Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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The prayers of the most worthy people often fail. Why? The unworthy often have the greatest health, success, riches and happiness. The best, smartest, and most industrious people often have only pain, poverty and sorrow. Why? Thirty year3 ago, in Forbidden Tibet, behind the highest mountains in the world, a young Englishman found the answers to these questions. His eyes were opened by the strangest mystic he met during his twenty-one years of travels in the Far East. Sick then, he regained health. Poor then, he acquired wealth and world-wide professional honors. He wants to tell the whole world what he learned, and offers to send a 9,000-word treatise, FREE, to everyone who asks promptly. It is a first step to the Power that Knowledge gives. No obligation. Write foryour FREE copy today. INSTITUTE of MENTALPHYSICS, Dept286-B 213 South Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles 4, Calif, COLD W" WEATHER \ JOINTS ^ABSORBINE Jr. $5ro'with EverydayCordj Easy to Sell $1.00 Assortments Your friends will be thrilled by these ovely greetings for Birthdays, Anniversaries, etc. 14 gorgeous folders sell for$l. You make big cash profit. Stationery, other assts. retail 60c . Write for 14-card Samples 3 on approval. Chas.C.SchwerCo., 165 ElmSt., Dept. C-2, Westfield, Mass. oxes Rosebud Salve 1 1 at 25c each remitting I I the $1.00 to us. Send [ No Money. Order I 4 Rosebud Salve by one cent postcard. 8 , mm (Will mail ring and 4 salve now, if you send $1.00 with order.) ROSEBUD PERFUME CO, Box 70, WOODSBORO. MARYLAND. ANY PHOTO ENLARGED Size 8 x 10 Inches on DOUBLE-WEIGHT PAPER Same price for full length or bust form, groups, landscapes, pet animals, etc., or enlargements of any part of group picture. Original returned with your Q <M OC enlargement. 1WI SEND NO MONEY JU3tmailphoto negative or snapshot (any size) and receive your enlargement, guaranteed fadeless, on beautiful double-weight portrait quality paper. Pav postman 67c plus postage — or send 69c with Take advantage of this amazing offer now. Send your photos today. „ PROFESSIONAL ART STUDIOS 100 East Ohio Street Dept.l557-C Chicago (11), HI, ache when genuine talent goes along with it. It’s the no-talent trouble-makers who drive you daffy in Hollywood. Lancaster doesn’t give out at all to strangers, regardless of who they are. He deadpans and watches. Two years from now, I suppose he’ll be more diplomatic. Success changes people in different ways, and I trust that Burt will survive the Hollywood hoop-de-do. I’ve never seen an actor quite manage it yet, but Lancaster may be the exception to prove the rule. I certainly hope so. As yet, he shows no signs of hatband inflation. When we were in Pittsburgh, having a press party, he asked if he might bring some friends in. I said sure — and he brought in four old beat-up acrobats. He paid little attention to the press that day; just sat around and gabbed with his former pals. We didn’t get much newspaper space, but I guess I’m lucky at that. Suppose he and his acrobatic friends had suddenly decided to try out the old act with several buxom ladies of the press? Well, no sense of me rambling along like this. You must have gathered by now that I’m plenty fond of Lancaster. I’ve been around this world several times the hard way and I’ve met a great many people. But I’ve never shaken hands with anyone quite like this man. He’s individual in everything he does. He’s a superb diagnostician of character. He knows the right guys — and the dames— from the phonies. He’ll probably hurt a lot of people before he’s through, because he’s blunt to the point of harshness. But come what may, Lancaster will be himself. Always. He’s quite a guy, my friends. Quite a guy. . . . The End v Trims hair as ft combs! Easy! j Quick! Keeps men’s, women's children's hair trim. neat, freshlycut looking1 all the time! Trims, tapers, thins out uneven hair. Use . . like ordinary comb. Safe. Simple. . No experience reqmred. Fm© for legs, underarms! Sells like wildl SAMPLES FOR AGENTS your name? Romantic wind-up for 1946! Burt Lancaster, who made his picture debut as the Swede in Mark Heliinger’s adaptation of the Hemingway story, “The Killers,” met his bride, Norma Anderson, when both were touring with the USO in Italy during the war. Miss Anderson, a widow with one child, is from Wisconsin and New York. She and Burt took the marriage vows on December 28 in Yuma, Arizona EARN EXTRA CASH NOW! Sell EVERYDAY CARDS Every day is money day when you show friends charming greetings for birthdays, anniversaries, other occasions. Big values sell on sight all year You make no to EOc cash on easy §1 sales. 12 different assortments retail at 60c to ?1. Also Gift Wrappings and Personalized stationery. Write for Samples on approval. Friendship Studios, Inc. I SAMPLES! 334 Adams St.. ELMiRA. N.V. lonapprovail AMAZING COLOR SHAMPOO COLORS HAIR ) JET BLACK VWITHOUT DYEING Now you can give your hair a Rich JET BLACK COLOR that's full of life and sparkle and at the same time wash out dirt, oily grime, grease and loose dandruff. So why go around with dull, faded, gray or discolored hair any longer. Get Shadz Color Shampoo and see how your hair becomes progressively biacker, softer, prettier and easier to dress with each shampoo. No messing around with dyes that may prove difficult. No test required No dyed appearance; no harm to hair; will not stain hands or scalp Helps you look years younger, invite romance, attract new friends, become more popular or get a better job. Highly praised by users everywhere. NO RISK TEST. Try Shadz Color Shampoo without risking one penny. Just send 50c for full size cake or Si 00 for 2 cakes. (CVO.D. postage extra) If you are not absolutely satisfied within 7 days, return unused portion and get your money back Don’t delay Order today THE RONALD CO.f DepL 6605 Cottage Grove o Chir o 37, _B3I. VtTtTTTTTtTTTf, •f -t ■*' -r'hTT'J ■ik 4 TTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTt