Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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Chest Cold Misery Relieved by Moist Heat of ANTIPHLOGISTIC SIMPLE CHEST COLD SORE THROAT BRONCHIAL IRRITATION SIMPLE The moist heat of an ANT1PHLOGI STINE poultice relieves cough, tightness of chest, muscle soreness due to chest ddiiicc co,<1> bronchial irritation cart MiKriF« and 8imPle sore throat. WKtmuibLn Apply antiphlogistine BOILS poultice just hot enough to be comfortable — then feel the moist heat go right to work on that cough, tightness of chest, muscle soreness. Does good, feels good for several hours. The moist heat of on ANTIPHLOGISTINE poultice also reduces swelling and relieves pain due to a boil, simple sprain, bruise, or similar injury or condition and limbers up stiff, aching muscles. Get ANTIPHLOGISTINE (Aunty Flo) in tube or can at your drug store NOW« -A . • 1 LI • • i iYJ 111 pj tlJ LOglSIfl m The WhitePackage with the Orange Band Money Sell GREETING CARDS AND PERSONAL STATIONERY I Extra cash with new 1947 line. § Just show friends, neighbors. ” — others, tremendous value 16 card All-Occasion assortment. Sells for only $1.00. You make as much as 60c per box. Also fascinating Birthday. Get-Well. Baby. Humorous. Gift Wrapping. Correspondence Notes boxes 33 He up. Extra Bonus. Special Money-Saving Offer. Experience unnecessary. Write for Feature Everyday assortment c free SAMPLES PERSONAL STATIONERY Elmira, N. Y. YOU CAN LEARN TO beanARTIST START DRAWING AT HOME IN YOUR SPARE TIME— Trained Artists are capable of earning $50, $60. $75 a week! Our practical home study training makes it fun to learn COMMERCIAL ART. DESIGNING and CARTOONING all in ONE course. No previous Art experience necessary. Write for details in FREE BOOK. “Art for Pleasure & Profit.” STATE AGE. VETERANS! Course approved for training under “G.l.” Bill. WASHINGTON SCHOOL OF ART Studio 863-H, 1115 15th St., N.W. Washington 5. D. C. /GOT R/D OF B/FCX//&4DS . T/tZ>S\ NADINOLA’S 4-WAY action HELPS AMAZINGLY TO COMBAT UGLY BLACKHEADS, EXTERNALLYCAUSED PIMPLES, DARK DULL SKIN One glance may kill romance — if your skin is dark, dull or needlessly blemished I That’s why thousands of girls and women trust to Nadinola Cream, the clinically-proved 4-way treatment cream. Quickly, gently, Nadinola helps to loosen and remove ugly blackheads — to clear up externally caused pimples — to fade freckles — to lighten, brighten and freshen your skin to creamier loveliness. See for yourself what Nadinola can do in days — what wonders it works in weeks I Full treatment-size jar of Nadinola Cream just 60c, with money-back guarantee; trial jar, 10c. SEND FOR FREE ILLUSTRATED BEAUTY BOOKLET — richly printed in full color, with photographs and sworn proof of wonderful results from just one jar of . .Nadinola. Write NADINOLA. Dept. 20. Paris. Tenn. witutt /// Indicates picture rated “outstanding” when reviewed // Indicates picture rated “very good’ when reviewed / Indicates picture rated “good” when reviewed ]/ ABIE’S IRISH ROSE— Bing Crosby-UA: Dealing with the lighter aspects of racial relations, this is mildly amusing. Joanne Dru plays the colleen with assurance; Richard Norris makes Abie very likable; George E. Stone and Vera Gordon are the peacemakers. (Dec.) AFFAIRS OF GERALDINE— Republic: Cupid takes a beating in this featherweight fable about small-town Jane Withers in search of a bridegroom. James Lydon, J. Edmund Roberts, Raymond Walburn and Donald Meek are all part of the painful proceedings. (Feb.) i/ ANGEL ON MY SHOULDER— Rogers-UA: In this experiment in the realm of fantasy and the afterworld, Paul Muni is magnificent as the murdered gangster who wakes up in Hades; Claude Rains has a high old time as Beelzebub himself; Anne Baxter is the only one remotely resembling an angel. (Dec.) BACHELOR’S DAUGHTERS, THE— Stone-UA: Four phony “sisters” play at a game of make-believe in an effort to improve their respective fortunes. Gail Russell, Claire Trevor, Ann Dvorak and Jane Wyatt go looking for trouble, adopting as their “parents” Adolphe Menjou and Billie Burke. (Dec.) \/BEDELIA— Eagle Lion: This British brain-teaser has Margaret Lockwood playing the poisonously pretty bride of kindly Ian Hunter, and Barry K. Barnes as the detective who discloses her shady past. A black pearl ring helps to bring about Bedelia’s downfall. Anne Crawford is the girl Ian should have married; Jill Esmond is his nurse. (Feb.) l/L/l /BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES, THE — Goldwyn: A simple story for and about John and Jane Doe, as timely as today’s headlines, with grand performances by Fredric March, Dana Andrews, Myrna Loy, Teresa Wright, Virginia Mayo, Harold Russell, Cathy O'Donnell, Hoagy Carmichael. This warmly human film of America’s post-war era is a movie must, meriting top rating. (Feb.) BLACK BEAUTY— 20th Century-Fox: A girl’s passionate attachment for her horse and the adventures that befall them both comprise the theme of this one, set in rural England. Mona Freeman and Richard Denning provide the romantic interest. Evelyn Ankers an obstacle. For the small fry. (Dec.) BRINGING UP FATHER — Monogram: Joe Yule and Renie Riano bring to life Jiggs and Maggie of George McManus’s famous cartoon strip while Tim Ryan plays Dinty Moore. They’re a laugh-provoking trio if you enjoy such shenanigans. \/CHA SE, THE — Nebenzal-UA: How a nice boy like Robert Cummings gets mixed up with a bad bunch is unfolded in this thriller-chiller. Michele Morgan plays a terror-stricken wife, rescued by Bob from gangster Steve Cochran and his bodyguard, Peter Lorre. (Jan.) y CHILDREN OF PARADISE— Tricolor FilmsUA: Although too long, this French film with explanatory English titles is a fascinating potpourri, all about Paris’s Boulevard of Crime in 1840. A superb cast is headed by Arletty, Jean-Louis Barrault and Pierre Brasseur. (Jan.) l/l/DARK MIRROR, THE — Universal-International: Olivia de Havilland, Lew Ayres and Thomas Mitchell make the old idea of twin sisters — one good, the other bad — seem fairly fresh and believable. Both girls are suspected when a doctor-acquaintance is found fatally stabbed. (Dec.) y^/DECEPTlON — Warners: It’s ye old triangle again, played to the hilt by Bette Davis as a talented musician whose past catches up with her, Paul Henreid as the great romance in her life, and Claude Rains as the threat to their happiness. A high-powered, pulse-quickening drama. (Jan.) DRIFTIN’ RIVER — PRC: In this routine Western, it’s law versus crime in a place crawling with tough hombres who fall back on fisticuffs when the bullets run out. Eddie Dean, Shirley Patterson and Roscoe Ates are on the side of the law with Eddie crooning cowboy ballads in between the fighting. (Jan.) BRUSH AWAY • Now; at home, you can quickly tint telltale gray to natural-appearing shades — from lightest blonde to darkest black. Brownatone and a small Brush does It — or your money back. Approved by thousands— 4Brownatone Is guaranteed harmless when used as directed. No skin test needed. The principal coloring agent Is a purely vegetable derivative with iron and copper salts added for fast action. Cannot affect waving of hair. Lasting — does not wash out. Just brush or comb It in. One application Imparts desired color. Simply retouch, as new gray appears. Easy to prove on a test lock of your hair. 7oe and SI. 75 at druggists. Get BROWNATONE now. or Write for FREE TEST BOTTLE Mention natural color of your hair. Send a post card today— BROWNATONE, Dept. 283, COVINGTON, KY. Lips ••• Arms ••• Legs Now Happy! I had ugly superfluous hair...was unloved — discouraged. Tried many things even razors. Then I developed an inexpensive method that brought results which proved satisfactory. It has helped thousands win beauty, love, happiness. My FREE book about Superfluous Hair explains method, proves success. Mailed in plain envelope. Also TRIAL OFFER. Write Mme. Annette Lanzette, P. O. Box 4040, Merchandise Mart, Dept. 643, Chicago 64, 111. PICTURE RING $1. EXQUISITE PICTURE RING— made from any . photo. SEND NO MONEY! Mail photo with paper striD for ring size. Pay postman ONLY $1.00 plus postage,, Hand tinted 26 cents extra. Photo returned with ring Money back guarantee. Send photo and ring size NQw Picture Ring Co,, Dept. J-31, Cincinnati 2, 0 FALSE TEETH KLUTCH holds them tighter KLUTCH forms a comfort cushion; holds dental plates so much firmer and snugger that one can eat and talk with greater comfort and security; in many c&ses almost as well as with natural teeth. Klutch lessens the constant fear of a dropping, rocking, chafing plate. 25c and 50c at druggists. ... If your .druggist hasn't it, don't watte money on substitutes, but send us 10c and we will mail you a generous trial box. © K P. INC. KLUTCH CO. Box 4786-C ELMIRA, N. Y. BLAME YOUR LAZY BILE IF CONSTIPATION with its headaches, mental dullness and that “half-alive” feeling may often result if bile doesn’t flow every day into your intestines. So you see how important it is to keep bile flowing freely ! And what finer aid could one desire than Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets, used so successfully for over 25 years by Dr. F. M. Edwards for treating his patients for constipation and sluggish bile. Olive Tablets are unsurpassed in effectiveness because they pep up lazy bile secretion to help digest fatty foods, at the same time help keep you regular. Being purely vegetable, Olive Tablets are wonderful ! Test their supreme goodness TONIGHT without fail! Follow label directions. 15(1, 30(1.