color foot plaster instantly stops tormenting shoe friction; lifts painful pressure. Helps prevent blisters and "breaking-in” discomfort of new or tight shoes. Cut Dr. Scholl's Kurotex to any shape or size and apply it. Does not come off in the bath. This superior type of moleskin is also splendid for preventing blisters on hands of Golfers, Tennis and Baseball players. Economical! At Drug, Shoe, Department and 100 Stores. FREE sample — write Dr. Scholl’s, Inc., Dept. K, Chicago. Dr Scholls KUROTEX Be Your Own MUSIC Teacher LEARN AT HOME THIS MONEY-SAVING WAY Simple as A-B-C. Your lessons consist of real selections, instead of tiresome exercises. You read real notes — no “numbers” or trick music. Some of our 850,000 students are band LEADERS. Everything is in print and pictures. First you are told what to do. Then a picture shows you how. Soon you may become an excellent musician. Mail coupon for our illustrated Free Book and Print and Picture Sample. Mention your favorite instrument. U. S. School of Music, 3063 Brunswick Bldg., N.Y. lO, N.Y. FREE BOOKLET U. S. School of Music, 3063 Brunswick Bldg., N.Y. 10 N Y. Please send me Free Booklet and Print and Picture Sample I would like to play (Name Instrument). Instrument. Have you .Instrument?. Name (Please Print) EASE TORTURE PILES • Think of it! A single soothing ointment that speeds relief from those tortures of simple piles. It’s amazing Pazo Ointment — acts instantly to relieve pain and itching — soothes inflamed tissues — lubricates dry, hardened parts — helps prevent cracking and soreness — acts to reduce swelling and check minor bleeding. The help you get is wonderful! So, to speed this relief from itching and pain of simple piles, get Pazo Ointment. Your doctor can tell you about it. At all druggists in tubes complete with perforated pile pipe — also tins and handy suppositories. they got back nobody was in the reception room, so they got in the elevator, pushed a button, and joined Ted in the father’s room. Meanwhile, Sue and Alan Ladd had heard about Betty, and they rushed on over too. All of them made a big circle and started another card game, a really big one. They were going strong around five A.M. when the same nurse walked in and caught them and ordered them out this time for keeps. By now some new “replacements” had come into the father’s room. A garage mechanic who worked nights and still wore his greasy overalls, and a small nervous refugee who looked as if he weighed about ninety-eight pounds. A veteran himself by now, Ted tried to calm them down. “Your first baby?” he asked the refugee. “Yes, are you expecting?” the man returned eagerly. At 8:30 that morning little Lindsay Diane was born. When she found she had a girl Betty was ecstatic, then her face fell. “Teddy’s going to be disappointed,” she lamented. Ted commutes back and forth several times daily now between the house and his camera manufacturing plant in Santa Monica to look at little Lindsay and see if she’s changed while he’s been gone. He’s just put out a new Briskin eight millimeter movie camera that’s a beaut and really Betty’s inspiration. “I want you to design one without so darn many gadgets. One even I can operate,” she said. And he did. “I thought I’d be in production before Betty, but she beat me,” he says grinning. Betty is a wonderful mother, calling on all her own past experiences when as a fourteen-year-old girl she hired out as a baby sitter, washed baby clothes, fed and took care of them to help earn enough money for the Huttons to live on. SHE insisted on taking care of Buttercup on the nurse’s first day off. Doctor’s orders were for her to be out of bed just two hours a day then but she stayed up all day and wouldn’t let her mother or her own nurse help at all. “I want to take care of her all by myself,” she said. “It’s a shade early to plan Buttercup’s future. We just want her to be whatever she wants to be,” says her father. “But I know it would make Betty happy for her to want to be an actress. She loves the profession herself and looks forward to passing all her knowledge of it along to her daughter.” One thing sure . . . both vow she’ll have the best education obtainable. “I guess it’s only natural for you to want the things for your children that you missed,” they say. With her wonderful husband, her own success, her first real home and little Lindsay . . . Betty is truly happy now. She wants four children, “Or maybe six,” she says dreamily, upping the ante two more. “I’ll settle for four,” says Ted. To him the most touching thing about the birth of Buttercup occurred when the hospital attendant was wheeling his wife out of the delivery room and he was walking along beside her. She kept asking Ted if he was too disappointed about the baby’s being a girl. “We’ll have another one just as soon as you want it,” she said. “Next time we’ll sure try for a boy.” Tears came to Ted’s eyes at her saying that, knowing what she’d just been through. “Or maybe twins,” she went on. The hospital almost lost two fathers right then. Some new replacements in the father’s room who overheard her felt faint at the mere thought of any woman putting a fellow father through more of the same so soon. Twf Enn