Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1948)

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F ■ *7# jb^ieM <m, mi to 2)^eM “FORMAL” Is that the question becouseof PSORIASIS Do you dread social affairs where "formals” are a prerequisite — because of your psoriasis lesions. If so — try SIROIL. It may bring you the same happiness it has brought to many other women in your predicament. SIROIL tends to remove the crusts and scales of psoriasis which are external in character and located on the outer layer of the skin. If or when your psoriasis lesions recur, light applications of SIROIL will help keep them under control. Applied externally SIROIL does not stain clothing or bed linens, nor does it interfere in any way with your daily routine. Try it. Certainly it’s worth a trial, particularly since it’s offered to you on a two weeks’ -satisf action-or -money -ref unded basis. SIROIL FOR SALE AT ALL DRUG STORES Write today for interesting booklet on Psoriasis, usingcoupon — Siroil Laboratories, Inc., Dept. M-41, Detroit 26, Mich. Siroil of Canada, Limited, Box 488, Windsor, Ontario Please send me your free booklet on PSORIASIS Name — Address aplenty when stepdaughter June Allyson suffers from a father fixation which sne transfers to Pidgeon. With Robert Sterling, Marshall Thompson and Elizabeth Patterson. (Mar.) SIOUX CITY SUE — Republic: Gene Autry heeds Hollywood’s call, thanks to talent scout Lynne Roberts, songwriter Sterling Holloway and movie producer Ralph Sanford. It’s a toss-up whether Autry or an animated donkey will get top billing but the singing cowboy comes through in fine style. (Feb.) \/)/SONG OF THE SOUTH— Walt-Disney-RKO : Disney, in a dreamy mood, introduces some flesh-andblood people along with the make believe variety. It’s a pleasant pipe dream with James Baskett as storytelling Uncle Remus and Bobby Driscoll and Luana Patten as his young listeners. A gently humorous film with several jolly songs. (Feb.) W'V' STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN — Universal-International: An RAF pilot hovers between life and death after jumping from his burning plane, his hallucinations taking the audience into an imaginary heaven where a trial is arranged to decide his fate. This flight into fantasy has some stirring scenes, brilliantly played by David Niven, Kim Hunter, Roger Livesey and Raymond Massey. (Mar.) 1< STRANGE WOMAN, THE — Hunt StrombergUA: Hedy Lamarr is a beautiful, bewitching “baddie” in this melodramatic tale set in Maine of 1820. You’ll watch her cast her evil spell over Gene Lockhart, Louis Hayward and George Sanders, half-fascinated, half-repelled. (Jan.) ^ SWELL GUY — Universal: Virtue triumphs over vice with Sonny Tufts giving a colorful characterization of half-hero, half-heel and Ann Blyth playing a teen-age terror who pays the penalty for her mistakes. Point of the picture is there’s a little bit of good in every bad boy. John Craven, Mary Nash, William Gargan, Ruth Warrick and young Donald Devlin are the supporting players. (Mar.) y'' TEMPTATION — Universal-International: This turbulent drama of illicit love has Merle Oberon playing a designing divorcee who weds wealthy George Brent, then becomes infatuated with rascally Charles Korvin. Pretty sombre stuff. (Jan.) THAT BRENNAN GIRL — Republic: A girl who sins but repents; a boy who tries to lead her on the right path, and an older nlan who finishes the job. An inept little picture with James Dunn as a sentimental racketeer; Mona Freeman as a playgirl and William Marshall as the well-intentioned boy. (Feb.) City Zone State Benefits begin the day you enter a hospital FOR SICKNESS OR ACCIDENT Hospital Expenses paid, up to . . . . $540.00 (beginning with the first day) FOR ACCIDENT Doctor Expense paid, up te .... $135.00 Loss of Wages reimbursed up to . . . $300.00 Loss of Life by Accident $1000.00 WAR COVERAGE and EXTRA BENEFITS Childbirth Expense paid, up to ... $75.00 Sickness or accident can easily wipe out, in a few weeks, savings it may have taken years to accumulate. Don’t let this happen to you. With a Family Mutual Hospitalization policy, you’ll be able to pay your hospital bills. In case of accident, you will be reimbursed for your doctor expenses and for loss of time from work. You may choose any hospital in the United States and your own family doctor may attend you. Benefits applying to children are 50% of those paid adults. MAIL COUPON TODAY— No Agint Will Bother Yon FAMILY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., WILMINGTON 99, DEL. Family Mutual Life Insurance Co. ni-ao j 601 Shipley St., Wilmington 99, Del. j Please send me, without obligation, complete informar j tion on your Economical Hospitalization Plan. NAME — ; ADDRESS J CITY STATE _j RUE MADELEINE — 20th Century-Fox: Along the lines of “House on 92nd Street,” this highpowered thriller has Jimmy Cagney playing a grim game with the German Intelligence. A melodrama with plenty of punch to it, as played by Cagney, Annabella, Walter Abel, Richard Conte, Frank Latimore, Sam Jaffe. (Mar.) \S 'S THIS HAPPY BREED — Prestige-Universal: Another Noel Coward cavalcade, this time covering 1919-39. A somewhat slow-moving, sentimental story, glorifying the middle-class Gibbons family, their trials and triumphs told in Technicolored episodes. Splendid performances by Robert Newton, Celia Johnson, Stanley Holloway, Kay Walsh. For the bobby-sox brigade, there’s oh-so-attractive John Mills. (Mar.) yVTILL THE CLOUDS ROLL BY— M-G-M: Stunning Technicolor songfest inspired by Jerome Kern’s melodies with elaborate sets, exquisite costumes. As Kern, Robert Walker does a swell job assisted by Hollywood’s ace entertainers. Van Heflin, Lucille Bremer, Van Johnson, Judy Garland, June Allyson, Kathryn Grayson, Tony Martin, Dinah Shore, Lena Horne and Frank Sinatra! A not-to-bemissed musical. (Mar.) ^UNDERCURRENT — M-G-M: In this disturbingly different melodrama, Katharine Hepburn marries Robert Taylor only to discover he’s a man with a Jekyll-Hyde personality. Poor Katie tries to unravel the mystery of his background in which brother Bob Mitchum plays a prominent part. (Feb.) VERDICT , THE — Warners: This fairly suspenseful whodunit has Sidney Greenstreet as a dismissed inspector replaced by George Coulouris at Scotland Yard after an innocent man hangs for another’s crime. Paul Cavanaugh is about to go to the gallows for a second murder when the real killer confesses. With Peter Lorre and Joan Lorring. (Mar.) \yW ANTED FOR MURDER — Excelsior-Fox: If you go for creepy stuff, you could do worse than see this British-made film in which Scotland Yard tracks down the homicidal maniac guilty of strangling one girl friend after another. Mainly implicated in this grisly business is Eric Portman. With Roland Culver, Dulcie Gray and Derek Farr. (Mar.) WICKED LADY f THE — Universal-International: You can safely skip this 17th Century English tale of high adventure. Margaret Lockwood is wicked all right but hardly a lady, sharing as she does the daring exploits of highway robber James Mason. Patricia Roc is her unhappy rival, Griffith Jones, Michael Rennie and Mason her willing victims. (Feb.) 'S'S YEARLING , THE — M-G-M: A memorable picture of Florida of 1870 in lush Technicolor. The pioneering Baxters of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings’s Pulizer Prize novel are played by Gregory Peck, Jane Wyman and Claude Jarman Jr., with Wyman running away with acting honors. (Jan.) BRUSH AWAY, GRAY HAIR ...AND LOOK IO [YEARS YOUNGER • Now, at home, you can quickly tint telltale gray to natural-appearing shades — from lightest blonde to darkest black. Brownatone and a small brush does it — or your money back. Approved by thousands — Brownatone is guaranteed harmless when used as directed. No skin test needed. The principal coloring agent is a purely vegetable derivative with iron and copper salts added for fast action. Cannot affect waving of hair. Lasting— does not wash out. Just brush or comb it in. One application imparts desired color. Simply retouch, as new gray appears. Easy to prove on a test lock of your hair. 75c and SI. 75 at druggists. Get BROWNATONE now, or Write for FREE TEST BOTTLE Mention natural color of your hair. Send a post card today— BROWNATONE, Dept. 284, COVINGTON, KY. BEAUTIFUL FINGERNAILS Don’t be embarrassed by short, broken, thin nails. It’s so easy to cover unsightly nails with nu-nails. Applied in a jiffy, they bring you long, lovely nails that everyone admires. Can be worn any length and polished any shade. Help you overcome nail biting habit. Set of 10 only 20c at all 5c10c stores . . . and at Sears. NU-NAILS,SS& ^‘‘’Allergic Shin? "Qi (joimiitici FOR SEXSrnvt SKINS AR-EX COSMETICS. INC., 1036-OH W. Uan Buren SL, Chicago 7, III. Write for information on what steps an inventor should take to secure a Patent. I olumblan Bldg., Washington, D. C. In cosmetics, too, physicians know best. Ask your doctor about AR-EX Cosmetics. At leading ■ drug stores. Write for FREE BOOKLET: “New Facts on Skin Care.” STAMMER? This new 128-page book, "Stammering, Its Cause and Correction." describes the BogueUnit Method for scientific correction of stammering and stuttering— successful for 46 years. Benj. N. Bogue, Dept. 1194, Circle Tower, Indianapolis 4, Ind. ANTED: JEWELRYr Jewelry. Cash paid immediately. Highest prices. Mail us gold teeth, watches, rings, diamonds, silverware, eyeglasses, old gold, silver, platinum, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed or your merchandise returned. Write for free information. Rose Smelting Co.. 29MW East Madison St., Chicago, III. MATERNITY DRESSES WRITE! • T Smart, youthful styles for Morning, CATMI aai . Street, or Afternoon at low budget yUKOEl FT . 1 prices. Charming fashions with con J I Spring! cealing lines for the mother-to-be. Also Maternity I Styles I Corsets & Lingerie. | 1 CRAWFORD’S, Dept. H. 729 Balt. Ave. , Kansas C ity ,Mo. Lasts from 3 to 6 Months! . New discovery makes loose dental plates fit snug and comfortable for months — almost like . having your own teeth again. For uppers and lowers. ' Easy to A pply at Home . . . Simply squeeze some “GUM GRIPPER” evenly on yonr denture, put plate > in your mouth where it sets and hardens in few minutes. No heat— no fuss— nomuss. Will not harm any denture. SEND NO MONEY... Order a tube today, for only $1.00 (deposit with your ownpostman). Each application of 4 ‘GUM GRIPPER t guaranteed to last from 3 to 6 months and delight you completely or your money will be cheerfully refunded. GUM GRIPPER, INC. 127 N. Dearborn St., Dept. 1 4-C, Chicago2,lll.