Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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p a More Dates-More FUN! Waist 5x/t " less Abdomen 7" less HipS /f V2" less —says Barbra Whittemoro of East Lansing Michigan s7I was a socia blackout,” says Barbra Whittemore, ‘‘a fat girl in a college town. But the DuBarry Success Course changed all that ! ” Now she’s a slim, trim beauty, with a smooth lovely skin. Result : more dates, more fun than ever before for Barbra. “The Course,” she says, “was worth its cost tentimes over.” Be the woman you want to be! Unhappy about your looks? The DuBarry Success Course shows you, right at home, how to lose or gain weight, remodel your figure, have a smooth, glowing skin, style your hair, use make-up for glamour, be at your best. It’s exciting and it’s fun. You follow the samemethods taught by Ann Delafield at the famous Richard Hudnut Salon, Fifth Ave., New York. fTtvo To Sr/'^A7e/? • )6t/r /~c/fvre— 2 Top Secrets from Ann Dela field — 13 wonder-working ways to help you have a lovelier face and figure. Your Face, Your Figure and Your Future — the thrillingstory of the DuBarry Success Course. How it works, what it has done for more than 300,000 others, what it can do for you. Send Coupon NOW! DuBMY SUCCESS COURSE Ann Delafield, Directing — — — “ “ Richard Hudnut Salon /^Guaranteed by ^ Dept. SR8, 693 Fifth Ave. V Good Housekeeping J New York 22, New York Please send me, free, the two booklets : “Top Secrets from Ann Delafield,” and “Your Face, Your Figure and Your Future.” Miss Mrs — Street City Zone State . Accepted for advertising in publications of the American Medical Association First Year (Continued from page 43) Every fifth day the young bride packed their tooth brushes and they moved on, until they finally found a haven in a small, cramped Santa Monica apartment. Today they are settling into their own home, a home they have built together with infinite love and care, where they will await the arrival of their first child. Last spring Jeanne was “that pretty little thing in ‘State Fair’ and ‘Centennial Summer’.” Now, she is Jeanne Crain, star of the sensational “Margie!” You hear of stars being made overnight. This time it actually happened. For tragic, wistful, funny little Margie moved right in and captured the nostalgic heart of the public. What a difference twelve short months can make! And— this is an American success story — Jeanne has proven that here things still move with breathless swiftness. That in New York, or Des Moines, or Peoria our country still holds out rich treasures to any of us who will take them. Jeanne Crain has done just that! Beneath the little Crain girl’s delicate loveliness there is a strength, a faith, a conviction that will never accept defeat. She believes in her star and she believes in herself. ' Under her husband’s polished manner you find the courage and humor and drive that will support her. That their marriage is a success is apparent. It is there in the way her eyes light up when she looks at him. In the smiles they share when they are separated in a crowd. It’s in the gardenia he dropped in her lap one day in a famous Hollywood restaurant because he was a little late to lunch. And in the gentle way he .teases her. “From Jeanne’s appetite,” he grinned across the table at her, “you’d never guess that her favorite lunch is a fruit salad.” She smiled at him. “Why, anybody would assume that. It’s right in my studio biography. But, to change the subject, do you know what he wants to name the baby? ‘Margie’!” “Margie Jeanne,” he corrected. “It doesn’t matter. It’s going to be a boy. And I get to name all the boys. I’ve always liked ‘Michael Anthony’ but, well, I guess Paul is my favorite name. Only ‘big’ Paul and ‘little’ Paul — how will you feel when he’s as tall as you are?” JEANNE is going to buy all her baby things at the last minute. “I know that’s not what it says in the books. But I was so efficient this first Christmas ‘on my own.’ I did all my shopping in September. Then came the rush and everyone had fun but me!” Jeanne believes in the father playing a very definite part in bringing up baby. But she wouldn’t let Paul read the book her doctor gave her. “I want him to know about babies, but not as much as I know myself. Besides, there are a few things that might have worried him. And if Paul is too worried about me on the night, I’ll be worried about him.” She has taken pains to make sure Paul has a good “pacing” companion to see him through the big event. Georgianna Young Montalban, Loretta’s pretty sister, is expecting her baby about the same time as Jeanne. And the girls have arranged an exchange of pacing privileges for their husbands. It is typical of Jeanne Crain Brinkman that her baby’s first home will be in the little dressing room next to his parents’ bedroom. “That’s where a baby belongs. Near his mother. I only wish he could stay there. That there would never be a nursery or a nurse.” But Jeanne will start Tfluu EA5Y WAY Wake*. button holes TWO ROWS OF STITCHES 3V •'SIDE-WAY FINISH STITCH New/ /mprovec/f NOW ONLY $]op M0TH/M6 l/K£ IT! FOUR LONG STITCHES Darn TO PAD button HOLE Stockings, Mend Tears, Attach Zippers and Sew On Buttons, too! Once dreaded by every woman, now button hole making becomes as easy as basting a hem with this sensational new invention! You’ll get twice as neat results in half the time, too! Fitsany sewing machine . . . attaches in a moment. Simple to operate. Comes complete with hoop for darning stockings, a button hole guide and easy directions in picture. Test at our risk now and realize a new thrill in sewing. FREE NEEDLE THREADER. As a gift for prompt action, you will receive with your order the marvelous time-saving, eye-saving needle threader. Don’t wait but send your name today. SEND NO MONEY ORDER NOW. 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