Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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p Miss America uses Fitch Shampoo, vour hair can be like Miss America's . . . velvety soft . . . sparkling with radiant highlights! Do as Miss America does . . . use Fitch's Saponified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo. Made from mild cocoanut and pure vegetable oils, this efficient shampoo does not "dry" the hair. Delightfully fragrant, it "suds-up" into a rich, billowy lather that completely removes all scalp odor. Fitch’s Saponified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo contains its own patented rinsing agent, so only an ordinary water rinse is needed. No dull film remains. At drug or toilet goods counters ... or have professional applications at beauty shops. Co C 0 an \n ou ^ High School Course at Home Many Finish in 2 Years I Go ob rapidly as your time and abilitiM permit. Eauivalcnt to reeident School work— prepares for college entrance H. 8. texta supplied. Diploma awarded. Credits for H. S. subjects completed. Single subjects if desired. Ask for Free Bulletin. i American School Dept.H-492 Drexel at58th, Chicago 37 Be Your Own MUSIC Teacher LEARN AT HOME THIS MONEY -SAVING WAY Simple as A-B-C. Your lessons consist of real selections. Instead of tiresome exercises. You read real notes —no “numbers’ ’or trick music. Some of our 850.000 students are band LEADERS. Everything is in print and pictures. First you are told what to do. Then a picture shows you how. Soon you may become an excellent musician. Mail coupon for our illustrated Free Book and Print and Picture Sample. Mention your favorite instrument. U. S. School of Music, 3064 Brunswick Bldg., N.Y. 10, N.Y. FREE BOOKLET U. S. School of Music, 3064 Brunswick Bldg., N.Y. 10, N.Y. Please send me Free Booklet and Print and Picture Sample. I would like to play (Name Instrument). Have you Instrument Instrument?. Name (Please Print) Address. TUFFENAIL Enhance and glorify the natural beauty of lovely nails . . . Hollywood's own daily nailcare with easy-to-use applicator. Nails stay lovelier longer . . with TUFFENAIL. 25* AT ALL 5 AND 10c STORE COSMETIC COUNTERS could have taken, we chose her. It made her feel sort of special and happy about it. “But the main thing and the important thing is that we are one family — the children and I. We belong together and we’re going to stay together and nothing is going to separate us. You ought to see the way those two little girls love their new brother! He weighs twelve pounds, and laughs like a toothless old man when I call him ‘Dusty.’ “We’ve worked out a pretty good system for housekeeping out at the house in the Valley,” he told me. “My pal and stand-in, Whitey, lives with us, and his mother keeps house. That arrangement suits me right down to the ground. We’re a pretty big household — but there’s never a dull moment.” I didn’t want to interrupt him with too many questions because I wanted him to tell his own story his own way. He was certainly doing a good job of it. “We’re so happy in our own little world out there,” he went on, “and we’re working things out so well that I find I don’t want to get away from home too much. And, yet, recently I’ve begun to think that is a mistake. I’ve been p^rt, maybe just a small part, of Hollywood for a long time, but I don’t know much about it. I feel I’d like to know some of the folks better.” (He calls everyone he likes “folks”— it’s about the nicest compliment he can bestow.) “And look here — don’t you think children need to know other children and sort of get some friendships started that will last them all their lives?” I said I did. “That’s the way I feel about it.” He nodded in that way he has as though he were silently agreeing with what he had said. “I admire and respect the movie folks and I want to meet some of them. Particularly the ones who have children about the ages of my own kids.” HE took an invitation out of his pocket. “See here,” he showed me, “I’m invited to go to the radio party Atwater Kent is giving and I would like to go. But I don’t know who to go with.” I said, “How would you like to go with me?” “You mean it???” he laughed, his face lighting up, “Lady, you got yourself a date!” And, maybe you think I didn’t! I ve never spent a more delightful evening nor had a more attentive escort — but that’s getting ahead a little bit. I could see he was thinking something over and then he came out with it. “What should I wear?” he asked. When I said, “Black tie,” I could see he was completely at sea. I might have been talking Greek. I went on to explain that the invitation called for a dinner jacket. When he said he didn’t own one, I told him to go out and rent a suit with all the trimmings. So, in that way, I was not only “in” on Roy’s debut into Hollywood society, I practically sponsored it. The night of the party he showed up looking as well groomed as Adolph Menjou in what he laughingly referred to as his “rented finery ” I slipped a red carnation into his buttonhole and he liked the effect very much. He was just like a kid. “And these,” he said, producing a box, “are for you.” They were orchids. How proud I was introducing my “beau”-for-the-evening to all the radio kings and queens at Kent’s — I don’t know when I’ve gotten a bigger kick out of anything. I’m not exaggerating when I say that Jack Benny, George Burns, Kay Kyser, Ginny Simms, Frances Langford, Eddie Bracken, Edgar Bergen and the Art Linkletters, Fibber and Molly, were all quite impressed at meeting him. , . e had dinner at a table with Maria 123